entre nous是什么意思 entre nous在线中文翻译

entre nous

entre nous 双语例句

  1. L'interprétation des évènements entre en action et nous donne une information: il précise le niveau d'attente que l'on a par rapport à soi.
  2. The picture by Van Gorkom is not very dirty. Entre nous, I have not seen it, but tell him I said it was not very dirty.
    Van Gorkom的画不是很脏(不要对别人说,我还没有看到,但是告诉他我说他的画不是很脏)。
  3. Entre nous, I think we are going to have a difficult time finding something for her, they say everywhere that she is too young, and they required German, too, but be that as it may, she certainly has a better chances here than in Holland.
  4. And Stephen, each in his own particular way, both instinctively exchanged meaning glances, in a religious silence of the strictly entre nous variety however, towards where Skin-the-Goat, alias the keeper, not turning a hair, was drawing spurts of liquid from his boiler affair.
  5. The juniors expect to win, but, entre nous, their chances are not too good.

entre nous [ˈɔntrəˈnu:]

na. 〈外〉不要对外人说
[网络] 一见钟情;我们之间;不跟别人说
entre nous