intermittent sedimentation是什么意思 intermittent sedimentation在线中文翻译

intermittent sedimentation

intermittent sedimentation 双语例句

  1. In the final analysis, SBR process was adopted in this treatment plant design. This new kind of process has such advantages as follows:its constructions are very simple, save a secondary sedimentation tank and sludge digestion and backflow system. So the cost of its infrastructure is relatively lower than other treatment processes; Its effect of removing the TN and TP is very remarkable and the quality of its effluent is also very good; The requirement of automation in operation and management is high, so the overall cost of operation is relatively low. Its continuous effluent and intermittent outflow in the operation is very applicable to the medium-sized and small-sized sewage treatment plant.
  2. The by-product sulfur was hydrophilic, and better than hydrophobic sublimed sulfur, or the by-product sulfur from hydrogen sulfide removal by acid solution of Fe2 (SO4) 3.The settling velocity of sulfur particles was 0.125 × 10-2 m · s-1 as shown in an intermittent sedimentation test.
  3. Improving Hydraulic Surface Loading of Secondary Sedimentation Tank by Intermittent Sedimentation Process

intermittent sedimentation
