protestantism是什么意思 protestantism在线中文翻译

Protestantism 英 ['prɒtɪstəntɪzəm] 美 [ˈprɑtɪstənˌtɪzəm]

Protestantism 词典解释


Protestantism 网络解释

  1. 基督教
    ...在十六七世纪,欧洲新兴资产阶级反对教会为封建阶级所垄断,所以发生了宗教改革运动,基督教(Protestantism)就是代表资产阶级的利益的. 在这里我们就可以看到:宗教在其发展的过程中,迟早总是要变成为支配阶级在精神上迷乱及镇服被支配阶级的麻醉剂的....
  2. 更正教
    ...在一般英文文献中,基督教(Christianity)实际上包括了天主教(Catholicism)、东正教(Orthodoxy)和基督教新教(或者更正教)(Protestantism). 但是,在中文文献中,「基督教」一词则专指新教或更正教. 基督教新教与天主教在历史上有渊源承接的关系,...

Protestantism 双语例句

  1. After the Opium War in 1840, the missionary of Protestantism missionized in hinterland of China one after another. Dispatched by London Missionary Society, Willian L...
  2. She made such reforms as would be compatible with the monarchy and acceptable by as many people as possible, which she avoided teh more uncompromising and democratic forms of Protestantism.
  3. Under the situation of the separation of its politics from religion in 1848's revolution, Prussian Protestantism was so reliable on the nation that it became the political appendage of that era and an echo in the tide of nationalism.
  4. Tawney basically agreed with Weber, although he put less emphasis on the causal relationship between Protestantism and capitalism and less emphasis on the Calvinism.
  5. Millenarianism, belief in the physical return of Christ to establish a 1, 000 year earthly reign of blessedness, was a doctrine prevalent in English speaking Protestantism by the 1870s.
    millenarianism ,信仰是在身体回到基督建立一个千年尘世间的幸福,这是一个普遍存在的学说在以英语为母语的新教由19世纪70年代。
  6. It is the period of struggle between Catholicism and Protestantism.
  7. For the right understanding of Protestantism it is necessary to describe the genesis of this far-reaching change.
  8. The history of the communities in other districts became henceforth identified with that of Protestantism in France.
  9. Under his leadership Halle became the center of Protestantism's most ambitious missionary endeavors to that time.
  10. America is still a Christian country even if it is influenced by Protestantism.
  11. Of or relating to Protestants or Protestantism.
  12. It was, therefore, perhaps no mere chance that made the Scottish nation, under the guidance of John Knox and later Andrew Melville, adopt that form of Protestantism which was, in its doctrine, farthest removed from Rome, to which their French regents adhered, and which in its theory of church government was most democratic.
  13. One of the most vexing controversies within conservative Protestantism since World War 2 has focused on the doctrine of biblical inerrancy.
  14. Since year of first wise, the Vatican Protestantism approve by oneself believes in to act for oneself first step to select and I seal saint.
  15. England once turned to Protestantism because Henry VIII found the Catholic church's rules on matrimony irksome.
    xie16abd 注:当时的亨利四世因为担忧无男嗣继承王位,希望教皇批准他和皇后离婚,奈何教皇不允。
  16. This paper seeks to explain the initial successes and failures of Protestantism on economic grounds.
  17. It is, first of all, incorrect to claim that American identity was shaped by dissenting Anglo-Protestantism.
  18. Slang, profoundly considered, is the lawless germinal element, below all words and sentences, and behind all poetry, and proves a certain perennial rankness and Protestantism in speech.
  19. His principal achievement was the Peace of Linz (September 16, 1645), the last political triumph of Hungarian Protestantism, in which the emperor was forced to confirm again the articles of the Peace of Vienna.
    他的主要成就有《林茨和约》(1645年 9月16日),奥地利皇帝被迫再次确认《维也纳和约》的条款。这是匈牙利新教在政治上的最后一次胜利。
  20. In this and other areas Protestantism's scriptural principle has itself been articulated in different ways, both to sanction the retention of traditions not repugnant to Scripture (a typically Lutheran and Anglican approach) and to debar from the church's life anything not explicitly warranted in Scripture (a tendency of Reformed Protestantism implemented most consistently by Puritanism and some derivative traditions).

Protestantism 单语例句

  1. Cao also pointed out that the Chinese people did not trust Protestantism because it was associated with colonialism and imperialism in the past.

Protestantism ['prɒtistәntizm]

n. 新教;新教教义;新教徒
n. the theological system of any of the churches of western Christendom that separated from the Roman Catholic Church during the Reformation