leaking joint是什么意思 leaking joint在线中文翻译

leaking joint

leaking joint 双语例句

  1. The project solves the technique difficulties of biomaterial connection, tube-shell mechanical strength, ultrafine kovar glass and leaking of welded joint and the problem of industrialization.
  2. Using the theory of joint and several liability and imputation principle in tort hw, three different opinions and cases on whether the party without spilling oil into the sea in two ships collision and only one ship leaked oil should be liable for pollution damage were and lyzed. on the basis of supplementary liability principle in civil law and the positive method, a suggestion is put forward that whether the party whose ship doesn`t spill oil has fault or not in ships collision, the party whose ship leaks oil be firstly the responsible one for victims of pollution. the party without spilling oil just bears supplementary liability when the leaking oil party couldn`t pay full compensation for victims.
  3. In the joint of LG PEX-A Pipe, male xocket is pressed to a convex on the inserting part and the fastening ring will contract to fasten up the heating pipe by the fastening of outer nut, and there is also a convex on the ring to offer close coupling by mechanical re-press effect to prevent water from leaking in case of heat expansion.
  4. Analyzing and Processing for Serious Steam Leaking of Joint Face of No.1 Steam Turbine's High Pressure and Intermediate Pressure Cylinder
  5. The result of this article is shown as follows: 1. It is central reason of highway tunnel waterproof board leaking that the breakage of waterproof layer during tunnel construction period, tunnel construction joint at top of middle blocking walls misconducting and the bad construction quality.
  6. Two oil leaking failures of one type of aero-engine happened continuously, which were resulted from fracture of U-pipes at the joint connecting with the main pipe laying.

leaking joint

leaking joint


reciprocal: 着重互惠,有来有往。
joint: 强调至少两人或两方共同占用,侧重指一个统一体。
mutual: 着重彼此共有或共享,局限于双方的关系。
common: 侧重两人或多人共有共同,但不暗示彼此间存在的等价关系。