kwa是什么意思 kwa在线中文翻译

Kwa 英 [kwɑ:] 美 [kwɑ]

Kwa 词典解释


Kwa 网络解释

  1. 克瓦
    ...沿著这条中心河段,刚果河接纳其主要的支流,主要有右岸的乌班吉河和桑加(Sangha)河和左岸的克瓦(Kwa)河. 平均流量随後大增,在流入金夏沙时几乎近於其最大流量. 流域的最北部,即在中非共和国境内年降雨量仅200∼...
  2. ...kung功共 | kwa瓜 | kwai葵桂貴...
  3. 千瓦安
    ...KW 千瓦 | Kwa 千瓦安 | KWH 千瓦小时...
  4. 克瓦语 千瓦 | Kwa 克瓦语 | kwacha 克瓦查...

Kwa 双语例句

  1. This is the chance to inspire hope, my dear comrades, in Kwa Zulu-Natal.
  2. To Kwa Wan 4 - The light was replaced with modern equipment for higher reliability in June.
    土瓜湾 4 -该灯於6月期间换上全新现代化器材,用以提高其可靠性。
  3. So, KWA Type machine is famous for its high efficiency, easy handling and firmness for clothes, bending, industrial use and interior decorations, etc.
  4. The invisible hand of nature created this beautiful sculpture at Hoi Sham Park, To Kwa Wan, Kowloon.
  5. Imagine ba kwa sandwich for breakfast washed down with hot milk tea? ?
  6. I am usually not a ba kwa person.
  7. But i dunno why i was eating more ba kwa than i usually would during CNY.
  8. The adjoining 260 hectares of existing urban areas at Hung Hom, To Kwa Wan, Ma Tau Kok and Kowloon City offer opportunities for urban renewal.
  9. A girl stood outside a school in the Mukuru kwa Njenga slum in Nairobi, Kenya, Tuesday.
  10. Another veteran opposition leader, Mangosuthu Buthelezi, urged supporters to return his Inkatha Freedom Party to power in eastern Kwa Zulu-Natal province.
  11. In modern Zhuang language, " kwa~(33)" acts not only as predicate but also tendency complement, preposition, aspect and modal particle in sentences.
  12. Then SMES capacity to store energy can be used to maintain power output more constant, Kwa-Sur Tam et. al.
  13. In modern Zhuang language," kwa ~ (33)" acts not only as predicate but also tendency complement, preposition, aspect and modal particle in sentences.

Kwa 单语例句

  1. A cannabis farm containing 400 plants was found in a residential unit in To Kwa Wan on Tuesday.
  2. Hung's mother took them to a playground in To Kwa Wan, and they disappeared about 4 pm.

Kwa [kwɑ:]

n. 克瓦语
n. a group of African language in the Niger-Congo group spoken from the Ivory Coast east to Nigeria