case of conscience是什么意思 case of conscience在线中文翻译

case of conscience

case of conscience 双语例句

  1. In the course of a long career, in which it has often been my duty to ask for a capital sentence, never have I felt that painful duty weigh so little on my mind as in the present case. In demanding a verdict of murder without extenuating circumstances, I am following not only the dictates of my conscience and a sacred obligation, but also those of the natural and righteous indignation I feel at the sight of a criminal devoid of the least spark of human feeling.
  2. For, in the first place, the assent to be given in such cases is recognized as being not irrevocable and irreversible, like the assent required in the case of definitive and infallible teaching, but merely provisional; and in the next place, internal assent is obligatory only on those who can give it consistently with the claims of objective truth on their conscience -- this conscience, it is assumed, being directed by a spirit of generous loyalty to genuine Catholic principles.
  3. " Conscience proof " of she xiang lin case refraction the embarrassed of criminal evidence in china.

case of conscience

n. 有关良心的问题,良心问题
case of conscience


specimen: 可与sample换用,但常指人或物中选出的有代表性部分,或指供科研、化验或检验用的标本。
illustration: 指用来说明、解释某种理论或看法而引用的例证。
case: 多指需要加以认真研究的实例,如病例,案例等。
example: 普通用词,指能代表同类事物性质或一般规律的典型例子。
instance: 多指用于说明、支持或反证一般事实或理论的事例。
sample: 通常指样品。

event: 重大事件
occasion: 场合,时刻,机关
indicate: 小事件
case: 事实,情况,实例