make oneself responsible for是什么意思 make oneself responsible for在线中文翻译

make oneself responsible for

make oneself responsible for 双语例句

  1. I arrive at this Guangzhou, I personally once experienced personally, why here of foreign duty worker's member be which Yao of many, they is of is what, why since then go to here, for the sake of a common of target, which be money, because there is no way, they have no way, they also don't think to oneself is which appearance, every day give person part-time job, but they are also canning not figure out what good way, because they want to oneself of the sons and daughters be responsible for, send they go to school, bring up they grow up an adult, arch they eat arch them to wear, be used as parents what this is a son is really for world of the parents feel an in the mind displeased, uncomfortable, I sawed much more in my own body of affair, although I see not and deeply the winds and clouds of world change Huan, but I really saw understand some thing, be little I know how to make allowance for parents of mood, but I don't miss them everyday for the sake of we but is not in the home every day, every day at outside, at outside give person part-time job, myself be an indocile kid, perhaps I is really be unlike their kid, I every day in the mind words I don't know to be like who say, this kind of in the mind force be the in mind difficult way pleasurable?
  2. Regarding experienceaspect, university period I can frequently make the concurrent jobusing the vacation time, for instance said makes the market salespromotion, the market investigation and study, that is extremelyunforgettable experiences, lets oneself attain very many, practiceperiod more than months are responsible for a website development in asoftware company, then practise this period of time to let me harvestquite in a big way are team cooperation experiences, at that time wereour 10 schoolmates do this development work together, moreover were ina non-specialized instruction situation, therefore we with the betweenconsultation, the cooperation, mixed all change especiallyimportantly, The practice work finally is very complete, the practiceunit also gives us the full affirmation, (my work mainly or isresponsible for user contact surface design, with some relateddatabase developments), at present I is goes to work in a networkcompany, holds the post of the technology department technician, starts from previous month in April, already some more than months, atpresent or in probation period stage, since then, actually always Iall unusual expected oneself has the opportunity in a foreign capitalenterprise work, also because of this, I in university period is quitetakes regarding English this curriculum study, Also extremelytreasures at present this opportunity, hoped can find in your firm tounfold own platform, also for company's development completely brocadethin strength.
  3. I is it advise to listen to, I dislike worth listeninged to listen to, I is it make all over Ling wounded body oneself have to like, how is consequence I oneself can responsible for, but I mind I prefer with is it gain freedom that I choose to come like this, I prefer with is it gain a gleam of hope matter even, I is it gain one hopeful future instead of how after saying now moan and groan to prefer to come like this, see end how 麼 know whom final result perform assorted 麼, even if lonely to spend the remaining years till death what tragedy is it mind even to wind up yet, it injure family it is too even if, do the best I, to have way who cheat with marriage there aren't relative coming in I, the relative's love is not a kind of hindrance, it is not the choice that the child wants to force children to do a script, they can glad for this really, really can, have perhaps, but my relative is not at least.
  4. The idea of family, mutuality, the sharing of benefits and burdens for the good of all. To make oneself responsible. Used with for.

make oneself responsible for

make oneself responsible for


responsible: 指能熟练而出色地履行职责或完成任务,或指在出差错而对其原因有争执时承担过失。
liable: 着重指在不履行债务等时应负法律责任或受罚。

cause: 正式用词,侧重指使某事发生的原因。
get: 侧重指劝某人做某事,或指使某事物处于某种状态或产生某种结果。
have: 普通用词,指让某人做某事。
make: 普通用词,指强迫或劝诱他人做某事。
render: 书面用词,多指因外界因素而使某人或某物处于某种状态。

invent: 主要用于科技领域,指通过思考、研究或实验制造出新的前所未有、极为有用的东西。
compose: 多指音乐或诗歌、画的创作。
make: 最普通用词,指任何东西的创作或制造。
create: 侧重创造出来的东西以前并不存在,或者指独具特色的创作。
design: 主要指在艺术或技术领域的创作设计,强调构思多于实际制造。
produce: 指产品的生产,或作品创作的完成。

manufacture: 正式用词,一般指用机器大规模地批量生产各种生活或生产用品。
fabricate: 特指按照标准样式制作或把材料或部件组合成一个整体。
make: 普通用词,很常用,含义广,既可指制造具体的东西,也可指完成一种行为。
produce: 普通用词,侧重大量地生产出各种生产用品和生活用品。强调结果。也用于引申。

recognize: 指所辨认的人或物多是以前所熟悉的。
identify: 指辨别、确定人的身份或物品的归属等。
make out: 通常指通过人的感觉器官来辨别事物。