graduation field work是什么意思 graduation field work在线中文翻译

graduation field work

graduation field work 双语例句

  1. The article mainly discusses and proposes some measures to improving graduation thesis level of college students in chemistry specialized field, accumulation of fundament knowledge, how to getting into scientific research rapidly, how to assign a topic and carry the management work into execution.
  2. I am willing to work in the technical field in 3-5 years after the graduation.
  3. The reason I want to learn this profession because of education management from the urine of considerable interest in this field of education, parents who had been a teacher, because I like this education in this area so when they apply for college select the best one of the National Teacher Education institutions, Beijing Normal University attended the hope that after graduation to work in this field.
  4. In many state grants, you receive the grant with the agreement to work in your field for a certain amount of time after graduation.
  5. Graduation field work is a key teaching link in higher vocational education.
  6. Thanks to the growing importance of cyber security, both at the government and commercial level, many of these students will find work in the field upon graduation.
  7. The English major in Jingzhou Vocational College of Technology (JVCT) is entitled Applied English. Most of the students will work in the foreign trade field while some of them will become English teachers in middle schools after graduation.
  8. How raise the quality of paediatrics graduation field work
  9. While I don't plan on taking class there again, I believe that I will be doing quite a bit of work in that field after my graduation.

graduation field work

graduation field work


field: 主要指经选定在一段时间内作专题研究的方面或领域,含夸张意味。
territory: 指科学知识、活动等的领域或范围。
province: 即可指科学、艺术、学问的领域或范围,又可指个人或机关职权的管辖范围。
domain: 指知识艺术、兴趣或人类活动的领域。
sphere: 指有明显分界线的范围或领域,强调彼此不会干扰、跨越,各不相关。

work: 指任何种类的工作,也泛指职业。
vocation: 较正式用词,语气庄重,指长期从事,但不一定以此为主计的职业。
occupation: 泛指任何一种职业,既不分什么行业,也不管是脑力还是体力劳动。
employment: 指受雇于他人,领取工资以谋生计,有较固定工作的职业。
trade: 指需要有熟练技巧、技能和体力的职业。
profession: 以前常指要受过高等教育(尤指法律、医学和神学)才能获得的职业,现在一般指为谋生日的职业,尤指从事脑力劳动和受过专门训练,具有某种专业知识的职业。
career: 指经过专门训练,终身愿意从事的职业。
job: 通常指一切有收入,不分脑力与体力运动,不论是否有技艺的长期或临时的职业。

work: 最普通用词,含义广,指人们日常生活和工作中所从事的有目的的体力或脑力劳动。
task: 通常指分派给的任务,也指自愿的工作,但往往是艰巨或令人厌烦的工作。
job: 多用于口语,侧重指受雇用的,以谋生为目的工作,不论有无技术,也不管是零工或散工。

work: 干活,劳动
operate: 操作,动手术
manipulate: (为某一目的而)控制,影响(某人或某物)
run: 跑,开动(机器);
maneuver: 巧妙的移动或调动

speed up: 加速
work up: 逐步,发展