regular army是什么意思 regular army在线中文翻译

Regular Army

Regular Army 词典解释


Regular Army 网络解释

  1. 正规军
    ...regulable 可调整的 | regular army 正规军 | regular marriage 合法婚姻...
  2. 正规军,常备军
    ...regiment团 | regular army正规军,常备军 | reserves预备役,预备役军人...
  3. 正规陆军
    ...regular arc ==> 正则弧 | Regular Army ==> 正规陆军 | regular asteroid ==> 正星形线,正则星形线...
  4. 正規軍;常備軍軍事兵種
    ...14994正規軍軍事作戰regular army | 14995正規軍;常備軍軍事兵種regular army | 14996正單商業交易original...

Regular Army 双语例句

  1. Period in the history of China the only country entirely by the regular army recruitment times.
  2. The existence of a regular Red Army of adequate strength is a necessary condition for the existence of Red political power.
  3. The government wants to turn them into a regular army.
  4. By family tradition he was destined for a career as a regular army officer.
  5. He joined the army in 1973 began studying calligraphy, to rubbing from a stone inscription for the division, 勤学苦练on a regular basis, into the book scene in 1986, 1987 and joined the Chinese Calligraphers Association, which works especially硬笔calligraphy, many times in the National Competition and won a major one Awards, etc..
  6. Yes, of course we do. We are the makes-no-difference-part of the regular army. Our only way-out is to recognize our status.
    是 当然是啊我们属于正规军当中有了不多,没了不少的那一部分,我们的主要出路呢,也就是要认清这一现状。
  7. A military force that is not part of a regular army and is subject to call for service in an emergency.
  8. In his last campaigns, Charles added three infantrymen—a culverinier or hand-gunner, a crossbowman and a pikeman—to each lance, but again they would operate separately, and this was more of an administrative measure, showing that the bulk of the army, infantry as well as cavalry, had become regular, paid, troops—of the Ordinance.
  9. In the Swat Valley alone, there are some 15, 000 regular army soldiers.
  10. And sixthly, one will also understand that the policy which merely calls for roving guerrilla actions cannot accomplish the task of accelerating this nation-wide revolutionary high tide, while the kind of policy adopted by Chu Teh and Mao Tse-tung and also by Fang Chih-min[1] is undoubtedly correct -- that is, the policy of establishing base areas; of systematically setting up political power; of deepening the agrarian revolution; of expanding the people's armed forces by a comprehensive process of building up first the township Red Guards, then the district Red Guards, then the county Red Guards, then the local Red Army troops, all the way up to the regular Red Army troops, of spreading political power by advancing in a series of waves, etc., etc.
  11. The PLA annihilated the Kuomintang army andother bandit forces on the mainland of China and liberated the whole of Chinaexcept Taiwan, Jinmen and a few other coastal islands, thus established nationalunity and peace in China. It won the War to Resist US Aggression and AidKorea and the War to Resist France and Aid Vietnam, bombarded Jinmen islandand won a series of other defensive battles so that it provided national securityand protected socialist construction. It established as its target building arevolutionary, regular and modernized PLA. It set up new services and arms, armed itself with standard weapons and equipment, mostly domestic designedand manufactured.
  12. These projects rely on outside the ring and regular army counter?
  13. The attempt was quickly suppressed by Loyalist forces led by the Army, the General Service Unit - a paramilitary wing of the police - and later the regular police, but not without civilian casualties.
  14. Supporters of Mr Ahmadinejad`s millenarian populism include commanders of the Revolutionary Guard and its larger volunteer auxiliary, the baseej, as well as allies the president has packed into the regular army, police and intelligence services.
  15. Supporters of Mr Ahmadinejad`s millenarian populism include commanders of the Revolutionary Guard and its larger volunteer auxiliary, the baseej, as well as allies the president has packed into the regular army, police and intelligence services. They are backed by extreme conservatives among the Shia clergy, some of whom say a pious elect, not the people, should rule.
  16. Google Android departure of non- regular army...
  17. To change the present situation in which the regular army is fighting alone into one in which extensive guerrilla warfare by the people is developed in co-ordination with regular army operations; and so on and so forth.
  18. In fact, I was an aspiring chemist and a regular soldier in the army.
  19. In fact, I were an aspiring chemist and a regular soldier in the army.
  20. In fact, I was an aspiring chemist a regular soldier in the army.

Regular Army 单语例句

  1. There is ample evidence that morale in the regular army is not high and that not all units can be relied on to fight.
  2. They also fought on the front lines next to regular army troops.
  3. It is made up of 17 regular army divisions and six divisions of the elite Republican Guard.
  4. He had entered the reserve in February 2000 after serving in the regular Army.
  5. Servicemen and women with the People's Liberation Army have also received regular emergency response training since the Sichuan earthquake.

Regular Army

un. 常备军
[网络] 正规军;正规陆军;皇家陆军在正规军
Regular Army


army: 军队,着重指军队这个整体,包括陆海空三军。当与navy和air force并列使用时,则指陆军。如:We will have not only a powerful army but also a powerful air force and a powerful navy.(我们不但要有强大的陆军,而且要有强大的空军和海军。)
force: 军队,部队,着重指武力,常用复数。如:Forces were sent out to stop the conflict.派出武装部队制止这场冲突。
troop: 部队,着重指构成军队的士兵成员,常用复数。如:They sent the troops to the front.他们把军队派往前线。

army: 表军队的总称,与navy(海军)、air force(空军)并列时指陆军。
troops: 常用复数,多指陆军,着重构成军队的士兵成员,有时也指骑兵部队。
forces: 语体较正式,多用复数形式,既可指包括陆、海、空在内的一个国家的整个武装力量,也可指某一兵种。

usual: 普通用词,概念广泛。指经常发生或意料中的事,既可指自然发生的现象,也可指按个人习惯或惯例而做的事。
habitual: 指按个人习惯反复发生的事情。侧重经常性、习惯性。
regular: 着重遵守约定俗成的规则。
conventional: 语气强,指遵守已成习惯的事情,强调符合惯例,由人们普遍认可。
customary: 指特定的个人或群体的平常习惯,或习俗性的行为。

ordinary: 强调一般性和普通性,含不突出的意味。
typical: 指个体能体现出群体的特征。
regular: 指已有模式、有规律或定期的。
normal: 指不超过某种限度、符合某种标准或常规。
natural: 侧重某人或某物的行为符合其固有特性。