normal child是什么意思 normal child在线中文翻译

normal child

normal child 双语例句

  1. If the sick child has a long history of taking antibiotics, antibiotics should be suspended as soon as possible, so that can give support to the normal oral flora to inhibit fungal growth.
  2. Baby with my family, I also go to a doctor, the doctor said that within the 3-year-old child, is like asking to have a throat closed plate development was not entirely correct, so snoring is a normal situation, and when in the cold will be more Obviously, your baby is not developed, but the physical condition seems to have slowly nursed back to health for some, do not worry too much, this is not a serious problem!
  3. Menses stop: This is generally the most commonly observed signs of pregnancy, as long as it is generally a time when women of child-bearing age, menstrual normal in more than a normal menstrual period after having sex for two weeks, there may be pregnant.
  4. This then let the child chose which name they prefer to use, they may love having a unique name to stand out from the crowd, or they can use a normal name if they are a little shyer.
    这,然后让孩子选择其中的名称,他们宁愿使用,他们可能会喜欢一个唯一的名称,站出来从人群,或者他们可以使用一个正常的名称,如果他们是一个小shyer 。3。
  5. In order to deeply understand the status quo of students'psychological health and education in Southern Fujian Region colleges and universities, by means of literature, questionnaire, interview and mathematical statistics and so on, this *** conducts investigation and research on status quo of college students'psychological health and education in Southern Fujian Region colleges and universities, results show as the followings. The average score of factors of SCL-90 for college students in most of Universities'within the Southern Fujian Region is higher than that of the domestic normal adults'norm but lower than the national college students'norm, which shows college students'psychological health state in Southern Fujian Region is better than the national college student but inferior to the domestic adults; Average score for female college students'SCL-90 factors in Southern Fujian Region is higher than male college students', especially it shows very significant difference in aspects as compulsion, interpersonal relationship, depression, anxiety, terror, and paranoia, indicating female college students'psychological health is inferior to male students'; Average score for different grades of college students'SCL-90 factors is uneven in Southern Fujian Region, as a whole, average score of factors for Grade 2 and Grade 3 students are higher, while Grade 4 students are on a downward trend; There is no significant difference on average score of SCL-90 factors between arts students and science students in Southern Fujian Region colleges, which shows overall college students'different majors don't lead to significant difference in their psychological health; Average scores of SCL-90 factors for college students from countryside are higher than those from city, especially indicating significant differences in the aspects as compulsion, interpersonal relationship, and positive items; There is no significant differences on average score of SCL-90 factors between one-child college students and non-one-child college students in Southern Fujian Region.
  6. Sometimes it's too much - I just want to be a normal child with a normal family.
  7. It is grief over the loss of the normal child the parents had hoped and expected to have.
  8. Parents are not wrong in enforcing good study habits, but they must notdo so at the expense of stifling normal child development.
  9. They also check that a child can follow movement in the normal field of vision (looking up, down, and side to side), and is not short-sighted or long-sighted.
  10. This article is based on the field trip and record of hair cutting ceremony on the Dedu Mongolian. Besides based on the analysis of meaning, we thought that on this typical passing ceremony, mainly to recognize children as the formal members in the society, to affirm this child's status and identity in the Mongolian is legal. Secondly, to concern to the society, new member's survival and growth, to provide to this child the basic productive life information, to prepare for the normal living and basic preparation.
  11. Yuncheng Teachers College child care are approved by the National Ministry of Education set up a pre-primary teachers training colleges and universities, and its predecessor are set up in 1978 delivered the city normal school children.
    运城幼儿师范高等专科学校是经国家教育部批准成立的一所培养学前教育教师的高等学校,其前身是 1978 年建立的运城市幼儿师范学校。
  12. Too many volunteers, most of the day to come on automatically七八百people, disturb the normal life of a child, it is better to change places, to let children have a good life.
  13. While there are few disorders/diseases that can be passed from a fish tank to humans, the water does contain bacteria not found in the child`s normal environment, so one of their first fish-keeping lessons, should be to always wash their hands after helping to clean the tank, or feed the fish.
  14. I think we have good benefits, especially children, the normal 90-day holiday, childbearing increased by 14 days, to receive one-child certificate increased maternity leave for 40 days (if the birth dystocia, but also to increase maternity leave for 15 days), so that women workers in general almost five months of maternity leave to rest, and during this period the cost of maternity insurance have a 2-3 million, the most important thing is that after re-work, as well as breast-feeding a year is really very good!
  15. In addition, if the child`s rectal temperature measurement has been 36.5 degrees, which is normal?
  16. Whether the child growth and development of normal, not胖瘦measured.
  17. Ha, I am your baby to sleep this way, can head off a 180-degree, I think quite normal, a child`s sleep is very Amoy.
  18. METHODS: CT findings of 8 patients with primary sarcomatoid hepatic carcinoma were analyzed retrospectively. Plain and enhanced spiral CT scan was performed for all patients. RESULTS: All the 8 patients were males with a mean age of 43 years. Of them, 6 had fever. Laboratory test showed a normal count of WBC and positive HBsAg.
    结果:8例患者均为男性,平均年龄40岁,均出现上腹部胀痛,其中6例(6/8)出现发热,但血常规提示WBC计数正常,HBsAg均为阳性,血清甲胎球蛋白2例正常,余6例平均约123 g/L,肝功能均为Child-Pugh A级,7例无肝硬化基础。
  19. In general the normal foods to eat cauliflower and ca宝宝age can cause a child element belly up.
  20. However, some 2-year-old child to a half or even 2 years old, it can only control urination during the day, often still wet the bed at night, it still is a normal phenomenon.

normal child 单语例句

  1. But Bian knows that now Xiao Bao is not leading a child's normal life.
  2. The medical experts determined that the child's body was a composite of normal and abnormal cells.
  3. Li said the condition can affect a child's normal growth and physical development, and should be treated as early as possible.
  4. The couple hope to have a child, but not enjoy a normal sexual life.
  5. If someone is called a wonder child, he may face higher expectations from society than normal people.
  6. Chen Jie said the amount of effort needed to treat an autistic child was at least 100 times that needed to educate a normal child.
  7. Doctors say if the surgery goes well Rebeca won't need physical therapy and will develop as a normal child.

normal child

normal child


child: 普通用词,含义广,无感情色彩。泛指从胎儿、婴儿到10岁左右的儿童。
youngster: 泛指任何年龄的儿童或者少年,多指男孩,多为年长者的使用。
infant: 书面用词,狭义指出生后到两岁的小孩,广义指7岁以下的孩子;法律上则指未到法定年龄。
baby: 日常用词,一般指从刚出生的婴儿到满两岁的或非常小的孩子,常含钟爱意味。

usual: 平常的,惯常的
ordinary: 平凡的,词义与common接近,指符合一般或常规事物标准或相同的规格,因而只具有普通的特性
common: 普通的,共有的,指从质量或品德上无特殊或显眼之处,属于大多数人或事物所具有的,常见的;
popular: 大众的,受欢迎的,指属于或代表大众的某事物,强调常见的,大众化的特征
normal: 正常的,正规的,指符合某种标准的
universal: 普遍的,有完全没有例外之意;
general: 一般的,普通的,含有例外情况较少之意或暗示包括全部同一范畴的事物;

ordinary: 强调一般性和普通性,含不突出的意味。
typical: 指个体能体现出群体的特征。
regular: 指已有模式、有规律或定期的。
normal: 指不超过某种限度、符合某种标准或常规。
natural: 侧重某人或某物的行为符合其固有特性。