morse code是什么意思 morse code在线中文翻译

Morse code 英 [ˌmɔ:s ˈkəʊd] 美 [ˌmɔ:rs ˈkoʊd]

Morse code 词典解释


Morse code 网络解释

  1. 摩尔斯电码
    ...免费的CW练习/收/发软件,摩尔斯电码(Morse Code)练习软件Lakey免费的CW练习/收/发软件,摩尔斯电码(Morse Code)练习软件Lakey...
  2. 摩斯密码
    ...摩斯密码(Morse Code)按理说并非一种密码形式. 它没有实现信息隐藏,本不过是一种信道编码方法,用以将有形的拉丁字母转换为无形的时断时续的信号,从而实现远距离通信. 这种破密方法最成功的应用是在公元16世纪晚期....
  3. 莫尔斯电码
    ...但现在这一术语只用来特指两种表示英语字母和符号的摩尔斯电码:美式摩尔斯电码被使用了在有线电报通信系统;摩尔斯电码 莫尔斯电码(Morse code)是美国人莫尔斯于1844年发明的,由点(.)、划(-)两种符号组成....
  4. 莫尔斯代码
    ...位流的值只能是1或0,带数值的莫尔斯代码(morse code). 也定义了三种类型. 一是,介质类型(media type)在什么介质上传输. 二是,连接器类型(connector type)定义media type的同时,也就自然定义了connector type,比如用到了双绞线,...

Morse code 双语例句

  1. A racon which display a morse code on the radar screen D.
    在雷达屏幕上显示摩尔斯码的雷达 105。
  2. If you know Morse code, great, If not, this is a great way to learn.
  3. For example, in Morse code the dots and dashes of a character are separated by an inter character space, which is three times the duration of an inter symbol space.
  4. For example, in Morse code the dots and dashes of a character are separated by an intersymbol space, while the individual characters are separated by an intercharacter space, which is three times the duration of an intersymbol space.
  5. One early use of digital binary bit encoding to send information in an electrical format was the telegraph, which used Morse code.
  6. In 1837, Morse Code enabled telegraph communication.
    8 3 7年莫尔斯发明电报机是电报通信的起源。
  7. Key Connector. This is used for Morse Code operation. To operate this mode, connector a CW key to this iack and place the Mode switch in the CW position.
    Key Connector :电键接口,当使用莫尔斯电码时使用,将模式开关转到CW位置并在接口内插入一只CW电键即可使用。
  8. Morse code uses a binary bit of dot (0) or dash (1) to convey data.
  9. They put a message into Morse code and sent it down the line.
  10. The automatic decoding method locks the frequency of Morse code by phase locked logic circuit at first.
    马威,张敬修,王虎帮解放军炮兵学院信息化弹药研发中心,安徽合肥 230031
  11. While the half-time break, we set out to recite the multiple Morse code.
  12. The longer of the two telegraphic signals used in Morse code.
  13. The shorter of the two telegraphic signals used in Morse code.
  14. I think it's Morse code.
  15. An ordered set of symbols used in a language, e. g., the Morse code alphabet, the 128 ASCII characters.
  16. The Morse code alphabet commonly used on the device was also named after Morse.
  17. G., the Morse code alphabet, the128 ASCII characters.
  18. Leonard: I don't know Morse code.
  19. The program is the Morse code will be converted to English, a...
  20. You might think of wireless networking, then, as being like Morse code for computers.

Morse code 单语例句

  1. The first internationally standardized Morse code which allowed signals to be easily transmitted via the electric telegraph was introduced the same year.
  2. " We still use Morse code and apply the ABCs of electronic technologies, " he says.
  3. It also has a beacon for tracking Morse code and cameras for transmitting Earth views, as well as a student experiment to measure atmospheric pressure.
  4. Mix in a dissertation defense, add a Morse Code of Statistic Acronym.

Morse code [mɔ:s]

n. 莫尔斯电码
[网络] 摩尔斯电码;摩斯密码;摩斯电码
Morse code


law: 普通用词,泛指由最高当局所制订、立法机构所通过的任何成文或不成文的法规或条例。
rule: 通常指机关、团体的规章、条例或比赛规则;也指对人行为、方法等所作的规定,还可指习俗所承认的规定。
regulation: 普通用词,指用于管理、指导或控制某系统或组织的规则、规定或原则等。
code: 指某一阶层或社会所遵守的一整套法典、法规或法则;也可指与某一特殊活动或主题有关的规则。
act: 指经立法机构通过并由行政管理签署的法案。
constitution: 指治理国家或国家在处理内外政务时所遵循的基本法律和原则;也指规章规则的汇集。