letter drop是什么意思 letter drop在线中文翻译

letter drop

letter drop 双语例句

  1. If it's an ordinary mail, you can drop it into the nearest letter box.
  2. Wang: If you want to post an ordinary letter, you needn't go to the post office, you can drop it into the nearest pillar-box.
  3. When I said that, a large drop of blood fell on the letter and splattered all over it, covering almost all the words.
  4. Failure to complete fewer than 8 of these 10 laboratories will result in a drop in your final letter grade.
  5. A crystal tear-drop plopped down on the letter.
  6. I am very happy to receive the other side of the ocean you for your letter, as we have been able to drop in the ocean through the school of Sino-Japanese friendship linking our activities, really feel very honored, very happy!
  7. Vocab-French includes 10 French-themed vocabulary learning games and activities, including animated flashcards, electronic vocab quiz, Guillotine, Word Scramble, Concentration, Letter Drop, Word Search, Asteroids, Safe Cracker and Word Zap!
    vocab -法语包括10个法语为主题的词汇学习,游戏和活动,包括动画卡,电子vocab问答比赛,断头台时,Word争夺,浓度,信下降,词搜索,小行星,安全裂解和Word zap !
  8. The mail room personnel create an envelope by using the recipient information in your letter, seal your letter in an envelope, and drop the envelope in the mailbox for delivery.
  9. I drop the letter into the mailbox in front of the Post Office.
  10. And the countless malicious attacks I found through Google, at first glance made it hard to imagine that there could actually be so many people so zealous in launching abuse at a child—their reasoning for the abuse being that this little kid ought to have chosen `to die rather than surrender'to CCTV's intimidation or enticements, which is bullshit….drop the last letter in Mop [16] and you get Mob
    随手google出无数条恶毒的攻击,一时间竟有些难以想象,竟然有那么多人,如此热衷于向一个孩子谩骂——而谩骂的理由是,这个小朋友应该像江姐一样,面对CCTV的威逼利诱宁死不从……Bull shit~~~~mop完全可以颠倒一下尾字母,从此叫做mob
  11. Also if you would like to help keep the students updated on my whereabouts you are more than welcome and encouraged to drop them a post-card or letter at the school (they are anxious to know where I am)! The address is given below.
  12. Drop that letter, and I'll kill you.
  13. I think Gabriel is the name of the angel who is going to drop this letter off to you.
  14. I drop the letter in the mailbox on the corner.
  15. Choose a drive letter from the drop down list, and press OK.
  16. Can I post this letter and card in a post box? Drop the love letter in the mail, and look forward to the response.
  17. I am enclosing a stamped envelope addressed to the graduate school of the university so that you can just drop your letter in mail.
  18. Drop the letter into the mailbox marked " Out of Town ".
  19. Drop the letter into the mailbox;
  20. Oh, I must drop her a line. I owe her a letter.

letter drop 单语例句

  1. And I was grateful the Fords had found time to drop me a letter in response to my telegram.

letter drop

na. 投信口
letter drop


letter: 指单个的字母。
alphabet: 指整个字母系统或一种语言的字母表,不表单个字母。
script: 指书写或印刷的字母。
character: 通常指汉语的方块字,也指字符。

call on: 社交上的正式用语,指无目的、礼节性的短暂拜访,访问者与被访问者之间一般只有社交或公务关系。
drop in: 多指在计划之外或事先未打招呼的偶然、顺便访问。也可指参观。
see: 常用词,含义广泛,既可指接受他人来访,又可指去访问他人。
visit: 正式用词,强调出于工作需要的访问,也指亲戚朋友间的看望。

message: 指书信、口信、电报等。
correspondence: 集合名词,指全部来往信件。
letter: 最普通用词,泛指一切形式的书信,尤指邮寄的信。
note: 指内容直截了当的短信或便条,正式或非正式均可。

drop: 指物体从一定高度落下。
fall: 与drop同义,指突然或猛烈地降落,但fall也可指任何下落,同高度或形式无关。
sink: 指在空气或水中垂直下降、下沉。
descend: 通常指沿斜线或斜坡下降。