rlf是什么意思 rlf在线中文翻译


RLF 词典解释


RLF 网络解释

  1. 铲状逆断层
    ...RL 卷 | RLF 铲状逆断层 | Rll 岩性记录测井...
  2. 平头指示灯
    ...RL:锥形头指示灯 | RLF:平头指示灯 | LC: 紧凑型指示灯...
  3. 释迦牟尼(如来佛)
    ...qng 请你给个合理的解释 | rlf 释迦牟尼(如来佛) | rrd 弱弱地问一句:"...
  4. abbr. whether relaxin-like factor; 松弛素样因子
  5. abbr. yields reciprocity law failure; 互易律失效
  6. abbr. riksforbundet landsbygdens folk; 全国农村人士联合会
  7. abbr. reciprocity law failure; 倒易律失效

RLF 双语例句

  1. For carcass traits, significant effects were observed for this locus on BFT1 and BFT2; For meat quality traits, this locus was near to significantly associated with pH and pH and seemed to be dominant in action.(5) LMCD1 gene was highly expressed in heart and muscle while it had a broad expression spectrum across all tissues examined.3、NRAP (Nebulin-related anchoring protein):(1) The full coding sequence of LargeWhite, Landrace and Meishan breeds were isolated. The nucleotide sequence of 5'RACE (rapid amplification of cDNA end) and intron 39 and 40 have been deposited to GenBank under accession number DQ157553 and DQ480149.(2) 35 SNPs were identified by comparing sequences, three of which resulted in amino acid change.(3) PCR-Eco721-RFLP was developed to detect A/G substitution in intron 39. In unrelated pigs from eight breeds, both allele A and B were found in Chinese pig breeds, while only B was in LargeWhite and Landrace.(4) Association analysis in 302 F_2 animals showed significant associations between Eco721-RFLP genotypes with BWT, CFW, LEH and BFT1 for carcass traits and pH, pH, MCV1, MCV2, DLR and WHC for meat quality traits. This locus was predominant in dominance for carcass trait, but in addition for meat quality.(5) NRAP mRNA was transcribed especially in heart and skeleton muscle.4、ECH1 (Enoyl CoA hydratase 1):(1) The full coding sequence of LargeWhite, Landrace and Meishan breeds, 5'RACE and all introns except intron 3 were isolated and deposited to GenBank under accession number DQ157552 and DQ480146DQ157552.(2) 17 SNPs were identified, of which one was cSNP.(3) Two A/G substitution were detected by PCR-BamHⅠ-RFLP in intron 1 and PCR- PstⅠ-RFLP in intron 5 separately, and T/C mutation in exon 4 was detected by PCR-SSCP. Among seven different pig breeds examined, results of BamHⅠ-RFLP in intron 1 showed that the frequency of allele B was near to 1 in LargeWhite and Landrace; both allele A and B were found in Chinese pig breeds, and allele B was predominant in other breeds except Meishan and Qingping. For PCR- PstⅠ-RFLP in intron 5, in seven commercial pig breeds, both alleles C and D were detected in all other examined breeds except Jianli pig which only had allele D.(4) Association analysis in 296 F_2 animals showed significant associations between BamHⅠ-RFLP genotypes and CFW, LEH and WM. And this locus seemed to be dominant in action. For PCR- PstⅠ-RFLP in intron 5 in 306 F_2 animals, for carcass traits, significant effects were observed for this locus on DP and AST; For meat quality traits, this locus was significantly associated with MCV2.(5) Expression of ECH1 gene can be detected in all tissues examined: heart, liver, lung, kidney, spleen, stomach, small intestine, muscle and fat.5、CKMT2 (creatine kinase, mitochondrial 2):(1) The full coding sequence of LargeWhite, Landrace and Meishan breeds were isolated and deposited GenBank under accession number DQ363337. In addition, the sequence of intron 4 can be seen in appendix 14.(2) Of nine SNPs identified within these sequences, three of which resulted in amino acid change.(3) An PCR- MspⅠ-RFLP was developed to detect the A/G polymorphism in intron 4. Among nine pig breeds examined, allele B was 1 or near to 1 in Meishan and Erhualian, while in other seven breeds all were 1 of allele A.(4) 302 F_2 animals were typed for association analysis. For carcass traits, significant effects were observed for this locus on BWT, IFR, FMP, CL, BFT1, BFT2 and BFT3, and their additive effects were predominant; For meat quality traits, this locus was significantly associated with WM.(5) Expression of CKMT2 gene was predominant in heart and skeleton muscle and moderate in lung, kidney and fat, although a weak signal was observed for liver, ovary and testis, and no expression in spleen, stomach, small intestine and uterus.6、TTID (Titin Immunoglobulin Domain Protein):(1) The full coding sequence of LargeWhite, Landrace and Meishan breeds and sequences of all introns except intron 2 and 7 were isolated and deposited to GenBank under accession number DQ157551 and DQ480148.(2) Total 51 SNPs within these intron sequences and no mutation or deletion was found in cDNA sequences.(3) An PCR- HinfⅠ-RFLP was developed to detect T/C substitution in intron 6. Among ten pig breeds which were typed by HinfⅠ-RFLP, results showed that there were significantly different in allele frequencies between Chinese indigenous pig breeds and foreign pig breeds: the frequencies were 1 or near to1 in LargeWhite and Landrace, while allele A was predominant in other five breeds although allele B were only a bit dominant in Erxihei, Qinsping and Bamei.(4) 279 F_2 animals were typed for association analysis. For carcass Waits, significant effects were observed for this locus on SP, LEA and AST, and their additive effects were significant; For meat quality traits, this locus was significantly associated with pH, MCV1 and WM, and their additive effects were significant.(5) Expression of TTID gene was highest in skeleton muscle and heart, with weak level in fat and lung, and no signal in other tissues.7、PFKM (Phosphofructokinase Muscle Type):(1) The full cDNA sequence of LargeWhite, Landrace and Meishan breeds and sequences of 2-21 introns were isolated and deposited to GenBank under accession number DQ363336 and DQ480147. And the length of sequence of intron 1 was identified.(2) Of the 111 SNPs identified within all sequences, four of which resulted in amino acid change.(3) PCR-TaqⅠ-RFLP were developed to detect T/C substitution in exon 13 and exon 17. In unrelated individuals from seven different pig breeds, allele frequencies of the TaqⅠ-RFLP in exon 13 was compared: frequencies of allele B in LargeWhite, Landrace, Erxihei were 1 or near to 1, and a little dominant of allele B in other four Chinese pig breeds. For the same polymorphism in exon 17, the trend of allele frequencies distribution was the similar to that of exon 13.(4) For association analysis in the 214 F_2 animals, significant effects were observed for different genetype of exon 13 on BWT, IFR, FMP, LMP, RLF, LEH, BFT1, BFI2, BFT4 and ABF of carcass traits. It is notable that both additive effects and dominant effects in BWT, LMP, RLF and LEH were very significant; For meat quality traits, this locus was significantly associated with MCV2, MM1, WM and IMF. Association analysis in 241 F2 animals showed there were significant effects on BFI3 and ABF of carcass traits and on MM1, MM2, DLR, WHC, IMF and WM of meat quality traits with TaqⅠ-RFLP in exon 17.(5) Expression of PFKM gene had different levels in each examined tissue except stomach and small intestine, with highest in skeleton muscle, then in heart.8、MYLPF (myosin light chain, phosphorylatable, fast skeletal muscle):(1) The full genomic sequence of of LargeWhite, Landrace and Meishan breeds were isolated and deposited to GenBank under accession number DQ533994.(2)43 SNPs, including 5 cSNPs, were found by comparing sequences of three pig breeds, three of which resulted in amino acid change.(3) PCR-TaqⅠ-RFLP and PCR-MspⅠ-RFLP were developed to detect G/A substitution and T/C substitution in intron 1 separately. For MspⅠ-RFLP among seven different pig breeds examined, the frequency of allele B was two times of that of allele A in Landrace, while allele B were predominant in other breeds. For TaqⅠ-RFLP, the frequency of allele B was two times of that of allele A in LargeWhite and Landrace.(4) The locus of MspⅠ-RFLP was typed in 140 pigs (Landrace, LargeWhite, Meishan, LargeWhite×Landrace and Landrace×Large White pigs) to study the association between carders of different genotype and the trait values. For carcass traits, significant effects were observed for this locus on LMP, SP, LEW and LEA, with approximative significant on BFT1 and LEH(P<0.06). This locus appeared to be additive effects with different action direction; For meat quality traits, this locus was significantly associated with MM1, MM2 and WM and IMF, which appeared to be predominant on addictive effects.(5) RT-PCR analysis of MYLPF showed its expression in all tissues examined, with highest levels in heart and skeleton muscle.
    在所检测的6个猪种中,大白、长白、鄂西黑和皖南花猪种G等位基因的基因频率为1或接近1,而梅山和清平品种的等位基因G基因频率分别为0.2889和0;(4)在178头大×梅F_2代资源家系中进行标记性状关联分析,该位点与胸腰椎间背膘厚和臀部平均背膘厚差异显著,该位点以显性作用方式为主,且方向一致;(5)该基因在所检测的各组织中均有表达,在心脏和肌肉中表达量最高。3、NRAP(Nebulin-related anchoring protein,伴肌动蛋白相关锚定蛋白):(1)获得了大白猪、杜洛克猪、梅山猪三个猪种基因编码序列、5`RACE(rapid amplificationof cDNA end,快速扩增cDNA末端)及其第39、40内含子序列,序列已提交到GenBank中,登录号为DQ157553和DQ480149;(2)发现了35个SNPs,其中3处预测可导致氨基酸改变;(3)建立了第39内含子A/G替换的PCR-Eco721-RFLP分型方法;在所检测的8个猪种中,大白、长白猪种B等位基因的基因频率为1,中国地方猪群可检测到A和B等位基因;(4)在302头大×梅F_2代资源家系中进行标记性状关联分析,该位点与出生重、内脂率、眼肌高度、肩部背膘厚、背最长肌pH值、失水力、系水力、背最长肌肌肉色值、股二头肌pH值和股二头肌色值显著或极显著相关,该位点在胴体性状以显性作用方式为主,肉质性状则以加性作用为主;(5)该基因特异性的在心脏和骨骼肌中表达。4、ECHI (Enoyl CoA hydramse 1,烯酯酰辅酶A水合酶1):(1)获得了大白猪、长白猪、梅山猪三个猪种基因编码序列、5`RACE及第3内含子外的所有内含子序列,并提交到序列的GenBank登录号为DQ157552和DQ480146;(2)序列比对发现了17个SNPs,其中1处cSNP;(3)建立了第1内含子A/G替换的PCR-BamHⅠ-RFLP、第5内含子A/G替换的PCR-PstⅠ-RFLP分型方法和第4外显子T/C突变的PCR-SSCP分型方法;第1内含子的酶切多态,在所检测的7个猪种中,大白和长白猪种B等位基因的基因频率接近为1,而中国猪种均可检测到A和B等位基因,除清平猪种外,其余品种均为B等位基因占优势;关于第5内含子多态性分布,在所检测的7个猪种中,监利猪未检测到A等位基因,其余猪种均可检测到A和B等位基因,均为B等位基因占优势;(4)在296头大×梅F_2代资源家系中进行标记性状关联分析,第1内含子多态的不同基因型间内脂率、眼肌高度和肌内水分等生产性状差异显著,以显性效应为主;在306头大×梅F_2代资源家系中进行标记性状关联分析,第5内含子位点与屠宰率、平均皮厚和股二头肌色值差异显著;(5)该基因在所检测的9个组织中均表达。5、CKMT2 crcatine kinase,mitochondrial 2(sarcomeric,肌节线粒体肌酸激酶2:(1)获得了大白猪、长白猪、梅山猪三个猪种基因cDNA序列,该基因GenBank登录号为DQ363337,获得的第4内含子序列见附录14;(2)序列比对,发现了9个SNPs,其中3处预测可导致氨基酸改变;(3)建立了第4内含子A/G替换的PCR-MspⅠ-RFLP分型方法,在检测的9个猪种中,梅山和二花脸猪中B等位基因频率为1或接近1,其他7个猪种均为A等位基因频率为1;(4)在302头大×梅F_2代资源家系中进行标记性状关联分析,该位点与出生重、内脂率、肥肉率、胴体长、肩部背膘厚、胸腰椎间背膘厚、臀部背膘厚和肌内水分等性状差异显著,以加性作用方式为主;(5)该基因在心脏和骨骼肌中表达丰度最高,在脾脏、胃、小肠和子宫中不表达,在其余组织不同程度的表达。6、TTID (Titin Immunoglobul in Domain Protein;肌联蛋白免疫球蛋白区域蛋白):(1)获得了大白猪、长白猪、梅山猪三个猪种基因全长cDNA序列以及除第2、7内含子外的所有内含子序列,提交到GenBank的登录号为DQ157551和DQ480148;(2)序列比对发现了51个SNPs,该基因cDNA中没有发现碱基突变或缺失;(3)建立了第6内含子T/C替换的PCR-HinfⅠ-RFLP分型方法,在检测的10个猪种中,在大白和长白猪种中B等位基因的频率为1或是接近1,国内品种中除鄂西黑猪、清平猪和八眉猪中B等位基因频率略占优势外,其余5个品种均为A等位基因占绝对优势;(4)在279头大×梅F_2代资源家系中进行标记性状关联分析,胴体性状方面,该位点与皮率和眼肌面积差异显著,与平均皮厚差异极显著;并且表现为加性效应显著或极显著,肉质方面,该位点与股二头肌pH值、背最长肌和肌内水分差异显著,表现为显性效应显著;(5)该基因在心脏和骨骼肌中表达量很高,在脂肪和肺中微量表达,其余组织中不表达。7、PFKM (Phosphofructokinase Muscle Type,肌型磷酸果糖激酶):(1)获得了大白猪、长白猪、梅山猪三个猪种基因全长cDNA序列及第2到21内含子序列,验证猪中第1内含子的大小,序列GenBank的登录号为DQ363336和DQ480147;(2)序列比对发现了111处SNPs,其中4处预测可导致氨基酸改变;(3)建立了第13外显子T/C替换和第17外显子的PCR-TaqⅠ-RFLP分型方法,在所检测的7个猪种中,第13外显子多态性分布频率在检测的大白、长白和鄂西黑猪中B等位基因频率为1,另外四个国内猪种均为B等位基因占优势,在所检测的7个猪种中,第17外显子多态性分布频率基本同第13外显子位点的分布,(4)在214头大×梅F_2代资源家系中进行标记性状关联分析,第13外显子位点基因型不同时,出生重、内脂率、肥肉率、瘦肉率、瘦肥比率、眼肌高度、6—7胸腰椎间背膘厚、胸腰椎间背膘厚、肩部背膘厚、三点平均背膘厚、股二头肌色值、背最长肌大理石纹、肌内水分和肌内脂肪差异显著或极显著;该位点在部分胴体性状加性效应和显性效应均为极显著;在241头大×梅F_2代资源家系中进行标记性状关联分析,第17外显子位点与眼肌高度、臀部背膘厚、三点平均背膘厚、大理石纹、失水率、系水力、肌内脂肪和肌内水分差异显著或极显著;(5)该基因在心脏和骨骼肌中表达量很高,胃和小肠没有表达,其他组织均有不同程度的表达。8、MYLPF (myosin light chain,phosphorylatable,fast skeletal muscle,肌浆球蛋白轻链可磷酸化蛋白):(1)获得了大白猪、长白猪和梅山猪的基因组序列;序列GenBank的登录号为DQ533994;(2)序列比对,发现了43处SNPs,有5处cSNPs,其中3处预测可导致氨基酸改变;(3)建立了第1内含子G/A替换的PCR-TaqⅠ-RFLP和TIC替换的PCR-MspⅠ-RFLP分型方法;在所检测的7个猪种中,第1内含子MspⅠ-RFLP多态性分布频率在长白猪中A等位基因与B等位基因频率的比例大约为1:2,其余猪种为B等位基因占绝对优势;在所检测的7个猪种中,第1内含子TaqⅠ-RFLP多态性分布频率,在大白和长白猪中A等位基因与B等位基因频率的比例大约为1:2,国内猪种均为B等位基因占绝对优势;(4)在140头试验猪群(长白、梅山、长白、长白×大白、大白×长白)中进行标记性状关联分析,基因型不同时,瘦肉率、皮率、股二头肌大理石纹、背最长肌大理石纹和肌内水分差异显著,眼肌宽度、眼肌面积和肌内脂肪差异极显著,肩部背膘厚和眼肌高度差异接近显著水平;该位点在这些性状上均表现为加性作用方式,但作用方向不同;(5)该基因在各组织中均有表达,尤以心脏和骨骼肌中表达丰度最高。
  2. However, such defect as crack, pore, oxidation and ill bonding between cladding layers might appear in RLF parts if the process parameters controlled improperly. And crack was a kind of defect, which was the most familiar and companied with the largest brisance.
  3. MCM proteins are important member of replication licensing factor, which indicate the start of the initiation of DNA replication bonding with the chromatin before the initiation of DNA replication.
    MCM蛋白是复制准许因子(replication licensing factor,RLF)中的一个重要成员,在DNA复制起始前与染色质结合标志着一个复制起始的开始。
  4. Objective: To investigate the expression of RLFmRNA in the rat ovaries during pregnancy and study the effect of RLF in the process of pregnancy.
  5. RLF is concerned with the whole process of pregnancy.
  6. The increase in the activity of SOD in myocardium was also observed. CONCLUSION: RLF may protect myocardium against ischemia injury.
  7. From these observation it is clear that rLF shows certain potential for practical application and its use is valuable in clinical diagnosis, disease surveillance and to evaluate the intensity of epidemiogenesis of anthrax in some area.
  8. RESULTS: RLF reduced the height of T wave in electrocardigram in myocardial ischemia mice and inhibited the decrease in heart rate. RLF also reduced the content of LDH in serum and the content of MDA in myocardium.
  9. Compare to other VAD approaches, experimental results shown that the two BSE and RLF parameters used for determining voice activity successfully exploit the characteristic of speech signal and is nearly robust against variable noise level.
  10. Most of RLF exhibitors were satisfied with fair, agreeing that RLF, the industry leading trade show, played a active role in promoting their products and creating their brand image. They will be continuously support RLF Shanghai Show in this September.
  11. In order to enhance the part of unvoiced speech, the ratio of low-band energy to full-band energy is presented to discriminating the unvoiced sound from background noises.
    为了要强化语音讯号的无声部份,其低频能量对全频带能量的比值(the ratio of low-band to full-band energy,RLF)可用来区隔无声语音与背景噪音特性的差别。
  12. Close relationship of the ageing characters of residual life function (RLF) to that of life function is expounded and the characters of mean residual life function (MRLF) is given.
  13. AIM: To investigate effects of Retinervus luffae fructus (RLF) on level of serum lipid and body weight in hyperlipidemia rats.
  14. In addition, this system can be used in conjunction with, or without, the new RLF or galvanised steel sub-frame flooring systems.
  15. The relaxin-like factor (RLF), which is the product of the reproductive gland of male and female, is a new member of the insulin-IGF-relaxin family.
  16. MCM proteins are important member of replication licensing factor (RLF), which indicate the start of the initiation of DNA replication bonding with the chromatin before the initiation of DNA replication.
  17. Rapid Laser Forming (RLF) was a new and advanced manufacture technology which has been developed on the base of combining high-power laser cladding technology with rapid prototyping to realize net shape forming of high performance dense metal components without dies.
  18. Pituitrin was used to establish the model of acute myocardial ischemia in mice, and was investigated the effect of RLF on cardial function.
  19. RLF-series are with indoor brass wore clip of cover, which can be used for the connection of in-wire and branch wire for one-house one meter system.


abbr. retrolental fibroplasias 晶状体后的纤维素增生