poor thing是什么意思 poor thing在线中文翻译

poor thing

poor thing 双语例句

  1. And some PR are tall, as it happens has sth used to one's own advantage, can go selling a link, how much Qian Yiyue, do not have a thing to be being stolen happy, only poor did not give Google pay intribute.
  2. That I be to eat to quit smoking sugar, probably in a week, I be make by that thing have a poor appetite, the weight down sharply and even dream of time will dream oneself is eat what terrible thing.
  3. It is very normal also to was used to, similar dispute often appreciates buyers and sellers your intermediary, and the scanty money that you earn will feed a website, the thing of perfectly justified, it is the change of train of thought only, have an adage: Gentleman solid is poor, benefit of shame Yu Yan.
  4. The defect that such making is, 1 the amount is fixed, once the field of a certain type, I should add one pile, come up against limitation possibly. 2 readability is very poor, when seeing a database, can see one caboodle does not know the data that is what thing, seek corresponding relationship even.
  5. The poor thing couldn't bear that: she grew white and red in rapid succession, and, while tears beaded her lashes, bent the strength of her small fingers to loosen the firm clutch of Catherine; and perceiving that as fast as she raise one finger off her arm another closed down, and she could not remove the whole together, she began to make use of her nails; and their sharpness presently ornamented the detainer's with crescents of red.
    只见 她脸上白一阵红一阵,接连地变着颜色,眼泪像明珠般挂在睫毛上。她纤细的手指竭力想掰开卡瑟琳的紧紧地抓她的手;可是她才从自己手臂上掰开一只手指儿,另一只手指儿又压下来了,再没法把五个手指儿一齐拔掉;看到这样,她就使用起手指甲来了。那尖尖的指甲顿时在那紧抓着的手指儿上面画出几条鲜红的新月形来。
  6. Actually, do a website how long, I was sent how long mail, I feel hair mail is the thing that does not have method, poor, I am not Li Hongyan, ad can be sent in Cctv, so ah, sending mail to popularize a website is the thing that does not have method, of one individual solilo-quize ah, right, everybody is listening, actually ah, mr. Yang Pin knows me send mail, before I did not do a website, he sends mail to give me every day, do not cross me and not was fed up with him, feel think much of sb of this person pretty my.
  7. In Yunan, near the borders of Burma, the same thing happened, with local heroes fighting on the side of the poor carving out petty domains for themselves.
  8. After he hit the poor thing, I screamed to stop, but he just looked at me strangely and kept driving.
  9. Then the clothes have caused the death of the poor man. the hound had been given something of sir henry's to smell so that it would pick up his scent and follow him. i think that is why the shoe was taken from the hotel in london. so the hound followed the scent and bunted this man. but there is one thing i don't understand. how did selden know that the hound was following him?
  10. Oh, dear, you poor thing.
  11. I'm glad to see him, poor motherless thing!
  12. Lo as a careful huswife runs to catch, One of her feathered creatures broke away, Sets down her babe and makes all swift dispatch In pursuit of the thing she would have stay: Whilst her neglected child holds her in chase, Cries to catch her whose busy care is bent, To follow that which flies before her face: Not prizing her poor infant's discontent; So run'st thou after that which flies from thee, Whilst I thy babe chase thee afar behind, But if thou catch thy hope turn back to me: And play the mother's part, kiss me, be kind.
  13. Lo! as a careful housewife runs to catchOne of her feather'd creatures broke away, Sets down her babe and makes an swift dispatchIn pursuit of the thing she would have stay, Whilst her neglected child holds her in chase, Cries to catch her whose busy care is bentTo follow that which flies before her face, Not prizing her poor infant's discontent; So runn'st thou after that which flies from thee, Whilst I thy babe chase thee afar behind; But if thou catch thy hope, turn back to me, And play the mother's part, kiss me, be kind: So will I pray that thou mayst have thy'Will, 'If thou turn back, and my loud crying still.
  14. The english version, I think we must make one thing clear that you have to stand inside the counter and work hard for a poor wage of 8dollars perhour while i could stand outside the counter to ask for having a look at the jewelry on display inside the counter only by the reason that i get far more earnings than you!
    the chinese version 我想我们必须首先弄清楚一件事,那就是你站在柜台的里面,不得不为一个小时8美元的微薄工资而辛勤劳作,而我可以站在柜台的外面来要求看一看这里的黄金首饰是因为我赚的钱比你多的多!
  15. You must enjoy speaking poor English, because speaking is the only thing that can lead you toward success.
  16. But you are good-natured princes, and you do not think it a bad thing that belief in the good God should constitute the philosophy of the people, very much as the goose stuffed with chestnut s is the truffled turkey of the poor.
  17. But you are good- natured princes, and you do not think it a bad thing that belief in the good God should constitute the philosophy of the people, very much as the goose stuffed with chestnuts is the truffled turkey of the poor.
  18. But you are good-natured princes, and you do not think it a bad thing that belief in the good God should constitute the philosophy of the people, very much as the goose stuffed with chestnuts is the truffled turkey of the poor.
  19. B: Oh, you poor thing!
  20. The price nature of good of course thing also does not poor, basically be at light of a chapel here on Google with respect to burn-up 500 yuan degree.

poor thing 单语例句

  1. For many years the primary thing that businesses could do was to donate money, so many large companies helped fund schools for poor students in rural areas.
  2. Some claim the Web allows people to build connections and communities, while others say such virtual links are just a poor substitute for the real thing.
  3. His company's shares lost half their value in the recent financial meltdown and the " poor " thing is now said to be worth just $ 3 billion.
  4. The win moves the Basques up to sixth and means their poor first half to the campaign is now a thing of the past.
  5. I lost her shoe somewhere in the darkness, and in the end gave up without buttoning up the poor thing's shirt.
  6. The only thing that kept the Clippers in the game was Golden State's poor foul shooting.

poor thing

[网络] 真可怜;可怜的人儿;可怜的家伙
poor thing


affair: 含义较广,侧重指已发生或必须去做的任何事情或事务。复数形式多指重大或较复杂的事务。
matter: 普通用词,着重指一件考虑中的或需要处理的事。
concern: 往往强调与个人或团体利害有直接或重大关系的事。
business: 通常指较重要或较难而又必须承担的事情,也可指商事。
thing: 用作“事情”解时,词义较笼统、含糊,多用于指不很具体的事。

ill: 与evil意义接近,但语气弱一些,常指道德或性质方面的不良。
poor: 普通用词,侧重指事物的质量或数量低于标准或不合要求。用于指天气与食品时可与bad通用。
bad: 含义广泛,指任何不好的或不合需要的品质。
evil: 语气比bad强,强调道德上的邪恶不良,含狡猾凶险或危害他人的意味。
wicked: 语气比evil强,指居心叵测,任意违反道德标准,有意作恶。