gum pocket是什么意思 gum pocket在线中文翻译

gum pocket

gum pocket 双语例句

  1. No. Only thing I had in my pocket was bubble gum two movie tickets.
  2. Clinical study on abutment dental Plague index, bleeding gum furrow Index, gum index, depth of periodontal pocket and tooth decay rate of removable partial dental prosthesis
  3. Never bite off out without a pack of chewing gum in his pocket.
  4. In one technique, called pocket depth reduction, the periodontist folds back the gum tissue, removes the bacteria, and secures the tissue into place so that it fits more tightly around the teeth.
  5. Changes in colour, loss of speckling, or abnormal sensitivity are early signs of gingivitis, in which pocket s form between the gum and teeth and become infected, with inflammation, bleeding, and, in severe cases, loss of teeth.
  6. Measuring just 2-1/4 inches long--smaller than a pack of gum--and sheathed in the famous Swiss Army red plastic, the MiniChamp II pocket knife is a toolbox and manicure kit small enough to fit into a pocket or clip onto a key ring.
    尺寸仅为 2-1/4英寸长-小於一包口香糖-和护套在著名的瑞士军队的红色塑料,MiniChamp二小刀是一个工具箱和修指甲工具包足够小,能够装到口袋或夹到一个钥匙圈。

gum pocket

gum pocket