permafrost table是什么意思 permafrost table在线中文翻译

permafrost table

permafrost table 双语例句

  1. Whereas, the curve of artificial permafrost table in the roadbed and natural permafrost table in the ground not disturbed declines year by year with annual increasing rate of temperature averaging 0.02 ℃.
  2. Ground Temperature Method & the Method for Calculating the Depth of Permafrost Table
  3. The permafrost experimental segment is located in the region of Qingshui River along Qinghai & Tibet Railway, with an average elevation of 4470 m, mean annual ground temperatures between-1.40 ℃ and-0.46 ℃ and permafrost table in the range of 1.5 to 3.5 m.
  4. It is a positive correlation between the embankment height and the uplift value of artificial permafrost table in a reasonable range of height.
  5. It shows that construction berm has limit effect on the ground temperature characteristics of embankment such as artificial permafrost table, annual mean ground temperature and thaw bowl, however, the thaw depth well increase and annual mean ground temperature will rise.
  6. The paper briefly discusses the main factors influencing the permafrost table and the main methods of determining the upper limits for the permafrost table in Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.
  7. But, even the permafrost table has highly raised the annual thermal imbalance of soil and the process of temperature rise, it is disadvantageous for the thermal stability of permafrost.
  8. The coarse-grained soil as embankment fill can meet the basic condition of heat transfer theory to uplift artificial permafrost table.
  9. In order to understand the impact of artificial permafrost table to the subgrade deformation of the Qinghai-Tibetan Highway in degenerating process, three experimental observation fields were set up to measure the deformation of the road being built in south of the Tanggula Range.
  10. The suitability of the thermal offset and permafrost table temperature model generally adopted abroad is discussed in this paper, and the model is applied to the eight frost soil sections along the line of the Qinghai-Tibetan Highway, where ground temperature is monitored.
  11. The calculation results show that pavement types have positive influence on thermal regime in permafrost embankments, and concrete pavement can effectively decrease pavement temperature, delay falling velocity of permafrost table, and protect the permafrost under embankments effectively.
  12. After asphalt pavement having been constructed in permafrost regions, permafrost thermal regime and permafrost table under roadbed will undergo a change.
  13. Simulation results verify that insulated board can effectively protect the heat from transferring into the foundations, and the frozen table is always around the lower bottom of the boards; the position of the frozen table with insulated boards is higher than that of without; the embank- ment formation has a better effect on the center of embankment, the shoulder and toe of the roads than others; after consideration of the construction effect, the best lay out of the insulated boards is higher than the position of natural ground surface to 0.3-0.6 m; this formation of the embankments is the right effective constructer to be used in the permafrost on the Qinghai-Tibet railway.
    通过数值模拟可知:保温板能够有效地阻止热量由路基面向下传入地基中,使0℃等温线始终在保温板底层;复合路基多年冻土上限的位置要比无保温板时的高;该结构形式对路基中心、路肩和坡脚下的多年冻土上限抬升的综合效果更好;考虑施工条件后,复合路基在保温板铺设距离天然地面之上0.3~0.6 m对于路基稳定性最为有利;该路基结构形式为青藏铁路多年冻土区路基的理想结构形式,有利于克服全球变暖的影响。

permafrost table

permafrost table


rgeister: 多指官方对人或事作出的正式书面记录或详细清单。
schedule: 既可指时间或计划的安排表,又可指详细列出的所有分类项的清单或细表。
roll: 多指人员的姓名名单,尤指属于团体或军事单位的全体人员名单。
form: 指上面印有横线或格让人填写规定内容的表格。
catalog(ue): 指列出有全部队名、物名或项目等的目录,有时附有简要说明的分类名单或一览表。
chart: 指把资料制成表格等形式供人看的图表。
list: 最普通用词,含义广。指按字母顺序、时间先后或类别等排列的姓名或项目等的单子。
table: 普通用词,一般指易于迅速查阅使用,具有特定编排方法的目录或表格。

table: 桌子,台子。指一般没有抽屉,供劳作、游戏或吃饭等用的桌子。
desk: 书桌,办公桌,通常有抽屉。