rush meeting是什么意思 rush meeting在线中文翻译

rush meeting

rush meeting 双语例句

  1. Just don't rush them out of your office or wherever the meeting is taking place.
  2. I have a regular meeting on every Tuesday afternoon. I rush in our office early to inquire if the postbaggage arrived.
  3. I've got to rush. Got a meeting in a few minutes
  4. But after the reformation, some problems appeared such as low concern from the employees, incompetence of shareholder meeting, inefficiency of director board, lack of supervision and the rush for short-term profits.
  5. The buffet breakfast is pricey (close to10 Sterling) but superb. I usually save it for lazy mornings as it would be a shame to rush it before a morning meeting.
  6. The public radio station said, Sharon and defense minister Eliezer held talks with the army and security officials prior to the small cabinet meeting and decided to retaliate for the bus bombing that took place at a rush hour in jerusalem.

rush meeting 单语例句

  1. The butler downs his lunch in under 10 minutes so he has time to rush to the meeting hall and coordinate with technicians.
  2. Li Ann Loo and her Westin Hotel boss rush into a Sydney taxi bound for an important business meeting.
  3. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu abruptly canceled a planned meeting with President Barack Obama in Washington to rush home.

rush meeting

rush meeting


rally: 指大规模的群众性政治集会。
congress: 指国会、议会、代表大会等机构,尤指经选举产生的国家立法机构的大会或由这些机构召开的大会,也可指专业人员代表大会。
session: 一般指议会等召开的正式会议。
assembly: 多指一个通常有许多人参加、计划好的,为某一特殊目的而召集的会议。
meeting: 普通用词,词义广泛。指一般性的会议,可用于任何场合。
gathering: 指两人以上的聚会或集会,强调非正式性。
convention: 侧重指某一政党或团体为某一特殊目的而召开的会议;也可指学术团体的年会。
conference: 正式用词,一般指大型会议,如政府工作会议、国际学术交流会议、各国之间的协商、会谈等。
council: 在国际上多指由各国代表参加的政治会议,或常设的政治机构。在国内、地方上,此词多指常设的政务领导机构,如市政委员会等。

accelerate: 着重指频率或速率运转加快。
hasten: 指由于事的紧迫性或突然性而加速。
rush: 含义与hurry相近,但显得更仓促更慌乱。
hurry: 指赶紧或匆忙地做某事或催促别人做某事,隐含草率或混乱意味。
speed: 侧重实际的快速行动。
quicken: 普通用词,指增加速度、速率。

rush: 指因急躁或事务紧急而采取快速行动。
dash: 指以最快的速度向前奔驰。