off the strength是什么意思 off the strength在线中文翻译

off the strength

off the strength 双语例句

  1. Lin Qianliang concluded the curative effects of tea as following aspects, namely: Help less sleep, tranquilize the nerves, brighten eyes, fresh brain, quench thirst, promote the body fluid, clear heat, relieve summer heat, expel the poison, promote digestion, keep fat off, break wind, eliminating dampness, relax the bowels, dispel phlegm, expel pathogenic wind from body surface, consolidate the teeth, cure the heartache, cure furunculosis and paralysis, relieve hunger, benefit physical strength, prolong life and others.
  2. West capitalism arrival has initiated the entire Japan nation survival crisis, has only mobilizing entire the nation strength, can shake off crisis, this feasible Japanese has exceeded national narrow dependent state mental consciousness in the past, the consciousness having strengthened the Japan nation.
  3. When the time comes, we will strike a strength off for them.
  4. The poor thing couldn't bear that: she grew white and red in rapid succession, and, while tears beaded her lashes, bent the strength of her small fingers to loosen the firm clutch of Catherine; and perceiving that as fast as she raise one finger off her arm another closed down, and she could not remove the whole together, she began to make use of her nails; and their sharpness presently ornamented the detainer's with crescents of red.
    只见 她脸上白一阵红一阵,接连地变着颜色,眼泪像明珠般挂在睫毛上。她纤细的手指竭力想掰开卡瑟琳的紧紧地抓她的手;可是她才从自己手臂上掰开一只手指儿,另一只手指儿又压下来了,再没法把五个手指儿一齐拔掉;看到这样,她就使用起手指甲来了。那尖尖的指甲顿时在那紧抓着的手指儿上面画出几条鲜红的新月形来。
  5. The cold wind enters dry-type slag extractor and contact the hot slag, so the slag is cooled; in the dry-type slag extractor, as the stainless steel conveyer belt is made of stainless steel, it has big anti-tensile strength and can resist high temperature, the hot slag is cooled and conveyed outbound on the stainless steel conveyer belt; the rotary axis of dry-type slag extractor is set out of the shell and can be disassembled, checked and repaired conveniently; the cleaning scraper is set under the dry-type slag extractor to wipe fine slag that falls off the stainless steel conveyer belt out of the dry-type slag extractor; the external structure of dry-type slag extractor is very compact, so the slag will not leak out to cause environment pollution; the air-inlet door of the dry-type slag extractor is automatically opened according to the negative pressure of the boiler hearth.
  6. And lower limbs stretched strength is the most important factor for the ability of taking off.
  7. I am able to lift off the ground at will, but with a very concentrated effort and strength.
  8. Because there are large-capacity power supply filter capacitor, which has led to the power amplifier circuit for a high voltage, one will be lower, there is obviously the strength of the voice of change; At the same time, because the moment will break off the flow of electricity 窜入 interference signal amplifier, can also lead to other noise.
  9. Accordingly, strengthening a country macroscopical reform adjusts strength, catch enterprise of good focal point to twist the foundation that takes off tired job fortunately to go up, to resource truly dried up already, manage endowment not the enterprise of pay a debt in kind or by labour is executed lawfully go bankrupt, it is gold company accuses to be added fortunately from whole be filled with, walk out of predicament, raise the inevitable option of market competition ability from the strategy.
  10. It was one of several appearances designed to show off America's economic strength and set out the president's priorities.
  11. Fig. 2 illustrates the trade-off present between strength and life and shows the higher performance of 2199 when compared to the 2X24 incumbent.
  12. Republic 50 anniversary, of the State Sports General Administration, director of human resources, selecting and using energy to old and new, promoting new and old, within China's sports strength outside the slow, sustained strength and an excellent platform take off.
  13. The Debt Servicing/Financial Strength, is the Borrower ability to pay off the requested loan either for his business or personal purpose.
  14. The cross formed was a symbol of unity and strength, and was used to ward off witches.
  15. In the great wave of ups and downs of life, you no choice but to shake off the fatigue, and a wretched, teeth accumulate strength and terror at the hideous Yin Xiao stand up again!
  16. In its use of high-strength alloy steel teeth blockmodel, ensures that the paper smooth to avoid echoes and throw-off point.
  17. We recognized that in the machining process of the specimen, slanting reinforce fiber will be cut off, then the structured integrity of the specimen will be destroyed, making structure incompact, caused composite that bear the weight of fiber turn to matrix and stress concentration on truncation part, making composite strength reduced.
  18. However, we need to continue to find demand off strength in prices, not just the weakness.
  19. But in the high pressure valve and the conical sealing case, the axial force Q in the absence of medium pressure off than the pressure generated by the seal can be larger than Sealing q is the yield strength of soft δs, in a medium pressure closed q than the pressure when the seal is necessarily equal to δs, this paper will discuss the appropriate q value.
  20. Tomb sites chassis respect for each other more than the winding-long, they both connected, staggered up and down to form a multi-layer in the middle of the hollowing-like moire patterns, those patterns with ordinary precision casting process is difficult to manufacture, use and lost wax method Casting process, you can not use paraffin strength, easy-to-carved features, you can use common tools and carving out to be the tomb site, like the wax statue of the craft materials, and then pouring additional systems, paint, off Wax casting, you can be beautiful statue tomb site.

off the strength 单语例句

  1. The company provides inhalers of decreasing nicotine strength so that users can wean themselves off gradually.
  2. Many students are putting off their plans to study abroad until the won gathers strength, and some of them are biding their time at preparatory schools.
  3. He said as the province shook off the difficult situation of the past, it acquired the strength to defend itself during financial crises.
  4. Given this relative strength in the eurozone's fundamentals, it is far too early to write off the euro.
  5. It is considered a routine to hold a grand parade every 10 years to show off the country's military strength.

off the strength

off the strength


might: 多指巨大或超人的力量。
strength: 指机体内部的能力,是依靠身体组织而存在的力,经使用就变为force。
power: 最普通用词,泛指一切力量或能力等。
vigour: 指由生命元气的存在所产生的活力、精力。
force: 着重指克服障碍,推动人或物朝所要求的方向运动或能产生明显效应的力量。
energy: 用于人时,指工作时焕发出的精力或干劲。

suspend: 指暂时中断以待某种条件的实现。
defer: 正式用词,语气强于postpone,多指故意拖延。
postpone: 正式用词,语气较强,多指有安排的延期,常指明延期到一定的时间。
prolong: 指把时间延长至超过正常或通常的限度。
delay: 普通用词,多指因外界原因推迟或耽误,也可指有意推迟。
put off: 口语用词,与postpone同义,但较通俗。

pay off: 还清pay off the debt
pay back: 还钱,但不一定还清,
pay for: 为…付钱, pay for the book,