log entry是什么意思 log entry在线中文翻译

log entry

log entry 双语例句

  1. Be sure you record the date each time you make any entry. Journals do not have to be expensive or fancy. Some people find a loose-leaf [17] or spiral [18] notebook adequate [19], or a daily log [20] book. Others prefer to purchase a journal from a stationery [21] store, or use a computer. Try several different ways before you find one that works best for you. What matters most is that you record your times with the Lord.
  2. But if there is no balance, you can log off after the entry into force, the cardholder should also go to the Bank Office 销户 procedures, fetching the remaining after the repayment amount.
  3. Based on the plan, the paper designs a network teaching system, which utilizes Visual C#.net to develop, adopting the most popular B/S structure and with SQL, Server 2000 as its database management system. The system involves student area and teacher area. Students can log in the student area to accomplish all study processes, including such activities as synchronizing classroom, video teaching, network teaching, downloading study resources, online exercise, online test and online tutorship. Teachers can log in the teacher area to process online management, including online preparation for lessons, issuing teaching information, uploading materials, managing exercises, managing test papers and providing online answers, etc. In addition, the system also involves the users`register mode to realize the users`registration, entry and management.
    在此基础上,具体设计了一个网络教学系统,该系统采用目前流行的B/S结构,以SQL Server 2000作为后台数据库管理系统,采用Visual C#。net进行开发,该系统分为学生区和教师区,学生可登录到学生区完成整个的学习过程,包括同步课堂、视频教学、网络授课、学习资源下载、在线作业、在线考试、在线辅导等一系列学习活动,教师则登录到教师区进行在线教学管理,包括在线备课、教学信息发布、资料上传、作业管理、试卷管理、在线答疑等,另外该系统还包括用户登录注册模块,用于实现用户的注册、登录及管理功能。
  4. ErrTrack - Sets a new Error Log entry and makes the log an error for event viewer.
    errTrack -设置一个新的错误日志记录,并使日志事件查看器中的一个错误。
  5. Similarly, you can ignore an error from IoAllocateErrorLogEntry because the inability to add an entry to the error log isn`t at all critical.
    类似的,你可以忽略一个来自 IoAllocateErrorLogEntry的错误,因为没有能力添加一个错误日至入口并非一个危机。
  6. For instance, most important system processes, such as e-mail transport and remote access, continuously log activity, appending each new entry to the end of the file.
  7. The event log entry for this error includes the description of the actual error that caused it.
  8. The number of log entries in current filled log entry.
  9. The detailed test assertion results are listed by entry (for example, WSDL binding element, message log entry ID, etc.).
  10. For audit to understand how to print each object as a record to the audit log, it needs a corresponding entry in the/etc/security/events file.
  11. Components that automatically call a procedure when an entry is written to a log.
  12. If you get up out of your chair, it probably means you need to make an entry in your time log.
  13. Password entry at the Log In dialog will allow full access to the database.
  14. The signed entry in the aircraft technical log was therefore wrong and invalid.
  15. The captain made an entry in the ships'log that they had sighted their first landfall for sixty days.
  16. Imagine that all operations within a transaction are logged into such a context object, you could do post transactional processing based on each entry in the log.
  17. The problem with this approach is that the nested list comprehension will iterate over each entry in the web server log, and, for each entry in the web server log, it will also iterate over each entry in the credit-card log.
    这个方法的问题是嵌套的list内涵将在web server log上迭代每个入口。并且,对于在web server log里的每个入口,它也将地带在信用卡log上的每个入口。
  18. When quorum is lost, a log entry indicates it.
  19. This entry specifies the largest interval, in log seconds, that is allowed for the system polling interval.
  20. In the screenshot below we can see the log of the report that was just run underneath the report entry in the content store view.

log entry 单语例句

  1. " Tiger wants to reschedule meeting set for 3 pm, " the log entry said.

log entry

un. 航海日志记录
[网络] 值班日志记录;日志项;日志项目
log entry


admission: 指被允许进入某公共场所或建筑物的权利,也指进入某一组织。
entry: 强调正式地、礼仪地进入。用作“入口”解时,多指房门、院门、门廊等。
admittance: 指许可进入某地或某建筑物。
entrance: 含义广泛,作“进入”解时,可用于许多场合;作“入口”解时,指有门或栏的入口处。

timber: 指经过匠人初步加要的备用木材,多用于英国英语。
wood: 最普通用词,含义广,除表示“木材,木”外,还可用复数形式表示森林。
lumber: 指伐下后未经削磨的木材,现多用于美国英语中。
log: 指原木或圆木。