minimum free form是什么意思 minimum free form在线中文翻译

minimum free form

minimum free form 双语例句

  1. Applies CPU microprocessor and PID control technique, large screen Chinese display, and menu operation Heating with double helix silicon carbide rod; temperature measured with platinum-rhodium thermocouple Up to 4 samples can be fused simultaneously (maximum 6 samples if required by user) Up to 10 customized heating programs can be preset; within the programs, the heating process, the temperature increase speed, the final temperature, the shaking time, shaking amplitude, and shaking speed of the crucible stool, the cooling time, whether to use fans, the air flow, and so on, all can be preset. Automatic control in all the process except for the filling of the fusion sample, enabling the sameness and homogeneity of the sample; all samples are uniformly the same except for the differences in composition The bracket of the crucible and the mould are made of high temperature alloy, which guarantees no chemical reaction in high temperature Chain wheel lever structure is used in the opening device of the cover of the fusion room, trouble-free for user operation With minimum start temperature alarm and power switch-off protection when the cover of the fusion room is open Automatically switching off power and setting alarm for overcurrent and overheat; independent temperature measurement thermocouples are used for overheat protection and heating control; together with the heating control circuit, they can form treble protection of the system and can make the power switch-off protection for overheat more reliable.
  2. A word may be defined as one of the fundamental units of speech that is considered as the minimum free form.
  3. Chen joined enacted in the form of proxy has his unique, no加盟费, agent fees, you can simply purchase a minimum of about 10, 000 on the open can, more than 10, 000 kinds of paper-cut style can be used, the required opening a few thousand dollars worth of free samples, paper-cutting technology is very simple, adults, children can learn.
  4. The minimum distance between two free form surfaces is widely used in selecting the cutter diameter and detecting interference during NC machining of complex part.
  5. At a minimum, this metadata can be free-form text; but specific reference data such as URLs or artifact names/IDs would be more useful.
  6. Based on the concept of path gain the existance of loop free weighted event graph place invariant is proved and the form of its place invariant and the minimum place invariant are embodied.
  7. By means of the minimum bounding box and differential character of free-form surface, two rough localization algorithms are proposed, which can give a better initial estimate that approaches to the optimal body transformation and optimize the search space for the follow-up iterative matching algorithm.

minimum free form

minimum free form


rgeister: 多指官方对人或事作出的正式书面记录或详细清单。
schedule: 既可指时间或计划的安排表,又可指详细列出的所有分类项的清单或细表。
roll: 多指人员的姓名名单,尤指属于团体或军事单位的全体人员名单。
form: 指上面印有横线或格让人填写规定内容的表格。
catalog(ue): 指列出有全部队名、物名或项目等的目录,有时附有简要说明的分类名单或一览表。
chart: 指把资料制成表格等形式供人看的图表。
list: 最普通用词,含义广。指按字母顺序、时间先后或类别等排列的姓名或项目等的单子。
table: 普通用词,一般指易于迅速查阅使用,具有特定编排方法的目录或表格。

figure: 指轮廓、外形,尤指体态,相貌或身体。
form: 最普通用词,含义广,既可指客观物体的外形,又可用于抽象概念的“形”。
shape: 通常指由线和面所围成的外观上的形,侧重立体形状。
outline: 指任何形状的轮廓线。

motorway(free way,express way): 高速公路;
vessel: 血管,管道,一般指细小管道;
pavement(sidewalk): 街道两旁的人行道;
highway: 通常指市区外可以通行各种机动车辆的交通干线;
route: 路线,航线;path:乡间小路,公园小径;
trail: 指人或兽在森林、荒野或山中踩出的小径或崎岖小道
street: 尤指城市中的道路;
way: 可指各种路、道或通道,也可指抽象的道路、方法;
road: 广阔平坦的大道,多指公路;
channel: 海峡,渠道,管道;
lane: 指农村或城镇的小道或小径,也指小巷;

free: 指不再受任何限制、约束、阻碍和压迫,完全可按自己的意志行事。
liberate: 常指从束缚和压迫中解放出来,强调获得最终的解放,有时可和free换用。
discharge: 强调把某人或某物从监禁、束缚中释放出来。
release: 侧重指放松限制、解除监禁或免除义务。

free: 空的,指清除了或缺少了某物,与of 或from连用。如:She is free from anxiety.(她无忧无虑。)She is free of him.(她摆脱了他。)
vacant: 空闲的,指地方没有被占用。如:One day, man can make full use of vacant space.(将来,人们会充分利用浩瀚的天空。)empty,vacant和相同的名词连用时,含义不同。如an empty house指房子里既无家具也无人,空荡荡的。而a vacant house指房子没有被人占用,里面可有家具,也可无家具。
empty: 空的,指里面什么东西都没有。如:The case is empty.(这是个空箱子。)