mind reading是什么意思 mind reading在线中文翻译

mind reading

mind reading 双语例句

  1. Reading can stretch your mind and open the world to you.
  2. I don`t mind how many people are reading my journals every day.
  3. And, O. K., I wouldn't mind reading his e-mail.
  4. Guess that's all for now, thanks for reading LOLP/S: Hmmm... just one thing, I must keep in mind to bring my camera along no matter where I go, or else I am going to miss all the memorable moments again, time just does not wait for anyone anyway XD It is always better to keep a soft copy instead of trying to capture and keep all the images into our mind, as photos are eternal while memories are not
    就到此打住了,谢谢你那么有耐心读完这一篇稿子咯,呵呵号外:有一点要注意的是,我真的要千万记得随身携带我的相机了耶,不然又只好再次眼睁睁地看着那么多值得留念的事与物白白消失了,时间是决不等人的 XD 不管怎么说相片总是比记忆力较为持久的,所以说还是多照些来好好保存吧,人脑是储存不了那么多的啦
  5. Please keep in mind, while reading v1.x of this Treatise, that it was my first attempt at serious writing.
  6. It is believed reading increases our knowledge and broadens our mind.
  7. I still want to write something about my life with my limited chinese and english, I would like to share my life with the friends in the Blog-world. I also hope to know about you by reading what you write in your blogs, so that i can open my mind and learn good things in your life.
  8. The hunger of the mind can be satisfied through a lot of reading.
  9. To describe the workshop in that way highlights that all of us participate actively in that conversation, stresses that each one of us is responsible for reading the text in question with an open mind, reading it carefully and with our full attention, and then for contributing our perceptions, insights, and visions of the piece, what we see as its strengths, where we think it is going or could go, and how we think the writer might engage further with it in order to make it more successful--all in a process of focused dialogue, or conversation, with the writer and other readers in the group.
  10. I will go on reading if you don't mind.
  11. But I still can not concentrate my mind on reading.
  12. Between them, establishes one kind of marvelous mind reading, E. T. is sad, Iry Otter will also feel melancholily, E. T. has gotten sick, Iry Otter with is being also uncomfortable.
  13. Reading this book you will be pretty good in mind.
  14. I deeply lament her untimely death but I truly cherish the fleeting moments talking to her, reading her thoughts, if only a glimpse, of her life of the mind.
  15. I deeply lament her untimely death but I truly cherish the fleeting moments talking to her, reading her thoughts, and experientially knowing, if only a glimpse, of her life of the mind.
  16. I always kept Mr Lu's word in mind, time is the water in sponge, so I never chat with others, what I did is merely reading and studying, I have always been working hard to become a great man.
  17. Reading these stories and little essays confirmed my personal opinion that Anne Frank was a childhood genius with unlimited potential to achieve anything she would have set her mind to.
  18. First it- key happens Exist on air heart on it is hollow to wander up and down, there will be life, surround at mind gloomy mood, stay voice of you for a long time, every day I look like fatherless mood wild spirit, have thought, there is no state of mind, because there are only your voices in the heart, all is you in the brain, though it seems that time is not long, seem to spend all one's life, the agony is often accompanied, my soul want to take off the key and get off, go to look for your breath, your laugh in the wind, gentle words, it last goal not look for by me, perhaps it with separate remote unusually, but remote to have one day not breaking always, I want step and break all difficulty, only in order to find your heart, you are happy then I am happy, your sad my agony, you are angry then I am hollow, have time of you, I heart if the stagnant water is general, have not thought of reading, a little remaining state of mind even just surround you, is destined in my life, you have already been indispensable.
  19. The deeper I hid my feelings, the stronger they grew. I couldn`t resist my yearning desire of watching him and reading about him everyday. I wanted to let him know that he`s not alone. I wanted to do something practical to support him. So I made up my mind. I registered at his fan sites, and almost at the same time, I became a member of his fan club in China.
  20. Keep English constantly in your mind by listening, 刊 speaking of reading every day!

mind reading 单语例句

  1. " Reading can help me keep peace of mind and even solve difficulties at work, " said Liu.
  2. Daily reading of pithy aphorisms on life that the sages wrote down thousands of years ago helped me " still the fluctuations of my mind ".

mind reading [maind ˈri:diŋ]

na. 测心术
[网络] 读心术;心灵感应;心智解读
mind reading


attend: 一般用词,侧重专心于某事。
remark: 一般指经过思维活动而注意到。
mind: 指用心地去观察,了解某人或某物以达到某一目的。常用于命令句中。
notice: 指对所见所闻所感的人或事作出的反应,侧重结果。
note: 语气比notice强,指不仅注意到,而且记录下来,侧重注意的认真与仔细。

intellect: 侧重不受感情或意志左右的冷静思考或领悟能力。
wit: 指先天的才能、智力、意识等,隐含小聪明意味。
wisdom: 较文雅,也可指明智的言行。
mind: 使用广泛,无褒贬之意。强调诸如认识、记忆、思考、决定等的智慧功能。
brain: (多用复数brains)强调理解能力和独立的或者首创性的思维能力。
intelligence: 指处理或对付问题或情况的特殊才智;也指运用、展开智慧的能力。

mind: 使用广泛,无褒贬之意。强调诸如认识、记忆、思考、决定等的智慧功能。
intellect: 侧重不受感情或意志左右的冷静思考或领悟能力。
intelligence: 指处理或对付问题或情况的特殊才智;也指运用、展开智慧的能力。
brain: (多用复数brains)强调理解能力和独立的或者首创性的思维能力。
wit: 指先天的才能、智力、意识等,隐含小聪明意味。
wisdom: 较文雅,也可指明智的言行。

care: 指对某事感到关切、操心或忧虑,主要用于否定句或疑问句。
mind: 通常用于否定句、疑问句或条件句中。也可用在答复询问的肯定句中。指因某事打扰、感到不满而表示反对。