primary taste是什么意思 primary taste在线中文翻译

primary taste

primary taste 双语例句

  1. After listening to so many classes, this is the real taste of Ju-Yuan Road Primary School in talented people felt the fighting spirit of Juyuan: knowledgeable, expert style of Li Jin, Li Zhao, Liu-Ying, NING Xi-Ping, Rui-Xia Wei, etc.; Diligence progressive young teacher Zhang Meng, Chen, Zhao-core and so I admire, all that I deserve to learn.
  2. The line graphs show the response activity profiles of five salt and five sweet hamster chorda tympani fibers to the four primary taste qualities.
  3. There are five primary taste sensations salty, sour, sweet, bitter and umami.
    有五种主要口味感觉咸,酸,甜,苦涩和umami 。
  4. Which would you like for your hamburger, primary taste Or spicy?
  5. I do not understand why I collapsed less cyclical, from my primary school onwards, the first collapse of a second flag-raising in time, then I do not know that it is collapsed, and then three years my junior, in the first When assembly quarters, I fainted, and returned home, her parents agreed that I, inadequate nutrition, back I bought some nutrition, the impression has fainted three days, but I forget the circumstances at that time, and then three years on the high school, I am in a paragraph assembly the following year, I fainted, and went to the room in paragraph glucose drink water, I never dared to glucose, the moment I do not know what I drink, I feel I drink This water can also taste, of course, as is now clear is my glucose challenge, despite the feeling that time could be when they drink.
  6. The sweet taste is delicious flavor of sweet and sour, pure and soft; the primary taste is mellow with prolonged, fragrant with acerbity.
  7. By acid reflux disease content from the stomach comes up into the aesophagus or even into the mouth and throut causing burning sensations and sour taste as primary symptoms.
  8. Taste buds, small sensory organ located on the tongue and palate, recognize four primary tastes: sweet, sour, salty and bitter.
    同时 buds 提示,后面用复数参考译文:味蕾,位于舌头和上颚的微小的感觉器官,主要分辨四种味道:甜,酸,咸,苦。
  9. Sterilization usually processed at 65 ℃, then ferment added (addition level as 4%~8%) as raw miraw milk cooled at 21~26 ℃, and the fermentation time was 54 h. Through primary distillation and secondary distillation, alcohol content in milk Kefir could reach 42%vol and the vaporizing temperature controlled between 40~70 ℃. Then after blending, flavoring and aging, alcohol content of milk Kefir could reach 32%vol. The product milk Kefir had strong enjoyable taste and high quality.
    通常用65 ℃杀菌;原料乳热处理后冷却至21~26 ℃时添加发酵剂,添加量为4 %~8 %,发酵时间54 h ;经一次蒸馏和二次蒸馏,奶酒的乙醇含量可达42 %vol,蒸发温度控制在40~70 ℃之间;最后经过兑制、调香及陈酿使奶酒的酒精度达到32 %vol,其品质均匀恒定,口感香浓。
  10. Gun Gang teachers and students left a deep impression on us, and many of our students had the chance to taste the tea leaves picked by the students in Gun Gang Primary School and receive the letters from them.
  11. The sensation of sour taste, one of the four primary tastes.
  12. Wants to eat the most primary taste the health to take care of health meal?
  13. But last week's China-driven action could be a taste of things to come if liquidity was the primary catalyst.
  14. Although each taste fiber responds to more than one taste quality, it responds best to only one primary taste substance, and the common profile of a cluster of such fibers codes a particular taste quality.
  15. After solution information been obtained from taste sensor array and information preprocessing and feature extraction, the process to this information is the other one primary content.
  16. This paper shows the histological research of peripheral taste nerves and the primary center (facial lobe) for the outer taste system in the southern catfish (Silurus meridionalis Chen).
  17. Study on effect of environment humidity to primary index in cigarette smoke and taste of products
  18. The primary taste soymilk appended 0.2% glycerol monostearate, 0.01% xanthan gum or 0.05% CMC, after two times homogenizing, sterilization resulted in the homogeneous product and the flavor was good.
  19. Comparing Research on the Primary Taste Central System of Catfish
  20. Primary study on taste organ's morphology of Rana nigromaculata

primary taste

primary taste


principal: 用于人时,指地位优于其他人;用于物时,指该物在大小、重要性等方面优于他物。
leading: 侧重指具有影响力或凝聚力。从而有主导和引导的作用。
primary: 通常不用于人。用于物时,指在重要性方面占第一位。
foremost: 侧重指在行进或发展过程中居首位。
capital: 着重指因重要性、意义、优越或重大而名列同类之首。
major: 指同其他人或其它物、问题等相比较,显得更加重要和突出。
chief: 拽人时,表同类中职位最高,权力最大;指物时,表同类中最重要,价值最高。
main: 通常只用于物。指在一定范围内,某物的重要性、体积或力量等超过其它物。

primary: 可与作“初步的,初级”的elementary换用。
elemental: 强调属于事物的基础或本质。
elementary: 指属于事物的初步或起始阶段