karrer是什么意思 karrer在线中文翻译

Karrer 英 [ˈkɑ:rə] 美 [ˈkɑrɚ]

Karrer 双语例句

  1. Sigh bridge connecting this has Karrer Palace and the old prison small bridge, called the Bridge of Sighs. said an inmate over this bridge will never be a day Yue.
    叹息桥 这座连接都卡雷宫和旧监狱的小天桥,被称为叹息桥,据说犯人一过此桥便永无天曰了。
  2. Karrer and Enslin reported that the structure of alstyrine S_(19H_(22)N_2, a selenium- dehydrogenation-degradation product obtained by Sharp from the alkaloid alstonine, is identical with that of corynanthyrine, α-[2-(4, 5 diethylpyridyl)]-β-ethylindole, despite the fact that the melting points of these two substances have a 5°difference.

Karrer ['kɑ:rә]

卡勒(Paul, 1889-1971, 生于俄国的瑞士化学家, 曾获1937的诺贝尔化学奖)