general grammar是什么意思 general grammar在线中文翻译

general grammar

general grammar 双语例句

  1. Basic English: a General Introduction with Rules and Grammar -- Summary of the original book.
  2. Results A effective and practical implementation of the general LR attributed grammar evaluator is presented.
    结果 给出了一个实用有效的通用LR属性计算器的实现。
  3. In grammar, English often use general or past the past, and the modal verb would, should, and so to express euphemism meaning.
  4. By the way of building a relationship between the general CFG and its corresponding one in Chomsky Normal Form, the rule probabilities of the former can be estimated.
    以上下文无关文法(Context-Free Grammar,简称CFG)为句法标注体系,设计并实现了对语料进行句法加工的工具。
  5. The first part analyzed the grammar attributions, semantic explanations and pragmatic functions of approximate number in Mandarin Chinese, put forward that " approximate number " belongs to the semantic category, and indicated a general, obscure quantity.
  6. , help EDI to overcome some its own shortcomings. Main aim of XML/EDI is using XML's grammar, flexible data structure and general tool to separate the data and business rule, therefore to replace the nowadays X12/EDIFACT with XML/EDI.
  7. Free indirect discourse is constructed by the substitution of those subjects, and the rules of substitution coincide with general grammar.
  8. Aim To study the implementing techniques of the general attributed grammar evaluator based on the bottom-up policy.
  9. Conclusion Combined with strong recognizing ability and mature automatic creation technique of the LR analyser, the implementing techniques of the general attributed grammar evaluator based on the bottom-up policy will be gained an extensive use.
  10. Implementing techniques of a general LR attributed grammar evaluator
  11. In this paper three typical teaching cases will be covered to find out the general learning method of SQL. And CAI platform can be developed based on the Chinese pseudocode library and SQL grammar standardization.
  12. Grammar schools offer general education in social studies and science.
  13. It aims to tackle the basic questions about spelling, punctuation, grammar and word usage that the student and the general reader are likely to ask.
  14. This person Wang Li " in Chinese versification " Today, to discuss the " grammar ", " word ", " rhetoric " and " structure ", contribute to the understanding of the general reader, but did not enter the aesthetic field.
  15. In grammar books and language textbooks, there seems to be a general agreement that they refer to a clear linguistic category which needs little definition.
  16. A general syntax analysis algorithm based on extended BNF grammar
  17. Based on the general principles of the theory of case grammar, this paper mainly studies the weakening of case marking in japanese.
  18. Construction Grammar aims to study the unity of language, including general rules of construction and some special constructions.
  19. The Universal Hypothesis holds that children are born with a set of Language Acquisition Device (LAD) or General Grammar, that we learn a language through activating LAD and emphasizes the creativity of learners themselves.
  20. The general procedures of translation are as follows: 1. analyze & analyze its surface structure from grammar and semantics;

general grammar

general grammar


usual: a.通常的,惯常的,强调"习惯性的,符合规章制度的",是个一般用语。
common: a.常见的,普通的,不足为奇的,有时引申为"平凡的",强调事物的共同性。另外,它还有"公共的,共同的"之意。
 ➤ Car accidents are a common occurrence.  

universal: a.普遍的,比general语气更强,有"全然没有例外"的意思。
 ➤ Poverty is a universal problem all over the world.  

general: a.普通的,一般的,表示涉及到各方面,强调整体性而非个别和例外,该词的反义词为particular。
 ➤ In general, the economy is doing well now.  

average: a.普通的,一般的,它强调的是一般水准或普通水准;通常在有数字出现的情况下,表示"平均的"。
 ➤ The average runner can run 2 miles in fifteen minutes.  

usual: 平常的,惯常的
ordinary: 平凡的,词义与common接近,指符合一般或常规事物标准或相同的规格,因而只具有普通的特性
common: 普通的,共有的,指从质量或品德上无特殊或显眼之处,属于大多数人或事物所具有的,常见的;
popular: 大众的,受欢迎的,指属于或代表大众的某事物,强调常见的,大众化的特征
normal: 正常的,正规的,指符合某种标准的
universal: 普遍的,有完全没有例外之意;
general: 一般的,普通的,含有例外情况较少之意或暗示包括全部同一范畴的事物;

usual: 指常见常闻和常做的事或举动,强调惯常性。
ordinary: 用于物,指每天发生,十分平淡无奇;用于人,指无特别之处,很一般。
common: 多用于指物,侧重很常见,不稀奇。
popular: 指适应大众爱好、需要,为大家所公认或接受。
universal: 与general同义,但语气较强,侧重对每个人或事物都适用,根本没有例外。
commonplace: 强调缺少新意。
general: 语气强于common,侧重大多如此,很少有例外情况。