Cervantes是什么意思 Cervantes在线中文翻译

Cervantes 英 [sə:ˈvæntiz] 美 [sɚˈvæntiz]

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Cervantes 网络解释

  1. 塞万提斯
    ...第三章 索福克勒斯(Sophocles)的<<奥狄浦斯王>>(Oedipus the King)--古希腊戏剧的代表、西方悲剧的典范第四章 但丁(Dante)及其<<神曲>>(The Divine Comedy)--欧洲中世纪文学的杰出代表第五章 塞万提斯(Cervantes)及其<<堂.吉诃德...
  2. 塞万提斯 -选自中世纪卷
    ...Cerilli 切里利 | Cervantes 塞万提斯 -选自中世纪卷 | Cespedes des y Castillo, Carrlos Manuel de 塞斯佩德斯-卡斯蒂略-选自近代卷...
  3. 塞万提斯 (名)
    ...ceruse 铅粉; 白粉 (名) | Cervantes 塞万提斯 (名) | cervical smear 子宫颈抹片...

Cervantes 双语例句

  1. Delicate Francis DaPavia read, from delicate onionskin, yellow pages, or pink, which he kept flipping carefully with long white fingers, the poems of bis dead chum Altman who'd eaten too much peyote in Chihuahua but read none of his own poems—a charming elegy in itself to the memory of the dead young poet, enough to draw tears from the Cervantes of Chapter Seven, and read them in a delicate Englishy voice that had me crying with inside laughter though I later got to know Francis and liked him.
  2. Me hace falta una novela de Cervantes.
  3. Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Spain, 1547-1616, Don Quixote
  4. Cervantes applies this code of values to a world in which such values are out of date.
  5. Cervantes 塞万提斯 Fear not that the life shall come to an end, but rather fear that it shall never have a beginning.
  6. Cervantes 塞万提斯 47.In this world there are only two tragedies. One is not getting what one wants, and the other is getting it.
  7. Cervantes It is only in adventure that some people succeed in knowing themselves-in finding themselves.
  8. Is not beautiful but, at most, good-looking--Miguel de Cervantes
  9. Cervantes's biases pervade the novel as well, most notably in the form of a mistrust of foreigners.
  10. The outcome of the manslaughter of his lover's father, Austrian non-Leah, Ophelia Hamlet killed because the father was, Mad Hatter himself. opportunity to sow discord between the king's son Leo to比剑the name of Cervantes, designstabbed to death by the Hamlet, at the end of the play, Hamlet, King, Princess, Leo Cervantes die.
  11. CERVANTES` MANSERVANT is as old or older than his master, short, rotund, suspicious and pragmatic.
  12. He epitomized the Spanish tramp novel and Defore`s venture novel, mingled with Cervantes` and Swift`s satiric novel traditions, especially merged his own experiences as a dramatist. Because of this, his novel showed unusual ingenuity and remained for a long time.
  13. Fear is sharp- sighted, and can see things under ground, ——Miguel de Cervantes
  14. MIGUEL DE CERVANTES is tall and thin, a man of gentle courtliness leavened by humor.
  15. Also was precisely through this model, Cervantes harbors the sorrowful mood to announce the fideism end.
  16. Moritornes, a servant maid in Don. Quixote, written by Spanish writer Cervantes, was extremely ugly, with a big face, a flat head and a cat-like eye.
  17. Some may find the elaborate prose closer to Cervantes than to, say, (Nobel prizewinner) Robert Merton annoying.
  18. Cervantes, a Spanish writer created the Don Quixote who is miraculous knight fight severe war to windmill that is widely known in the whole world, but this image and auctorial reader continue various misunderstandings.
  19. Chivalry was suspect before Cervantes, humanists objected to the claims of pure science before Aldous Huxley, and people were aware of famine before Swift.
  20. Similarly, Germany began opening Goethe Institutes in1951, while the Cervantes Institutes started admitting students in1991.

Cervantes 单语例句

  1. Don Quixote is adapted from Spanish literary giant Miguel De Cervantes'novel.
  2. Jerome's literary sense of humor and by Cervantes'persistence in producing the epic Don Quixote at the ripe old age of 58.
  3. The Spanish capital of Madrid is planning to place a time capsule under a statue of author Miguel de Cervantes.
  4. The Cervantes Institute and the Spanish embassy have organized a lecture discussing the use of water resources in China and Spain.
  5. The Cervantes Institute holds a presentation for studying in universities in Spain as well as advice for visa application.
  6. The Spanish embassy and the Cervantes Institute in Beijing are presenting the first concert in China by Spanish rock icon Luz Casal.
  7. " Only time will tell if he's as important to Spanish literature as Cervantes, " he said.
  8. The Cervantes Institute is hosting a photo exhibition about Colombian literary giant Gabriel Garcia Marquez.
  9. They welcomed the agreement on setting up a Cervantes Institute in China and a Confucius College in Spain.
  10. " It's never been like this in my years here, " Cervantes said.

Cervantes [sә'væntiz]

n. 塞万提斯
n. Spanish writer best remembered for `Don Quixote' which satirizes chivalry and influenced the development of the novel form (1547-1616)