megathermal climate是什么意思 megathermal climate在线中文翻译

megathermal climate

megathermal climate 双语例句

  1. During the period of the summer megathermal climate, the glutanic acid fermentation temperature is easy out of control, the fermentation output rate is low, in view of this phenomenon, study on the high yield glutamic acid technology reducing the hot peak value of heat of fermentation.
  2. Shi Yafeng, Kong Zhaochen, Wang Sumin et al, Climate Fluctuates and Important Events of Holocene Megathermal in China.
  3. Studies on Holocene indicate warm-humid climate and occurring cooling events during early period, high lake-levels during the megathermal period, and advance toward cold-dry during late period.
  4. Since the end of last deglaciation, the Holocene Megathermal expanded the East Asia Monsoon circulation and the continuous climate warming promoted the prosperity of the Neolithic culture.
  5. The Megathermal in Holocene became shorter and climate changed more frequently during this period in the deep part of QinghaiTibetan Plateau.
  6. Climate of the Holocene Megathermal in the Source Area of the Yellow River, Northeast Tibet Rehabilitation and Degradation for Subalpine Coniferous Forest on the Upper Reaches of Dadu River of Eastern Tibetan Plateau
  7. Due to the megathermal and rainy climate in South China, along with severe damage of plant diseases and insect pests, the downy mildew resulted in a 50% loss or so in Sichuan province.
  8. Technique of Reduction Crack in the Pumping Transfer Concrete During the Megathermal Climate

megathermal climate

megathermal climate


surroundings: 特指自然环境(地理概念)
environment: 指对人的感情、品德、思想等或动植物生存产生影响的环境
circumstance: 特指经济状况,表示环境,状况时常用复数
context: 上下文
atmosphere: 气氛,氛围
climate: 气候,风气,思潮

weather: 一天内具体的天气状况,
climate: 长期的气候状况 The climate here is not good for you.