regression是什么意思 regression在线中文翻译

regression 英 [rɪˈgreʃn] 美 [rɪˈɡrɛʃən]


regression 词典解释

名词回归;衰退;(尤指因催眠或精神疾患,或为逃避目前忧虑)回到从前;(统计学) 回归

regression 网络解释

  1. 衰退
    ...为了评价背景强度,Wu 等 (2003) 使用线性衰退(regression),并且从本地线性中减去按实物尺寸定制的(fitted)衰退值. Baggerly 等 (2003)提议在他们的MALDI数据分析中半单调(semimonotonic)基线校正方法. 为了获得基线矫正过的谱,...
  2. 海退
    ...临海的陆地隆起就容易产生海阶(coastal terrace)地形,这是海退(regression)现象的结果. 因为陆地不断地隆起,海岸受到波浪侵蚀形成海蚀台或海蚀棚,同时海岸线因陆地隆起,新的海岸受到海水侵蚀,会再形成海蚀台,海水继续不断地侵蚀,...
  3. 退化
    ...2.退化与依赖 退化(regression)是当人受到挫折或遭遇应激时,放弃成年人应对方式而使用幼儿时期的方式应付环境变化或满足自己的欲望. 退化行为主要是为了获得别人的同情支持和照顾,以减轻心理上的压力和痛苦....

regression 英英释义

  1. returning to a former state
    Synonym: regress reversion retrogression retroversion
  2. the relation between selected values of x and observed values of y (from which the most probable value of y can be predicted for any value of x)
    Synonym: simple regression regression toward the mean statistical regression
  3. (psychiatry) a defense mechanism in which you flee from reality by assuming a more infantile state
  4. an abnormal state in which development has stopped prematurely
    Synonym: arrested development fixation infantile fixation

regression [rɪˈgreʃn]

n. 回归;退化;逆行;复原
n. (psychiatry) a defense mechanism in which you flee from reality by assuming a more infantile state
n. the relation between selected values of x and observed values of y (from which the most probable value of y can be predicted for any value of x)
n. returning to a former state