low moor是什么意思 low moor在线中文翻译

low moor

low moor 双语例句

  1. A long, low cry, very deep and very sad, came over the moor.
  2. The place of Catherine's interment, to the surprise of the villagers, was neither in the chapel under the carved monument of the Lintons, nor yet by the tombs of her own relations, outside. It was dug on a green slope in a corner of the kirkyard, where the wall is so low that heath and bilberry plants have climbed over it from the moor; and peat mould almost buries it.
  3. The place of Catherines interment, to the surprise of the villagers, was neither in the chapel under the carved monument of the Lintons, nor yet by the tombs of her own relations, outside. It was dug on a green slope in a corner of the kirkyard, where the wall is so low that heath and bilberry plants have climbed over it from the moor; and peat mould almost buries it.
  4. An extensive tract of uncultivated open land covered with herbage and low shrubs; a moor. any grass of the genus Chloris; occurs in short grassland especially on waste ground or poor soils.
  5. The stampede happened in April 2012 when a hot air balloon carrying a party of sightseers flew over Low Moor Farm, near York.
  6. With respect to the effect of soil on the atrazine in the water, the integrated token index of the low moor peat soil is the largest and the peat moor soil and the paddy soil are the lest.
  7. There is nothing on the moor but rough grass and low brushes.
  8. It is suggested that the Chinese middle decomposed low-moor peats can produce biologically active preparations by the hydrolysis and (or) oxidation methods.

low moor

low moor


mean: 暗示狠毒、贪婪、缺乏尊严感等为人们所不耻的卑鄙、自私、渺小的行为。
shabby: 指行为的不公和卑劣而使人感到不屑和轻蔑。
cheap: 侧旨人或物的品质低劣下贱。
low: 指行为卑鄙、可耻、下文明,可引申指庸俗。