posterior entropy是什么意思 posterior entropy在线中文翻译

posterior entropy

posterior entropy 双语例句

  1. Based on the analysis of the traditional Canny algorithm, the adaptive filter took the place of the original Gaussian filter and made use of cross-entropy to measure the differences between the background and objectives. Combining Bayesian judgment theory, the average cross-entropy of posterior probability of the pixels of original image to objective and background areas presented differences between classes, and this paper maximized the posterior probability to judge pixels in which different regions to obtain the optimal level of the threshold.
  2. The approximate entropy and fractional dimension showed the tendency of descent, the complexity measure decreased in healthy adults (the least value was 0.34 on right parietal), but increased in patients (the maximum value was 0.34 in right posterior temporal).
  3. A new QBC method is presented by combining vote entropy and class conditional posterior maximum entropy for learning TAN classifier.

posterior entropy

posterior entropy