general equilibrium theory是什么意思 general equilibrium theory在线中文翻译

general equilibrium theory

general equilibrium theory 双语例句

  1. The balance of payments theory (including price adjusting theory, income adjusting theory, elasticity approach, absorption approach, monetary approach, and policy-cooperating approach) provides a general theory and analytic method for analyzing the balance of payments and inside and outside equilibrium.
  2. As a result, the following findings are attained: under the Nee-classical Hypotheses, Uzawa's model of classical saving function cannot be broken by the introduction of the ratio saving function, which instead makes Uzawa's model of classical saving function and Solow's one-sector growth model become a special case of Uzawa's model of ratio saving function; in Uzawa's growth model, only by employing the theory of comparative advantage can it be explained that the capital intensity of the consumption sector is larger than that of the capital sector; and like the general equilibrium theory, the economic growth theory is not a macroeconomic one but a theory on relative price.
  3. In The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money (1936), John Maynard Keynes argued that market forces could produce an equilibrium with high unemployment of indefinite duration.
  4. The first chapter of this paper indicates the deficiencies of current views by comparing practices with theories on the bases of reviewing given literatures; The second chapter has summarized the four dominant factors that influence the change of corporate governance model, and has developed a general discussion frame through comparing the realistic change routes of developed country and developing country. The original equilibrium of corporate governance game, the players new judgment on information states, the net proceeds of changing strategies and the change of government preference determine the direction of corporate governance model changing; The third chapter illustrates meanings and main representations of economy globalization, analyses the influence and results of globalization on given four factors, suggests that efficiency theory of institutional competition and path dependence theory will embody simultaneously in corporate governance changing process. In the future, the change of corporate governance models will be finite convergence. The directorate structure, the principles and act of protecting stakeholders interests and incentive mechanism will converge on one model, while trait of diversity will embody in three aspects comprising choosing operator, dominate financing practice and ownership structure.
  5. In this paper, the social economic model is built by using expected utility theory to handle the uncertainty, random utility theory to handle the location choice action, general equilibrium model to handle effect on society caused by anti-disaster investment.
  6. The general equilibrium theory is not the patent of western economics.
  7. And (6) the theory of general equilibrium.
  8. This theory laid the foundations of one of the most important structure in economic science-the general equilibrium theory.
  9. Oligopoly Equilibrium Price of Price Competition Game with Reserved Utility in General Networks; 2. Oligopoly, Capital Structure and Asset Liquidity; 3. The theories probing into TNCs and FDI started in the 1960s and evolved from study of ownership specific momopoly and theory of oligopoly into internalization paradigm and international compromise theory of production.
  10. In this paper, a unified straight line penetrance theory of the spatial straight line family is proposed, and the problem about types of equilibrium equations of a rigid body under action of general spatial force system and its additional conditions is solved.
  11. The reference value of general equilibrium theory is near to zero.
  12. From the deep-seated reasons of principal-agent theory, the origin of capital-hiring-labor theory, general equilibrium entrepreneurial mode of the firm, appreciation of human capital and the moral hazard of agent, the paper attempts to show that co-governance is the best choice for a company.
  13. Then, from the view of the external finance premium, this paper analyses the theory of relationship between the corporate bond credit spread and economic growth by constructing partial equilibrium model and general equilibrium model.
  14. General equilibrium theory is considered as a starting point in building axiomatic logical system and it is used to powerfully analyze and explain real economic problems with introduction of additional term of institution frame.
  15. The central topic of this course is the theory of general equilibrium and its applications and extensions.
  16. General equilibrium theory is the most important part of modem economics and analysis method, and solving the general equilibrium is the foundation of economic analysis.
  17. This orthodoxy has emerged for good reason: economists have made genuine scientific breakthroughs, such as general equilibrium theory, game theory, portfolio optimisation and derivatives pricing models.
  18. And the game theory is first used in deriving the general equilibrium conditions of passenger satisfaction with rail passenger service.
  19. The Study of the International Capital Flow upon the Perspective of the General Equilibrium Theory
  20. This paper developed the partial equilibrium analysis of generalized value theory into a general one, and briefly summarized the origin and development of the general equilibrium analysis.

general equilibrium theory

general equilibrium theory


usual: a.通常的,惯常的,强调"习惯性的,符合规章制度的",是个一般用语。
common: a.常见的,普通的,不足为奇的,有时引申为"平凡的",强调事物的共同性。另外,它还有"公共的,共同的"之意。
 ➤ Car accidents are a common occurrence.  

universal: a.普遍的,比general语气更强,有"全然没有例外"的意思。
 ➤ Poverty is a universal problem all over the world.  

general: a.普通的,一般的,表示涉及到各方面,强调整体性而非个别和例外,该词的反义词为particular。
 ➤ In general, the economy is doing well now.  

average: a.普通的,一般的,它强调的是一般水准或普通水准;通常在有数字出现的情况下,表示"平均的"。
 ➤ The average runner can run 2 miles in fifteen minutes.  

usual: 平常的,惯常的
ordinary: 平凡的,词义与common接近,指符合一般或常规事物标准或相同的规格,因而只具有普通的特性
common: 普通的,共有的,指从质量或品德上无特殊或显眼之处,属于大多数人或事物所具有的,常见的;
popular: 大众的,受欢迎的,指属于或代表大众的某事物,强调常见的,大众化的特征
normal: 正常的,正规的,指符合某种标准的
universal: 普遍的,有完全没有例外之意;
general: 一般的,普通的,含有例外情况较少之意或暗示包括全部同一范畴的事物;

usual: 指常见常闻和常做的事或举动,强调惯常性。
ordinary: 用于物,指每天发生,十分平淡无奇;用于人,指无特别之处,很一般。
common: 多用于指物,侧重很常见,不稀奇。
popular: 指适应大众爱好、需要,为大家所公认或接受。
universal: 与general同义,但语气较强,侧重对每个人或事物都适用,根本没有例外。
commonplace: 强调缺少新意。
general: 语气强于common,侧重大多如此,很少有例外情况。