earnings report是什么意思 earnings report在线中文翻译

earnings report

earnings report 双语例句

  1. Google, in its second-quarter earnings report that 52% of revenues come from overseas markets, with the acquisition of the Russian company ZAO Begun ad's success, Google will have little in this play of the new boxing show on stage Scuffle.
    谷歌在其第二季度财报中表示有52%的收入来自海外市场,随着并购俄罗斯的广告公司ZAO Begun的成功,谷歌将会在这个曾经鲜有发挥的新拳台上大展拳脚。
  2. Although earnings forecasts are so important, the relevant research is very limited compared with that of the earnings in the regular report in China. Since many issues leave with open, it's difficult for government to formulate the regulation policy on the disclosure of earnings forecasts.
  3. Lastly, by using the least-quadric multiplication to set up regression models, 5 indicators as independent variable and stock price as induced variable, I conduct the regression analysis the earnings quality and stock price of 6 periods report from 2000 to middle of 2003 of 555 profitable on the listed companies.
  4. The taxes that insurance companies pay - which increased materially, though on a delayed basis, upon enactment of the Tax Reform Act of 1986 took a further turn for the worse at the end of 1987. We detailed the 1986 changes in last year's report. We also commented on the irony of a statute that substantially increased 1987 reported earnings for insurers even as it materially reduced both their long-term earnings potential and their business value.
    去年在年报中详述刚通过的税负改革法案,使得保险公司支付的税负以递延渐进的形式大幅增加,这种情况在 1987 年更加恶化,讽刺的是虽然这个法案大大地影响到保险公司长期的获利与价值,却让保险公司短期的盈余数字格外亮丽,光是在伯克希尔 1987 年的盈余就增加了八百多万美金。
  5. The questions we have enumerated should be asked at least a week before an earnings report is released to the public. That timing will allow differences between the auditors and management to be aired with the committee and resolved. If the timing is tighter – if an earnings release is imminent when the auditors and committee interact – the committee will feel pressure to rubberstamp the prepared figures. Haste is the enemy of accuracy. My thinking, in fact, is that the SEC`s recent shortening of reporting deadlines will hurt the quality of information that shareholders receive. Charlie and I believe that rule is a mistake and should be rescinded.
  6. The questions we have enumerated shouldbe asked at least a week before an earnings report is released to the public. That timing will allow differences between the auditors and management to be aired with the committee and resolved. If the timing is tighter – if an earnings release is imminent when the auditors and committee interact – the committee will feel pressure to rubberstamp the prepared figures. Haste is the enemy of accuracy. My thinking, in fact, is that the SEC`s recent shortening of reporting deadlines will hurt the quality of information that shareholders receive. Charlie and I believe that rule is a mistake and should be rescinded.
  7. Your company lost a big client, the earnings report was awful and you blew a deal.
  8. First of all, some say the pressure to report earnings growth can lead to dishonest reporting.
  9. At the national level, it is an important source of both export earnings and tax revenue, said a report distributed by the Asia-Plus news agency.
  10. The report indicates that the acquisition, Panzhihua Steel Vanadium annual pro forma 2008 earnings forecast for 2008 net profit of 1.44 billion yuan, which is lower than in 2007 audited data 1.694 billion yuan, a new equity, compared with 1.701 billion shares, in addition to warrants the right of the forthcoming 737, 000, 000 shares.
  11. Thus, should we own 10% of Corporation X with earnings of $10 million in 1980, we would report in our earnings (ignoring relatively minor taxes on intercorporate dividends) either $1 million if X declared the full $10 million in dividends; $500, 000 if X paid out 50%, or $5 million, in dividends; or zero if X reinvested all earnings.
    最后若是持股比例低于20%,则依照会计原则,投资公司仅能认列被投资公司实际发放的股利部份,至于保留而不发放的部份盈余则不予理会,也因此假若我们持有一家X 公司10%的股份,又假设X公司在1980 年共计赚了1,000万美金,若X公司将盈余全部发放,则我们可认列100万的利益,反之若X公司决定保留全部盈余不予发放,则我们连一毛钱都不能认列。
  12. The last earnings report showed that sales into China have become a major driver of growth for DuPont worldwide.
  13. LU Hong our senior expert was informed that the High Pressure Boiler Tube: the recent disclosure of the semi-annual report shows that during the reporting period, the company produced a total of 2, 306, 700 tons iron, 2, 777, 100 tons of steel, billet wood products 3, 189, 600 tons; the achievement of operating income 12267000000 million, operating profit -5.48 billion, attributable to the parent company of the owner of -5.98 billion net profit, earnings per share -0.648 million.
  14. Zhen Xing our senior expert was informed that the High Pressure Boiler Tube: the recent disclosure of the semi-annual report shows that during the reporting period, the company produced a total of 2, 306, 700 tons iron, 2, 777, 100 tons of steel, billet wood products 3, 189, 600 tons; the achievement of operating income 12267000000 million, operating profit -5.48 billion, attributable to the parent company of the owner of -5.98 billion net profit, earnings per share -0.648 million.
  15. And that`s what you need in the markets - a system for finding trades, setting stops, establishing profit targets - all the while paying attention to a heavy truck headed toward you in the shape of a Federal Reserve announcement or a kid on a tricycle in the form of a disappointing earnings report.
  16. Give that professional image to your Sub-Contractors with weekly payroll summary sheets, showing year to date 1099 earnings and week to date earnings on each report that you include along with their payroll.
  17. In particular, the report recommended that (1) limitations be imposed on expenses in writing new life insurance business, (2) policyholders be paid annually on participating policies, (3)insurers be limited on the amount of earnings on participating policies could be accumulated as surplus (and not be distributed to participating policyholders), and (4) life insurers be prohibited from investing in stocks and engaging in underwriting activities.
  18. Earnings management means to control or adjust the information of the financial income in the report in order to maximize the interest.
  19. Wanbang Accountant Office, Lishui, Zhejiang 324000, China Abstract: Earnings management means to control or adjust the information of the financial income in the report in order to maximize the interest.
  20. Having survived the crisis with government support, the bank is expected to report strong second quarter earnings today.

earnings report 单语例句

  1. Investors will have their first chance to respond on Tuesday, when Apple is also scheduled to report quarterly earnings after the market closes.
  2. The report says road injuries cost one to two percent of national earnings in many less developed nations.
  3. " We believe this rate hike is modestly positive for insurers'earnings and embedded value, " Goldman Sachs Group Inc said in a report dated Wednesday.
  4. China's listed companies are poised to report their biggest drop in earnings in at least two years.
  5. The Chinese mainland represented about 10 percent of earnings at AIA, according to the Credit Suisse report.
  6. The company will release its financial report for 2011 in March, but said earnings doubled in 2010.
  7. The company will earmark 165 million yuan for raspberry keton and leaf alcohol plants projects, it said in the earnings report.
  8. BoCom is the first major mainland lender to report first half earnings, with Industrial and Commercial Bank of China set to follow today.
  9. The report also said subsidies and other forms of government welfare contributed the lion's share of the earnings of people employed in monopoly industries.
  10. US solar players including First Solar Inc are scheduled to report quarterly earnings this week, with Chinese and German companies'results also in the offing.

earnings report [ˈɜ:nɪŋz riˈpɔ:t]

un. 收益报表
[网络] 收益报告;财报
earnings report


fee: 指提供某种服务收取的固定费用。
earnings: 多指通过劳动或投资等手段所得到的收入。
wage: 多用复数形式,指按小时、日或星期的报酬,通常指体力劳动者的工资。
allowance: 指收入中的补贴部分。
income: 与earnings含义很相近,但前者强调总收入。
pay: 是个通用词,可取代salary与wage.
salary: 指按年定下,按月或星期平均给予的报酬,指脑力劳动者的薪水。

report: 正式用词,多指报刊上的报道,强调对情况经过调查或审核后作出的详尽叙述,具有一定权威性。
account: 普通用词,不如report正式,侧重对亲身经历或目睹之事所作的书面或口头的报道或叙述。

lecture: 侧重带学术性的演讲。
speech: 普通用词,指一般的发言或讲话,可以是事先准备的,也可以是即席的。
oration: 常指在特殊场合,辞藻华丽,形式庄重,旨在激发听众感情的正式演说。
address: 正式用词,指在庄严隆重的场合作精心准备的演讲或正式演说。
report: 一般是指下级给上级或负责人给委托机关的书面或口头报告。
talk: 常用词,强调非正式讲话,讲话方式一般较为自由。