nozzle thrust coefficient是什么意思 nozzle thrust coefficient在线中文翻译

nozzle thrust coefficient

nozzle thrust coefficient 双语例句

  1. This is the form of k to be used, therefore, when calculating Exhaust velocity, Thrust, Thrust Coefficient and the other nozzle flow parameters.
  2. The apparent importance of having a good divergent portion of the nozzle is clear by examining Figure 3, which shows the variation of ideal Thrust Coefficient for flow through the Kappa rocket motor nozzle.
    显然,必须有一个良好的不同部分的喷嘴是明确的审查图3 ,这表明变化的理想推力系数为流经河童火箭发动机喷管。
  3. This is to be expected, as the chamber pressure and thrust are directly related by the thrust coefficient, which may be considered to be the degree of amplification of thrust generated by the nozzle.
  4. The internal portion of nozzle afterbody is designed using the theory of expansion wave. The upper wall is designed for better thrust coefficient. The propulsion performance of nozzle afterbody is improved.
  5. A Method for Calculating the Effective Vectoring Angle and Flow Coefficient of an Axisymmetric Thrust-Vectoring Nozzle
  6. The effect of operation pressure on the specific impulse of tactical missile solid motors is analyzed from several factors, such as characteristic velocity, thrust coefficient, impulse coefficients of the chamber and nozzle.
  7. The characteristic velocity, area of nozzle throat and other parameters are calculated by using the static test results of solid rocket motor (SRM) and introducing generalized pressure coefficient and thrust coefficient.
  8. Under the same wall heat condition, with the increase of momentum correction coefficient, viscosity loss of the nozzle increases, but thrust and specific impulse decrease.
  9. Calculations of Thrust Coefficient and Thrust Deviation Angle of the Nozzle with Obligue Exit Section

nozzle thrust coefficient

nozzle thrust coefficient


thrust: 本义是使某物进入或把某物刺进或使之穿透某物,有时侧重穿透、刺入。
pierce: 多指人为地用刀刺、剑等尖锐东西刺穿或刺入某物。
penetrate: 较正式用词,可指用任何工具穿入或穿透,也可指光线、声音等透过物体。
prick: 一般指用针等刺穿。
stab: 主要指利器刺入、刺伤,如用匕首、短刀等。

thrust: 常指迅猛地一推或突然有力地推进,侧重速度。
propel: 侧重指靠外力把人或物稳定、持续地向前推进。
shove: 一般指猛或费力地推开或移动人或物。
push: 普通用词,指用突然的力量把人或物推向前进、推开或推到另一位置上。