rolling push是什么意思 rolling push在线中文翻译

rolling push

rolling push 双语例句

  1. Launching an email campaign is like trying to push a car up a hill get your car rolling from a dead stop.
  2. This text is mainly about the mechanical hydraulicpart design of WY-type freight car wheel rolling bearing push mounting machine.
  3. The next step is that two persons use the roller again to push the remaining fiberglass on top of the surface into the mix by rolling twice along the table.
  4. In the next step the table is moved to the starting point, where two persons use a roller, which is 2, 85m long and 50cm diameter, to push the fiberglass into the mix by rolling twice along the table.
    下一步台面移动到起始点,在那里两人用一个2,85m 长并 50cm 直径的磙子,沿台面滚动两遍,将玻璃纤维推入混合物中。
  5. Count While Rolling: Push-button counter lets you count items as you roll.
  6. The stigmas are near the tips of the upside down umbrella-shaped style. Once the pollinators push their way into the inner chamber, they have a jolly time rolling in the pollen and slurping the nectar.
  7. The utility model is provided with the rolling push rod of a back stop device with low cost, and has the advantages of big moment, simple structure and reliable operation.
  8. In the West, many assumed that these policy imperatives, combined with China's vaunted prowess at rolling out transport infrastructure as well as government ownership of the country's big carmakers would assure the success of the national push for electric vehicles.
  9. Breaking rock rolling cutters are cutters of breaking rock with rolling in the way of the push of the cutterhead, they are used widespread in the full face rock tunnel boring machine.

rolling push

rolling push


further: 中性词,既可指对好事的促进、推进,又可指对坏事的助长。
promote: 指在某一进程的任何时期或阶段提供积极的帮助与支持。
contribute: 指能促进事物向前发展的因素,但这种因素并非决定性的。
push: 口语用词,通常指利用自己的活动或影响推进某事。
advance: 通常指为加速某一进程或达到某个预期目的而给予有效的促进,强调作出有意识、决定性的努力。

thrust: 常指迅猛地一推或突然有力地推进,侧重速度。
propel: 侧重指靠外力把人或物稳定、持续地向前推进。
shove: 一般指猛或费力地推开或移动人或物。
push: 普通用词,指用突然的力量把人或物推向前进、推开或推到另一位置上。