observational study是什么意思 observational study在线中文翻译

observational study

observational study 双语例句

  1. With the study of GONSCD and the development of spatial-to-ground observational technology, deeply, it will improve the reliability and objectivity of crustal deformation observation, it is more and more important to applying GONS to the study of geo-dynamics, geophysics and hazard predicting, taking GONS of Shandong for example, GPS data pre-processing and its corresponding issue of GONSCD with two main content: GONSCD of Shandong and GPS data pre-processing.
  2. D. (1980), An observational and numerical study of the atmospheric boundary layer overlying the East Antartic ice sheel. Ph. D. thesis, University of Colorado.
  3. After analysis and study of characters of observational parameters of these extragalactic H2O megamaser sources, the correlations among them have been obtained as follows: lg S peak is anticorrelated with lg V sys and lg D, respectively.
  4. The observational study of extragalactic H2O megamaser sources and molecular emission lines associated with AGNs is a very efficient tool to investigate characteristics of certral sources in AGNs and circumnuclear toruses of gases and dusts.
  5. The observational data of 2002 the Qinghai-Xizang plateau railway beiluhe test is used as forcing data of a land surface to study the performance over Qinghai-Xizang Plateau regions.
  6. In this observational study, 65 children were treated with SLIT with a build-up phase of 11 days, culminating in a peak dose of 300 IR, and followed by a maintenance phase of 300 IR three times weekly. There were 51 boys and 14 girls; age range was 38 to 80 months (median age, 60 months). Allergens used were house dust mites in 42 patients, grass pollen in 11, olive pollen in five, Parietaria pollen in four, and cypress pollen in three patients. Adverse reactions and changes in the treatment schedule were compared in children aged 38 to 60 months vs those aged 61 to 80 months.
    在这项观察性试验中,65位接受SLIT的儿童在11天的适应期后,将剂量逐渐调整到最高300 IR,接著以每周3次,每次300 IR的剂量持续接受治疗;试验中包括51位男童与14位女孩,年龄介于38至80个月(平均年龄为60个月);其中有42位病患以尘蹒、11位以花粉、5位以橄榄花粉、4位以墙草、3位以丝柏作为过敏原;年龄介于38至60个月的儿童,与61至80个月的儿童分成两组比较不良反应发生机率与治疗疗程的改变。
  7. METHODS: This was a prospective observational study in the ICUs of a 300-bed and a 600-bed community hospital.
  8. Limitations of this study include potential sources of bias, observational design, and lack of randomization.
  9. This paper presents an observational study in Lanzhou City, analyses the spectra of velocity and temperature and the cospectra of momentum and heat flux.
  10. In a prospective observational study of 1038 adult admissionsto a 31-bed medical/surgical intensive care unit, acuterespiratory failure (ARF, defined as a Pao2/Fio2 ratio 200 mmHg and the need for respiratory support) occurred in 182 (58%)of the 313 admissions with an ICU stay of more than 48 h.
    在对31内外科重症监室中收入的1038例成年患者的前瞻性观察研究中发现,入住 ICU 的时间超过48小时的313例患者中有182例(58%)发生急性呼吸衰竭( ARF ,定义为 Pao2/Fio2 200 mmHg 并且需要呼吸支持)。
  11. Objective This is a perspective observational study to see the efficacy of electronic brochoscopic suction of sputum in the treatment of secondary aspiration pneumonia after apoplexy.
    目的 探讨电子支气管镜在各种脑卒中后继发吸入性肺炎患者治疗中的临床应用价值。
  12. Limitations of this study include observational design and possible selection bias.
  13. Its a lot of branches, according to the study can be divided into the solar system physics, solar physics, stellar physics, galactic physics disciplines, according to research methods can be divided into observational astrophysics, theoretical astrophysics the two disciplines, but also according to research problems and information channels are divided into cosmology, cosmic chemistry, cosmogony chemistry, neutrino astronomy, gravitational wave astronomy, radio astronomy and other branches.
  14. The current cross-sectional observational study evaluated 3433 individuals participating in the Sleep Heart Health Study, a community-based prospective study investigating the consequences of sleep-disordered breathing.
    RLS与心脏疾病及中风的关连,在RLS症状每月发生超过16次以上的病患身上最为显著;试验研究者John Winkelman医师在美国神经医学会的新闻稿中表示,病患表示其RLS症状较为严重的,相较于症状较轻微的病患,其风险更高。
  15. Firstly, we study how the ensemble number, surface soil moisture observational error and model error impact on the results.
  16. July 10, 2007 — Hydroxychloroquine reduces the risk of developing diabetes mellitus, according to a prospective, multicenter observational study involving 4905 patients who were enrolled to collect data about the course of rheumatoid arthritis. This analysis, reported in the July 11 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, also found that the longer the patients took hydroxychloroquine, the lower their risk of diabetes.
    July 10,2007 —根据一项具展望、跨医学中心的观察型研究指出,Hydroxychloroquine可降低糖尿病的罹病风险,研究资料取自4,905名类风湿性关节炎患者的病程所得,这项发表于7月11日的《美国医学学会期刊》分析也发现,患者服用Hydroxychloroquine愈久,其罹患糖尿病的风险就愈低。
  17. Observational data are used to study the response of subtropical high over the western Pacific on the SST anomalies.
  18. Observational study of black carbon aerosol in Beijing.
  19. Observational study of black carbon aerosol during Beijing Olympic Games period.
  20. Limitations of this study include observational design.

observational study

n. 观察性研究
[网络] 观察研究;观测研究;观察研究法
observational study


weigh: 指作出决策前把问题的各个方面进行比较,权衡利害得失,取有利的方面。
consider: 既指一时的对某事的考虑,也指长时间的深入的思考。
study: 普通用词,指对各方面考虑,在制订出计划或采取具体动作之前作认真检查。
contemplate: 通常指长时间思考某事,有时含无确定的实际目的。
ponder: 侧重仔细、深入、连续地考虑问题,以作出认真的估计和正确的抉择。

learn: 学习,侧重学习的结果,
study: 学习,侧重学习的过程,研究 study the problem