inp是什么意思 inp在线中文翻译


INP 网络解释

  1. 磷化铟
    ...§7.6 磷化铟(InP)纳米线的光电特性莫尔(Moore)定律描述了微电子器件发展的规律,芯片上元件的集成度越来越高,其中元件的尺寸越来越小,小到纳米尺寸,这将是微电子器件的极限....
  2. 输入
  3. 印度
  4. 铟-磷
    ...基于铟-磷(INP)的高速电子迁移晶体管(HEMT),其最大震荡频率可达600GHz,而且从微波到毫米波均具有低的噪声优点. 多级毫米波低噪声放大器(LNA)具有很好的性能(1.7DB-NF/62GHz)....
  5. abbr. index of price; 物价指数
  6. abbr. intelligent network processor; 智能网络处理器
  7. abbr. integrated network processor; 综合网络处理器
  8. abbr. intraspeeific nest parasmsm; 鸟类种内巢寄生

INP 双语例句

  1. The incidence area of PIN-PD is 2222μm2, InP-based HBT is 3μm size style, the square resistance of NiCr resistance is 100, the amplifer circuit is transimpedance feedback amplifer with one stage common emitter and output buffer circuits.
  2. D, v/iNp`~0 We will now write an XML schema file from scratch.
    z1TFSs%oo3nS0我们现在将从头编写一个 XML schema 文件。
  3. In chapter three, the influences of the grating radius, spectra range, wavelength spacing, dispersion, resolution and aberration are taken into account in the design of Rowland-type gratings and the fabrications of a InP based Rowland circle grating are presented in detail. The design of a singlemode three-dimensional four-layer waveguide is involved. Coordinates of grating grooves are calculated and the results are input to the computer. Electron beams are employed to generate the mask. Multi-layer planar waveguides are grown by the liquid phase epitaxy.
  4. Space conherence characteristic of 1.3μm InGaAsP/InP DCC structure semiconductor laser is good.
  5. Measurements on cap and post mount structures are performed using various TED's.
  6. The frequency and power behaviour for harmonic mode GaAs and InP-TED oscillators using cap and post mount structures are presented.
  7. In this project, the calculated formulas and programs of the spin-Hamiltonian parameters (g and A factors, zero-field splitting) for transition metal ions in crystals (i. e., 3d2 and 3d7 ions in a tetrahedral site with cubic, trigonal or tetragonal symmetry, and 3d3 and 3d8 ions in a cubic octahedral site) are established from a two-mechanism model, in which not only the contribution due to the crystal-field mechanism, but also the contribution due to the charge-transfer mechanism (which is neglected in the previous papers) are included. From there formulas, the observed spin-Hamiltonian parameters in functional materials and compound semiconductors are calculated. It is found that the relative importance of charge-transfer mechanism increases with the increasing atomic number of ligand (e. g., for Co2 in GaP, InP and GaAs) or with the increasing valence state of 3dn ion (e. g., for Cr4, Mn5 and Fe63d2 ion series in oxygen tetrahedra). So, in these cases, the contributions of charge-transfer mechanism to spin-Hamiltonian parameters can not be neglected and the two-mechanism model should be used.
    有鉴于此,本项目对固体中基态为轨道单态的过渡金属离子(具体为3d2和3d7离子在立方、三角和四角对称的四面体,3d3和3d8离子在立方八面体),建立了一套既包含晶场机制,又包括以前忽略的荷移机制的能处理自旋哈密顿参量g,A因子和零场分裂的双机制理论模型,计算公式和相应的计算程序,用以解释过渡金属离子在各种功能材料和化合物半导体中的自旋哈密顿参量实验数据,发现荷移机制对自旋哈密顿量的贡献随配体原子序数(如对Co2 在GaP,InP和GaAs)或过渡金属离子价态(如对等电子的3d2离子Cr4 ,Mn5 和Fe6 在氧四面体)的增加而增加;在这些情况,荷移机制的贡献必须考虑。
  8. The purpose of my studies is to investigate a proper backside process for 4 inches InP wafers and to do research of the dry etching mechanism of InP material.
  9. In addition, gold-free, fully Cu-metallized InP HBTs using non-alloyed Ti/Pt/Cu and Pt/Ti/Pt/Cu ohmic contacts and platinum diffusion barrier have been successfully fabricated. The InGaAs/Ti/Pt/Cu ohmic structure used in this study was very stable after annealing up to 350 ℃ as judged from the Auger depth profiles.
    最后我们更将铜制程应用在InP元件上,使用非合金材料钛/铂/铜和铂/钛/铂/铜(Pt/Ti/Pt/Cu)做为n型和p型的欧姆接触,以及使用Pt做为扩散阻障层,成功制作出不使用金而完全使用铜金属化的InP HBT。
  10. Based on this characterization system, the characteristics of gas source MBE grown InAlAs/InGaAs/InP quantum cascade lasers, especially on their thermal property, have been...
    利用此系统对采用气态源分子束外延技术生长的中红外波段 In Al As/In Ga As/In P量子级联激光器的热特性进行了测量分析,得出了器件的热阻参数,同时也对器件的激射温度范围、激射波长的温度特性、激射时的最高脉冲占空比、激射谱线宽度及其模式特征等一系列参数进行了测量,获得了有意义的结果。此测量系统在其他种类的中红外激光器测量上也有广泛用途
  11. It wasshown InGaAs/InP QW was controled in the vicinity of spacecharge area successfully.0.5% compressive strained QW's InGaAs/InP LD was pulsed lase at room temperature.
  12. The invention discloses an InP quantum point preparing method, comprising the steps of:(1) mixing InCl3 with trioctylphosphine oxide, and preserving heat at 90-110DEG C to prepare a solution whose In content is 0.1-0.3mol/L; (2) raising temperature to 130-180DEG C, and charging argon gas; (3) injecting PSi(CH333 into InCl3-TOPO compound in the molar ratio of 1 to 1-1 to 2; (4) when the solution color turns into transparent red or orange, raising temperature to 260-270DEG C and preserving heat; (5) lowering temperature to 90-110DEG C and injecting dodecyl amine, decyl amine or mercaptan; (6) dissolving reacting mixture in nonpolar solvent to form transparent colloidal solution, then adding in polar solution until the colloidal solution is muddy, and centrifugally separating and obtaining deposits and supernatant; and (7) centrifugally separating the supernatant, where the above steps (1)-(5) are performed.
    本发明公开了一种InP量子点的制备方法,其步骤为:①将InCl 3 与三辛基氧膦混合,在90~110℃保温制得In含量为0.1~0.3mol/L的溶液;②升温到130~180℃,通入氩气;③将PSi(CH 3 3 3 注射入InCl 3 -TOPO复合物中,其摩尔比为1∶1~1∶2;④待溶液颜色变为透明的红色或橙红色,将升温260~270℃保温;⑤降温到90~110℃,注入十二胺、癸胺或硫醇;⑥将反应混合物溶于非极性溶剂,形成透明的胶体溶液,然后加入极性溶剂,直至胶体溶液出现混浊状,然后离心分离获得沉积物和上层清液;⑦取上层清液进行离心分离。上述步骤①~⑤在保护气氛下进行。
  13. Such a result is different from that of as-grown Fe-doped SI InP which has a nonlinear region in I-V curve explained by the theory of space charge limited current.
  14. Modulate the layers of DFB lasers, add the InGaAsP layer and the InP layer above the waveguide layer, to use the InGaAsP and InP layers, we elimiate the multback of grating.
  15. Based on the process flow of our Lab., Developing and optimizing the process conditions for fabricating 2 size style InP-based HBT and monolithic integrated photoreceiver have been completed.
  16. This system supports multi-document frame and interactive inp ut of the data.
  17. The serum levels of amylase and CRP in ANP group were increased, and those in INP group were increased more significantly.
  18. Nowadays, the waveguide devices based on GaAs and InP materials have become the main research direction of high speed switches.
  19. Current-voltage measurements demonstrate the conductivity of the bonde...
  20. A Geiger mode planar InGaAs/InP avalanche photodiode with a cascade peripheral junction structure to suppress edge breakdowns is designed by finite-element analysis.


abbr. inert nitrogen protection 惰性氮防护