electric shock是什么意思 electric shock在线中文翻译

electric shock 英 [iˈlektrik ʃɔk] 美 [ɪˈlɛktrɪk ʃɑk]

复数形式:electric shocks

electric shock 词典解释


electric shock 网络解释

  1. 电击
    ...安规(SAFETY)测试实验室安规即安全标准规范,指的是通过安全的标准法规来避免或防止电子、电器产品对人体或者财产产生以下危险:电击(Electric Shock), 能量危险(Energy Hazards), 着火(Fire), 机械和热有关的危险(Mechanical and Heat Hazards),...
  2. 电震
    ...electric signal 电讯信号 | electric shock 电震 | electric resistance thermometer 电阻温度计...
  3. 触电
    ...electric voltage 电压 | electric shock 触电 | electric appliance 电器...
  4. 电击电震
    ...electric ship 电动船 | electric shock 电击电震 | electric smelting 电冶炼...

electric shock 英英释义

  1. a reflex response to the passage of electric current through the body
    e.g. subjects received a small electric shock when they made the wrong response
    e.g. electricians get accustomed to occasional shocks
    Synonym: electrical shock shock
  2. the use of electricity to administer punishment or torture
    e.g. they used cattle prods to administer electric shocks
  3. trauma caused by the passage of electric current through the body (as from contact with high voltage lines or being struck by lightning)
    usually involves burns and abnormal heart rhythm and unconsciousness

electric shock [iˈlektrik ʃɔk]

n. 触电;电击;电休克
[网络] 电震;电击危险;电击触电
electric shock


clash: 通常指两个或多个物体,特别是金属物发出刺耳声音或破裂声的撞击。也可引申指意见、利益等的冲突。
collision: 指物体相撞,其结果不是受损就是严重受阻。
impact: 正式用词,侧重指物体相撞的结果或接触点。
shock: 指强烈冲击在肉体上或思想感情上所产生的效果。

electrical: 多指本身不产生电,但是与电有关的。如:electrical engineering(电机工程);an electrical transcription(广播唱片)
electric: 着重于发电的,电动的或导电的。如:electric generator(发电机);electric light(电灯)
electronic: 电子的,电子操作的。如:electronic engineering(电子工程学)