montserrat是什么意思 montserrat在线中文翻译

Montserrat 英 [ˌmɔntseˈræt] 美 [ˌmɑntsəˈræt]

Montserrat 网络解释

  1. 蒙特塞拉特
    ...乐于助人的酒店员工可协助您预订周围地区的观光游,包括巴塞罗纳、蒙特塞拉特(Montserrat)和安道尔(Andorra)之旅. 在前往观光之前,您可以享用酒店提供的早餐. 晚间,回返酒店的餐馆享用美味的晚餐....
  2. 蒙特塞拉特岛蒙特塞拉特岛(Montserrat)国际航空小包裹资费查询蒙特塞拉特岛(Montserrat)国际航空小包裹邮寄和挂号服务 三态 会在2-5天将国际邮寄小包裹交由蒙特塞拉特岛(Montserrat) 邮局(Montserrat Postal Service)投递和其海关清关处处理,邮寄时间通常总共为7-14个工作日,由 蒙特塞拉特岛(Montserrat) 邮局投递到客户,...
  3. 蒙塞拉特岛
  4. 蒙特塞拉岛
    ...例如,他们拍过一支纪录片<<另一个决赛>>(The Other Final),安排了不丹和英属蒙特塞拉岛(Montserrat)这两支全球排名最末的球队,在2002世界杯足球赛决赛当天,举行一场比赛....

Montserrat 双语例句

  1. Montserrat has found that the idea of a curse was created 180 years ago by novelist Jane Loudon. In 1821, Loudon got the idea for a horror novel while watching an exhibition of mummies being unwrapped in London.
  2. With further research, I couldn`t find anyone in Montserrat who had heard of the clinic.
  3. I just pray that what happened in Montserrat don`t happen here.
  4. But its size restricts the number of tourists, goods and material that can be brought into Montserrat.
  5. During the initial meetings, Freddie and Montserrat had developed a respect for each other's music and voices.
  6. For example, when I was a kid I was pretty fat -- until my family moved to Montserrat and didn't bring a car.
    例如,当我还是小孩子的时候,我十分胖知道我家搬到 Montserrat,并且不带车去。
  7. There is on Montserrat an airport that would serve the island's needs perfectly.
  8. These pres the 1081 and the Air Montserrat are chosen time and time again by recording engineers and producers all over the world.
  9. In terms of application, the Air Montserrat Pre is the optimum choice for ambient recording, while the 1081 offers the perfect response for close miking of vocals, acoustic instruments, and percussion.
  10. The United Kingdom also has several overseas territories, including Bermuda, Gibraltar, Montserrat and Saint Helena among others.
    英国也有几国外疆土,包括百慕大,直布罗陀,蒙特塞拉特岛和Saint Helena在其他中。
  11. Daniel used to be a windsurfing instructor at one of Montserrat's upmarket hotels.
  12. The MVO submitted this conclusion to Montserrat's civil protection committee, which, on6 August, used it as grounds to revoke the evacuation order and allow people back to their houses.
  13. Natives on both islands used to favor the frog's meaty legs, although it is mostly tourists now who request them, said Gerard Gray, director of Montserrat's Department of Environment.
  14. Once the vibrant capital of Montserrat and home to 4, 000 people, Plymouth is now largely a ghost town.
  15. It is a public holiday in Newfoundland and Labrador and in Montserrat.
  16. Some, not least the monks of Montserrat, have identified the castle with the real sanctuary of Montserrat in Catalonia.
  17. The drawing was a picture of a long curved sandy beach on a tropical island; of course it would be Montserrat.
  18. Some, not least the monks of Montserrat, have identified the castle with the real sanctuary of Montserrat in Catalonia, Spain.
  19. In or part of Montserrat.
  20. Experience from the small Caribbean island of Montserrat shows such data can be invaluable.

Montserrat 单语例句

  1. The year 1777 refers to the period when the vineyard belonged to Montserrat Abbey.
  2. Travelers partake in Montserrat's natural beauty with a relaxing stay at the Tropical Mansion Suites.
  3. Hunting aside, the number of frogs already were dwindling in Montserrat because of the active volcano.

Montserrat [,mɔntse'ræt]

n. 蒙特色拉特岛(位于美洲)
n. a volcanic island in the Caribbean; in the West Indies