picture disturbance是什么意思 picture disturbance在线中文翻译

picture disturbance

picture disturbance 双语例句

  1. First, an optimized solution is introduced to simplify the arithmetic of motion estimation, motion compensation and DCT/IDCT to enhance the affections of program so as to meet the real-time requirements of multi-point multi-meeting. Secondly, some effective error concealment methods are introduced to enhance anti- error program ability in case that there exist noise disturbance and error program phenomenon. Meanwhile, great work is done to render the picture quality more optimised. An evaluation mechanism is introduced to evaluate the definition and fluency of video transferred and a scheme is discussed to enhance the quality of the video by erasing image polygon based on Image restriction and restoration theory. In the end, a practicable solution of h263 is given and its practice is introduced.
  2. Picture coding algorithms such as MPEG-2 are very sensitive to channel disturbance. A single bit error may cause severe degradation of picture quality due to error propagation, therefore error concealment techniques are required at the receiver.
  3. Among the 40 patients, 21 with writing disturbance (53%), who were worst in picture copying and initiative writing, following by dictation and transcription, and best in automatic writing.
  4. Presented with a characteristic clinical Picture of acute onset, apparent psychiatric symptoms and obvious disturbance of consciousness, accompanied by convulsion, incontinence of urine, muscular hypertonia of extremities and bilateral or unilateral positive Babinski's sign.
  5. Just a straight line would be pretty boring thouhg so there should be some sort of disturbance in the picture.
  6. An infrared picture is composed of object image, background image and noise image according to the imaging process. The object image and the background image are the key body of an infrared image; noise image is the disturbance on the key body.

picture disturbance

picture disturbance


chaos: 着重指令人无能为力或感到绝望的混乱状态。突出没有很好的组织。
disturbance: 主要指社会中政治性的动乱、骚乱;也可指个人或少数人的闹事。
disordr: 正式用词,含义广泛。指事物因失去原有的秩序而造成混乱;也可指社会中的动乱或骚乱。
mess: 语气强,口语中较常用的非正式用词。指既混乱又肮脏,尤指人思想混乱或外表不整洁。
confusion: 指东西搅混在一起,凌乱得难以辨认;也可指思想混乱,以致无法进行正常的思维活动。

picture: 指广义的“图画”,现多用来指相片、画像。
sketch: 通常指只画出物体主要特征的图画。
cartoon: 指幽默或讽刺性漫画。
illustration: 指插入书页之间帮助说明的任何插图或图解。
diagram: 多指科技书籍或文献中具有概括解说作用的图表、图样或略图。
painting: 指着色的画。
portrait: 指肖像,只用于指人。
drawing: 指用线条或色彩绘成的图画。

picture: 从原义指银幕或电视屏幕上的图像引申指影片。
film: 指电影、影片,普通用词。
cinema: 与the连用指(上映的)电影,电影工业;可指电影院;在英国与the连用还可指电影艺术。
movie: 美国英语中的口语用词。

picture: 着重能够栩栩如生地把事物或场景等描绘出来。
sketch: 指快速地勾勒或概略地叙述。
describe: 侧重指描述细节,给读者或听众提供清晰的视觉图像。
represent: 指有代表性或象征性地描述或讲述。

picture: 可指相片,图片,电影片,
photo: 用照相机拍摄的照片,
drawing: 画的画 Let's go and see a good picture.