piemonte是什么意思 piemonte在线中文翻译


Piemonte 网络解释

  1. 皮埃蒙特大区
    ...而专业的体育类报纸要数罗马体育报(Corriere dello sport)和米兰体育报(Gazzetta dello sport)最专业最大,无论是时效内容,还是新闻准确度都是意大利乃至欧洲数一数二的专业体育类报纸.一,皮埃蒙特大区(Piemonte):首府--都灵(Totino),...
  2. 皮蒙区
    ...至于个人的偏好,意大利皮蒙区(Piemonte)的巴贝拉(Barbera)红酒爽口多酸而且有着迷人的新鲜果味与细致单宁,是我心目中最迷人的餐前红酒之一. 另外西班牙的比耶若(Bierzo)产区以Mencía葡萄酒酿成的可口红酒是另一个新的选择,...
  3. 皮埃蒙特
    ...意大利第三大城市,大工业中心之一,皮埃蒙特(Piemonte)大区的首府,是2006年冬季奥运会的主办城市. 位于波河上游谷地,海拔243米. 人口约103.5万. 冬温夏热,年降水量1000毫米左右,冬春降水较多,且多山谷风. 始建于罗马帝国时期,为...
  4. 皮埃蒙特大
    ...regione 地区, 大区 | ordine 顺序 | Piemonte 皮埃蒙特大...

Piemonte 双语例句

  1. Nowadays the management is followed by the sons, Aldo and Luigi and their families who, over the years, have widened the estates by buying farms in the Langhe and vineyards in the best positions among the areas of production of the most classical and prestigious Piedmontese wines.
  2. It had been so since her girlhood in the Piemonte mountains of northern Italy, where she learned its secret from her nonna, who had inherited it from generations of nonnas.
  3. Add ice cubes(around 20g) to the fior di latte with one espresso, plus fresh cream, pour with egg flip as topping as well as Piemonte chocolate and cacao as polish off, and placed in a bicchierinino glass of 100cc.
  4. Trebbiano is a one of the most prominent grape in Piemonte; and usually Abruzzo produces the best Trebbiano-based whites.
  5. Our system provides all hotels, apartments, hostels and motels in Piemonte with hot deals and special offers.
  6. Keep your travel budget low - make your comfortable vacation or business stay in Piemonte cheap.
  7. I am curious about the nebiollo (a black grape variety from Italy's Piemonte region).
  8. Turin is the capital of Piemonte, this city provides more than just a starting point to visit these wine regions.
    都灵是资本的piemonte ,这个城市提供了更多的不只是一个起点,以访问这些葡萄酒地区。
  9. Public body with legislative planning power through elected Council and Executive Government for the economic, social and territorial development of the Piemonte Region.
  10. Scoring Method of Liner Body Shape of Italian Piemonte
  11. " Our dream, which is slowly coming to fruition, is to have our wines linked to the country's image and tourism, just like regions like Tuscany or Piemonte boast of their wines, " he said.
  12. Research on Growth and Adaption of Piemonte in Nanyang District
  13. Test Report on Embryonic Implantation of Piemonte
  14. In addition there will be a program of wine and food tasting dedicated to typical products from different regions of Italy among which Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, Campania, Sardegna, Abruzzo, Molise, Piemonte, Sicilia.

Piemonte [pje'mɔ:nte]

n the region of northwestern Italy; includes the Po valley