dempster是什么意思 dempster在线中文翻译


Dempster 双语例句

  1. This paper presents a method for the problem based on dempster-shafer theory of evidence.
  2. It improves the rate of target recognition by using D-S theory and netural network classifier.
  3. I intended to be in Dawson City in nine days, and had plenty of time to ride up and down the Dempster Highway before that.
  4. First, by analyzing the incomplete linguistic assessment information given by decision makers, the values of the basic probability assignment function of attribute's focal elements are computed and integrated by Dempster-Shafer's rule of combination. Then the values of belief function and plausibility function are calculated and used to rank all decision alternatives.
  5. Moreover, we give a robust area of Dempster's rule according to the general identification frame.
  6. Unlike the Dempster, new gravel here would get punched down quicker.
  7. There`s a fine young feller aboard of it, Mrs. Dempster wagered, and away and away it went, fast and fading, away and away the aeroplane shot; soaring over Greenwich and all the masts; over the little island of grey churches, St. Paul`s and the rest till, on either side of London, fields spread out and dark brown woods where adventurous thrushes hopping boldly, glancing quickly, snatched the snail and tapped him on a stone, once, twice, thrice.
    这架飞机里一定坐着一个很棒的想要出国的年轻樵夫,Dempster 夫人打着赌,它越飞越远,快速的,消失在了视线之外,轰鸣声也在慢慢减弱,越过了格林威治和所有的旗杆,越过布满灰色教堂的小岛,越过圣保罗和剩下所有的一切,在伦敦的另一边,田野延伸向远方,深褐色的树林里冒险的画眉大胆地跳跃着,匆匆地一瞥,抓住一只蜗牛把它往一块石头上轻轻敲击着,一次、两次、三次。
  8. And it is accordant with the requirement of Dempster-Shafer evidence theory. The efforts done in this paper provides a good reference for further study on multi-sensor fusion.
  9. In this paper in term of characteristics of detecting system of airplane, datum from SAR radar, IRS, ESM and others detecting systems fixed in a airplane and kinds of information from ELINT coming from ground are merged, recognized in runtime by using the combination of Dempster-Shafer proof theory and subjective Bayes rules, and Objects to be attacked are confirmed.
  10. Vibration fault diagnosis of hydroelectric unit was investigated using method of least square support vector machine and Dempster-Shafer theory.
  11. In some aspects, the rough set theory overlaps with the DempsterShafer theory of evidence, but the rough set theory uses partitions to specify rough sets, lower and upper approximations, and then to capture uncertainty in knowledge representation.
  12. Risk is a comprehensive utility which incorporates many factors. The objects of risk management are uncertain events and the decision makers'attitudes play an important role in the decision process. So from the point of view of multi-factors, the dissertation researches on risk assessment methods and risk-return models in uncertain environment based on fuzzy comprehensive evaluation approach、fuzzy analytic hierarchy process、Dempster-Shafer theory.
    中文题名不确定性风险收益模型及其应用研究副题名外文题名 Research on theory and application for the risk-return model under uncertainty 论文作者鞠彦兵导师冯允成教授学科专业系统工程研究领域研究方向学位级别博士学位授予单位北京航空航天大学学位授予日期2002 论文页码总数131页关键词风险管理不确定性决策风险评价风险收益模型馆藏号BSLW /2003 /N945 /6 风险是多种因素的综合结果,风险管理的对象是一种不确定事物,决策是风险和收益的综合结果。
  13. The combination of evidence in Dempster-Shafer theory was transformed formally that the formula was disassembled into two terms and the normalized constant was also disassembled.
  14. There were a few people whom Mr. Dempster wished to confer with.
  15. Its theoretical foundation is Dempster-Shafer evidence combination theory, which can fuse the evidence from distinct views and cooperatively infer the most likely relevant results, If the evidence from multiple aspects reaches a consensus on the conclusion that a certain video shot is relevant to query, the video shot is treated as the most likely relevant shot and is ranked to the top of the returned result list.
  16. Potential soil salinization using Dempster-Shafer evidence theory
  17. The dissertation studied the computation issue of evidence theory: the computation of basic probability assignment and Dempster combination rule.
  18. The experiment illustrates that the method of the multi-sensor fusion based on Dempster-Shafer theory needs less prior information and it is resultful and robust.
  19. Identification of structural multiple damaged locations based on Dempster-Shafer theory of weighted balance of evidence
  20. Rough sets and other data reasoning In this paper, the relationships between rough sets and probability logic, Bayes'rule, Dempster-Shafer evidence theory, modal logic are discussed respectively.

Dempster 单语例句

  1. " I just thought this is where I wanted to be, " Dempster said.

Dempster ['dempstə(r)]

n. 英国曼岛的法官(共两位)
n. Alt. of Demster