far field pattern是什么意思 far field pattern在线中文翻译

far field pattern

far field pattern 双语例句

  1. To reduce the complexity of design and fabrication cost it is necessary to analyze the basic characteristics of the antenna such as reflectance losses, gain, and far field radiation pattern to obtain good results.
  2. The far-field radiation pattern and its frequency dependence exhibit the possible application of the LHM in directive antenna technique.
  3. We have analyed the light beam quality、far field pattern、coupling efficiency of the devices.
  4. Through numerical calculation and analysis, the effects of structure parameters on far field pattern and threshold current density are studied.
  5. Measurement of single-mode fiber parameters by observation of far-field radiation pattern was introduced by Gambling et.
  6. The numerical calculation shows the variation process of output laser beam of unstable resonator from annular pattern on near field, with gradual transition of laser energy in the annular region to the beam's center, to Airy disk pattern on far field.
  7. Tikhonov regularization numerical method for recovering the shape of an obstacle from the information of time harmonic incident acoustic wave and far field pattern of the scattered wave with frequency in the resonance region is investigated.
  8. Recover the acoustic wave impedance coefficient from the incomplete data of the far field pattern
  9. Aim To recover the impedance coefficient from the far field pattern of the scattered wave of the acoustic scattering problem with impedance boundary condition.
  10. Through the correction of phase and amplitude weighting, the conformal antenna can generate required sum beam far-field pattern and meet the design specification.
  11. Influence of Satellite Retroreflector Precision on Far-Field Diffraction Pattern
  12. The authors have derived the space-time correlation functions of complex amplitude and intensity fluctuations for far-field diffraction region, with which the statistical properties of time-varying speckle pattern could be described completely.
  13. In the paper, the far-field radiation pattern of planar antenna array is analysed by the basic theory of planar antenna array and the port network theory, and has derived the corresponding formulas.
  14. Far field pattern numerical analysis of reflector antenna based on different grid forms Quadrilateral Mesh Generation Based on STL File Format Model and Mesh Smoothing
  15. Real-time measurement of two dimentional far field pattern for semiconductor lasers
  16. We realized the computation in inverse medium scattering problems with multi-experimental data of far field pattern. Moreover, the analytical result of that the selected regularized parameter in each iteration accord with Tikhonov regularization theory from a few of numerical experiments is stated.
  17. By cylindrical wave expansion method, the far field pattern of the theoretic analysis is gained for the use of cylindrical near-field data. Comparative analysis of simulated and calculated far-field pattern is given.
  18. In this paper the general formulas on calculating far-field for the Vee Dipole Antenna at the space are derived from method of curvilinear integration and the field pattern, the radiation resistance and the directivity are given.
  19. Pulse parameters and its influence on pulsed antenna measurements is presented in this paper. On the basis of the plane-wave theory of time-domain fields, formulae for time, frequency-domain far - field pattern and near-field far-field transformation is given.
  20. We establish three basic results about the far field pattern and far field operator in the case of conductive problem: reciprocity for the far field pattern and the normality and injectivity properties of the far field operator.

far field pattern

far field pattern


figure: 指呈现于整个表面的简单的几何图形或小型图案。
pattern: 一般指简单的重复图案,或整个装饰的格调或事物的布局,也指由一些相连图形拼成的较大图案。
design: 专指线条、轮廓、图案。强调设计的完美或有秩序。

distant: 语意最强,强调距离。
far: 除特殊情况外,侧重长距离。也可用作引申意义。
remote: 侧重指离中心地有利的地方很远。

field: 主要指经选定在一段时间内作专题研究的方面或领域,含夸张意味。
territory: 指科学知识、活动等的领域或范围。
province: 即可指科学、艺术、学问的领域或范围,又可指个人或机关职权的管辖范围。
domain: 指知识艺术、兴趣或人类活动的领域。
sphere: 指有明显分界线的范围或领域,强调彼此不会干扰、跨越,各不相关。