real forest是什么意思 real forest在线中文翻译

real forest

real forest 双语例句

  1. Finally, the technique is proved to be valid in real-time rendering of large scale forest scene.
  2. I used to be a real hermit; at one point my husband and I lived on a 500-acre ranch- just us, the dogs, the stars and an old mare that I`d ride into the forest.
  3. The paper supposed five different land use scenarios, scenario1: most of the land use is forest and grass, scenarios 2: most of the land use is forest, sparsely forest and grassland, scenarios 3: the real land use of the region of interest, scenarios 4: most of the land use is range grass, sparsely forest and grassland, and scenarios 5: most of the land use is range grass.
  4. Any action would need to be cost-effective, result in real benefits for the climate system, promote sustainable development, and enhance forest ecosystem services as a capital resource.
  5. Can the forest become contemporary real estate?
  6. Senior manager of Beijing real estate Mr Chan forest Sharon said that in the foreign real estate business long-term investment is one of the mainstream of financial investment, but at present in the country, policies are more restrictions, or even that this area is basically a blank.
  7. After more than two years, the forestry tenure reform in Liaoning has made the following achievements, the real certification forestland area occupying 65.04% of the reform dues, signed 2.0522 million contract copies, 7293 villages have been completed the reform, 2.397 million farmer households, 8.47 million farmers participated in the forest tenure reform.
  8. Later-in the teak forest, in the first camp, when during his first night on sentry duty he had found himself for periods wishing only to cry, and when with the relief of dawn there had also come the amazing cry of a far-off peacock, the cry a peacock makes in the early morning after it has had its first drink of water at some forest pool: a raucous, tearing cry that should have spoken of a world refreshed and remade but seemed after the long bad night to speak only of everything lost, man, bird, forest, world; and then, when that camp was a romantic memory, during the numbing guerrilla years, going on and on, in forest, village, small-town, when to travel about in disguise had often appeared to be an end in itself and it was possible for much of the day to forget what the purpose of the disguise was, when he had felt himself decaying intellectually, felt bits of his personality breaking off and then in the jail, with its blessed order, its fixed timetable, its protecting rules, the renewal it offered-later it was possible to work out the stages by which he had moved from what he would have considered the real world to all the subsequent areas of unreality: moving as it were from one sealed chamber of the spirit to another.
  9. The sun from the early Court, 浣花溪Villa, Cottage Spring, Shu-Feng Garden City, the Park chassiron real estate, and now confidence柳城Yi Court, Jinlin Peninsula, Fulin Shahe Metro, Blair County and the surrounding park Wangjiang such as the Riverside impression CRC Emerald City and many other properties, they have unique Du Fu Cottage, Wangjiang Park, Jinsha Ruins Park, River Park, Forest Park, Sports Park and so on, so these regions for a wide variety of real estate buyers sought after new favorite.
  10. If just opened the pure type small senior community in the spring of Northern Australia Lin four, five between 2008 Beijing Olympics Southeast immediate athletes apartments, 25 metres from the northeast Lin and Crafts Road is 13, 000 acres of national forest parks departments last year because of the Olympic Village on the cessation of the surrounding land and real estate projects.
  11. Therefore, only by making clear the status of forest felling property in the real right, perfecting the legal system and establishing the high-efficient administration mechanism for forest felling can the forest felling right be really realized.
  12. Current monitoring of forest fires in China are generally rely on artificial lookout, monitoring stations, artificial patrol prevention and laying the video monitoring network and so on, which found the fire point of the real-time and accuracy very difficulty.
  13. He argues that support for REDD is based on flimsy evidence and that we know little about costs for developing countries (see What are the real costs of reducing forest emissions? ).
  14. Meanwhile, manage the forest resources attribute data and spatial data simultaneously, ensure real-time operating data, support decision-making for the forestry sector.
  15. The tourist resort has 15km gold coastline and 40, 000 mu forest belts, formed a 500-meter-wide green barrier composed of windbreak, ecological forest and production forest. It not only creates an excellent environment but also provides favorable conditions for developing the tertiary industry such as tourism, entertainment, catering, leisure recuperating and real estate.
  16. TV transmit center on internet, landscape preview center on internet, real people guide center on internet and orientation guide service center are key ways to improve and reform traditional forest tourism industry by information technology.
  17. Remote sensing has being applied broadly to forest dynamic monitoring, real object classification statistical method offers the feasibility for forest cover dynamic monitoring.
  18. Study on the Real Right and Obligatory Right of Collective Forest Property in Our Country
  19. The property-rights of forest resource, as a right of property, belong to real-rights, the foci of which are respectively the right of possession, usufruct, the right of interest and right of disposing.
  20. Three major objectives are expected to be achieved during the period between 2000-10. First, Protecting existing forest resources in real earnest.

real forest

real forest


real: 普通用词,含义较广,有时可与actual和genuine换用。指一切真实的或 表面看不出虚假的事物。
authentic: 常可与genuine换用,指与事实完全相符,强调准确可靠。
genuine: 普通常用词,指真正的,货真价实的,强调非人为或非虚假的。
true: 指同实际情况或标准完全一致。口语中多用。
actual: 指事物的实际存在,并非出自主观臆造。
factual: 与actual同义,但更测重根据事实,不扩大或缩小,不渲染。

bushes: 指灌木丛,矮树林。
jungle: 特指热带的丛林。
forest: 多指树木高大,面积大、人迹罕至的原始森林。
plantation: 指人造林。
woods: 指面积不大的树林或小块的树林。
grove: 通常指面积较小,树木整齐,地面干净的小树林,尤指果林。