right arm是什么意思 right arm在线中文翻译

right arm

right arm 双语例句

  1. I now have a slight limp and the right arm is not working too well thru'the stroke. But apart from that I am OK.
  2. The right ones (a Michael Kors dress or a rare lipstick) mean deliverance, while the wrong ones (a Laura Ashley dress or a fat arm) can be ruinous.
    于是,布希内尔本人就赋予某些东西以超凡的力量;那些可心的(比如Michael Kors女装或珍品口红)就意味着超脱,而不如意的(比如Laura Ashley女装或者肥臂)则近乎灾难。
  3. The first chapter is devoted to domestic and international automatic meter reading technology development in the second chapter analyzes the structure of meter reading system, its on/lower forms of communication are described in detail, Comparison of the different forms of communication-the advantages and disadvantages of the first chapter on Ethernet for communication of meter reading system will be introduced. that it is a very promising means of meter IV and V detailed Ethernet Meter System Controller design, hardware and software into two, right to the use of the microprocessor ARM c
  4. This does a better job on the front arm faces than cylinder mapping, but it's not calculating at the right angle again.
  5. Jehovah has sworn by His right hand And by His strong arm: Surely I will never again give your grain As food for your enemies, And surely the children of the foreigner will not drink your new wine For which you have labored
    62:8 耶和华指着自己的右手和大能的膀臂起誓,说,我必不再将你的五谷给你的仇敌作食物,外邦人也必不再喝你劳碌得来的新酒
  6. We're just going right there.- Oh, my arm.
  7. Stop pulling my arm, you have no right to maul me about like this!
  8. Keep your shoulders relaxed and cross your right arm over your chest.
  9. Shoulder blade long and well laid back, meeting upper arm at close to a right angle.
  10. Soon his right arm reached around to the other side of the child and he added a running obbligato.
  11. The second, which was called the Rue de la Harpe on the left bank, Rue de la Barilleri in the island, Rue Saint-Denis on the right bank, Pont Saint-Michel on one arm of the Seine, Pont au Change on the other, ran from the Porte Saint-Michel in the University, to the Porte Saint-Denis in the Town.
  12. Either side of the combat. Llane, for all his planning, was the one caught by surprise, and the spear skewered his right arm.
  13. My right arm hurts. It hurts right here.
  14. Your right arm pulls over your body and head to the floor behind your back The stretch should be in your gluteus, the right leg and the lower part of the back.
  15. I saw his right arm swing up.
  16. As your left leg slides back your right arm should swing forward.
  17. The nurse is a new hand unexpectedly, in charge of holding the needle on one hand, pinch right to pinch on the left on her arm on the other hand, result one stitch go down or pitch, lean towards position, sand Philippines see nurse take, come out, become nervous syringe needle unavoidably on the heart while being very reluctantly while being refined.
  18. A veil is caught up in her right arm and draped over her head and left shoulder.
  19. Merchant foundries can be a special case; not only are they allowed to sell finished silicon containing ARM cores, they generally hold the right to remanufacture ARM cores for other customers.
    商用晶圆厂是特殊例子,因为他们不仅授予能贩售包含 ARM 内核的矽晶成品,对其它客户来讲,他们通常也保留重制 ARM 内核的权利。
  20. Gently lifting his right hand from the small girl's shoulder, the jeweler reached out his hand and held the woman's arm, now shifting his loving gaze to her eyes.

right arm 单语例句

  1. The left cerebral cortex is the part of the brain that people use to move their right arm.
  2. But the boy passed the front of the tigress, and she bit his right arm and clawed his head and neck.
  3. One day, the hospital received a patient with serious comminuted fracture on the right arm.
  4. She has her right hand on Adonis'right arm, trying to stop him from leaving her.
  5. And England striker Wayne Rooney has a Celtic cross on his right arm.
  6. The Western Han Dynasty lamp is detachable with each part - lamp panel, lamp holder and the right arm of the maid - cast separately.
  7. Police were not sure what to think when they noticed a speeding driver was also hooked up to an intravenous drip on his right arm.
  8. The Heavenly King on the coin girds himself with armor, holding a tower in his right hand with his left arm akimbo.
  9. Cave 13 has a Buddha statue with a giant figurine supporting its right arm.
  10. Two struck him in the stomach, one in his right arm and the fourth hit his little finger.

right arm

na. 得力助手
[网络] 右臂;右手;游戏中角色的右手
right arm


correct: 最常用词,主要指按一定标准或规则来衡量,没有谬误和差错或无缺点错误。
accurate: 指通过谨慎的努力达到符合事实或实际,侧重不同程度的准确性,与事实无出入。
exact: 着重在质与量方面的准确,语气比accurate强。
true: 暗指绝对准确,尤指复制品与原件丝毫不差。
right: 使用广泛,可与这些词中的correct换用,但常暗示道德、理解、行动等方面的正确。
precise: 侧重极端准确,更强调细节的精确无误。

instantly: 指恰恰就在此刻,一秒钟也没耽误。
right away: 主要用于美国英语,语气稍弱于at once,强调动作迅速。
directly: 和immediately同义,指毫无迟疑。
soon: 常用词,指行动快,完成速度快。
at once: 口语中常用,语气强烈,指时间紧迫,一刻也不能耽误。
shortly: 和soon同义,指动作发生或完成的速度之快。
presently: 指不久、即将。
immediately: 指做完一件事后,立即就做另一件事,中间一般没有明显的时间间隔。

privilege: 特权
power: 力量,权力
right: 权利