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Ramapithecus 双语例句

  1. Thereafter, due to a large number of ancient human fossils found in the material, some people think that the human and ape in the new Middle and Late Miocene Tertiary (180-600 million years ago) started to divide the community a few years Dryopithecus health of various species are the ancestors of monkeys, a species which evolved into the first person Branch representatives - Ramapithecus later evolved from the Ramapithecus dating back 200 million years ago, Australopithecus, and then through the Homo erectus, early Homo sapiens, late Homo sapiens (M. Krume farmer) and evolved into modern man.
  2. Some scholars, according to Kenyan fossils found in Ramapithecus the canine fossa be able to contribute a fixed exercise the muscles of the lips when they talk, suggesting it may have the ability to speak after mid-century, some scholars.20 After a Ramapithecus differences between the age of fossils and ape research, raise objections that Ramapithecus not human ancestors, but the ancestors of apes and advocated dividing line between ape was 500 years ago.
  3. Morphological features of Ramapithecus and Sivapithecus and their phylogenetic relationships - morphology and comparison of the mandibles
  4. More Ramapithecus skulls found from lufeng, yunnan-report on the excavation of the site in 1981

Ramapithecus [,rɑ:mәpә'ti:kәs]

n. 腊玛古猿(在印度西瓦立克山区)