guide pass是什么意思 guide pass在线中文翻译

guide pass

guide pass 双语例句

  1. In the palace of decorate, pass by is a technique to come to a decision the design, now is a design to guide the consumption and vogues!
  2. Introduced a kind to guide cartridge igniter detonator is new-style blow up equipment, have use security, the operation is simple, construction is convenient, pass explode wait for an advantage reliably, in a few blow up in the project by wide application.
  3. Analysed guide network of cartridge igniter detonate happens pass explode interrupt, occurrence refus explodes phenomenal reason, put forward to be in guide want to choose reasonable detonate network and detonator in the design of network of cartridge igniter detonate and construction paragraph not, strict engineering technology asks, undertake be protectived effectively to connecting contact.
  4. He often stays at home until tourists pass, and then he will greet them and show them the way; for the time being, he is the only full-time guide in the village.
  5. Young cadres can become worthy successors provided we select the right candidates, pass on our experience, help and guide them, and give them better training in our schools.
  6. The veteran cadres should pass on their experience to them, help and guide them and set a good example for them so that they will inherit and develop the Party's fine traditions of hard work and plain living and''.
  7. Holders of the Tourist guide Pass must wear the valid Pass on their chest while on duty.
  8. Highway 16 is also called the Yellowhead, after Tête Jaune, a blond-haired Iroquois trader and guide who opened up the first pass through the Rockies to what is now Prince George for the Hudson`s Bay Company in the early nineteenth century.
  9. Bo Qi said: Shi Jia was born in the cell, the chill in the passenger-door, door-blocking, gas can not pass, the bad blood is not spilled when the crash, leaving only to Pei and Japan in order to benefit, like a pregnant child, not to present Yueshi, Both born woman, and under the guide of Shi Jia, the equivalent of today's cervical cancer, that is, as this type of cancer of malignant diseases and diseases can be used under the lead of the therapy to treat.
  10. Bo Qi said: Shi Jia was born in the cell, the chill in the passenger-door, door-blocking, gas can not pass, the bad blood spilled when the diarrhea is not, Pei Only to stay and Japan in order to benefit, like a pregnant child, not to Yueshi today, women are born, and under the guide of the F-strong body, and the main agent in order to **, Wen-breaking Kennedy, served A, under the charge of a large black blood, a marginal decrease in pain, based on the original side before going into the next day his sister to come, about a medication, the patient suddenly collapsed, I do not know the personnel, and also hand-foot-cold for a blood clot, such as To a bowl, such as eggs are more than several, multi-color black blood, a short while, from hand-foot-Wen, mind-money gradually, to adjust the original, three months, patients with medication, no bloodshed, but even the next-dregs Matter, this morning under the rehabilitation debris large eggs, white color, such as the Kennedy Stone, left the toilet, but unfortunately not to send its laboratory analysis, in order to re-conditioning tonic, and January, to restore health, menstrual period should be to all Normal.
  11. Now The Machine does all that with one automated pass down an entire block following the guide wire.
  12. The invention discloses a light guide plate which comprises a light inlet surface, a light outlet surface opposite to the light inlet surface and a side face connecting the light inlet surface and the light outlet surface, wherein, each of the light inlet surface and the light outlet surface has a groove structure; each groove structure is formed after a rotary body is cut out from the light guide plate; the groove structure of the light inlet surface is called a first groove, while the groove structure of the light outlet surface is called a second groove; the rotary shafts of the first groove and the second groove pass through the centers of the light inlet surface and the light outlet surface of the light guide plate.
  13. This paper presents technical preparations, pass design, roll dressing, guide setting and reform of water-cooling line.
  14. As the bi-directional three-terminal thyristor can be double-guide-pass, so that none of the sub-anode and cathode.
  15. Third, a stable website advertising revenue, both the Association Connaught guide you, autonomy, and generally in the 100 yuan/about to play three days in the ancient city of about 600 yuan can be solved, while adding at least a thousand travel agents or more, while the self-tour, the boss will not give you the upset price, and easy to store owner with soliciting pass channeling partnership al.
  16. New type of the entry sliding guide of round pass on continuous bar mill
  17. The guide slowly led through the pass's jaws.
  18. In the Iron and Steel industry, roll guide equipment is a part in rolling product line. Pass and guide unit design of two-strands slitting rolling for Φ 16mm ribbed bar
  19. The characteristics of technology scheme, pass design, guide unit and loop of two-strands slitting rolling for Φ 16mm hot rolled ribbed bar were introduced. The output per shift was increased from 600t to 800 t.
  20. By using the reflection rate of the two surfaces of thin film to guide multiple velocity of light interference, the transmission light forms into a strength formula. The condition, which makes the positive incident light of the wavelength as λ to pass through completely was got.

guide pass 单语例句

  1. The TIC said after a meeting on Saturday that its Compliance Committee decided to immediately revoke Li's tourist guide pass.
  2. Roberto Carlos beat the offside trap with a run down the left and curled in a precise pass for Ronaldo to guide in unopposed.

guide pass

guide pass


guide: 普通用词,可与conduct换用,指引导者与被引导者双方彼此合作,共同努力的关系。
direct: 指为某人指方向,但自己不一定亲自引路,也可表示指导一群人的事或活动。
conduct: 正式用词,指引导某人去某处,强调亲自带领;也强调监督管理一群有共同目的或目标的人。
pilot: 从原义“为飞机、轮船导航”借喻为指亲自带领某人去某处。
lead: 指走在前面给某人引路或带路人共同去达到某一目标。用于抽象意义时,指在某项活动或运动中起主导和组织作用。

expire: 委婉用词。从本义“从肺部吐出气来”引申为吐出最后一口气,断气而死。
pass away: 是die的委婉用语。
perish: 书面用词,多指夭折或不幸暴亡。
die: 最普通用词,指某人或某物失去生命而永远不存在。
decease: 正式用词,多指法律上的用语。

elapse: 书面用词,指时间等不知不觉地逝去,含义比pass窄,常常侧重从某一特定时间到另一特定时间的过去。
pass: 最普通常用词,指岁月的流逝,某些自然现象或事情的过去。侧重其结果。