draw a distinction between是什么意思 draw a distinction between在线中文翻译

draw a distinction between

draw a distinction between 双语例句

  1. We must draw a distinction between the referee cheating and a player's devious act.
  2. Can you draw a distinction between these two approaches They sound so similar to me.
  3. The Ministry of Education, after years of indecisiveness over how to manage the rapid growth of hybrid state-private facilities, is now trying to draw a clearer distinction between them and their parent bodies.
  4. But, in consequence of modern controversies regarding grace, it has become usual and necessary in theology to draw a sharper distinction between the transient help to act and the permanent state of grace.
    不过,后果是现代的争论就恩典,它已成为与平日一样,有必要在神学得出一个更加锐利区分暂态有助於法和永恒的恩典( sanctifying宽限期)。
  5. And at the risk of repetition we must again draw attention to the distinction between faith as a purely intellectual habit, which as such is dry and barren, and faith resident, indeed, in the intellect, but motived by charity or love of God, Who is our beginning, our ultimate end, and our supernatural reward.
  6. Our national treasury legislation should update the conventional ideas and draw a clear distinction between the basic concepts such as national treasury, public treasury and so on. At the same time, we should understand comprehensively the national treasury`s function.
  7. The Japanese prime minister has become embroiled in a public relations disaster after remarks this month in which he appeared to draw a distinction between direct coercion by Japan's military and what he said was the use of middlemen to recruit sex slaves.
  8. We must draw a clear distinction between ourselves and the enemy.
  9. Although we try hard to draw a sharp dividing line between civil service and government the distinction can often become blurred.
  10. It is often hard to draw a clear distinction between investment and labour income, especially for top earners.
  11. It is important to draw a distinction between natural language processing (NLP) and specific n-gram grammars.
  12. The great difficulty lies in attempting to draw a distinction between individual culpability, when you should let an institution go bust, and the risk of systemic failure that might have desperately serious consequences.
  13. The intrinsic feature expresses the temporal distribution of the event and provides an important motivation to draw a distinction between semantic categories of verbs and syntax combinatorial rules.
  14. He read it aloud from daybreak till noon as he faced the square before the Water Gate in the presence of the men, women and others who could understand. He draw a quite artificial distinction between men and women reader.
  15. I think you`ll be able to draw a distinction between the two.
  16. I think youll be able to draw a distinction between the two.
  17. It's important to draw a distinction between the two ideas.
  18. Eg. It's important to draw a distinction between the two ideas.
  19. Are you able to draw a distinction between a bad day and a bad situation?
  20. It's important to draw a distinction between the policies of the leaders and the views of their supporters.

draw a distinction between 单语例句

  1. It has been always the policy of our party and government to draw a clear distinction between the few militarists and Japanese people.

draw a distinction between

v. 在…之间划分
[网络] 区分;划清…与…的区别
draw a distinction between


among: 指三者或三者以上的同类事物之间。
between: 多指两者之间,但现代英语中也可指三者或三者以上,表示彼此间清楚的独立的个体关系。
amid: 正式用词,侧重指在某个地方的中间或被某个东西包围着或在非同类人中间。
amongst: 与among同义,是among的变体。一般说来among总能替代amongst, 而amongst则不然。

difference: 普通用词,可指事物本质上的差异或数量上的差额,也可指事物在某一方面的差别,还可指人们之间的不同意见。
distinction: 较正式用词,除指事物在本质上的差别外,还指在某一方面或某一细节上的区分,要在认真观察、研究后才易觉察。
discrimination: 侧重指在判断、见识方面的差别,也可指待遇上的区别。
discrepancy: 多用于言论和记述方面,指两物之间缺乏使之相似或平衡的协调。

draw: 指将人或物朝出力者的方向拖,不涉及力的大小,含平稳意味,常作借喻用。
jerk: 指快而突然地拉。
tow: 特指用绳子或链条等拖或拉本身无动力或无法使用自身动力的东西。
pull: 最普通用词,包含本组其它各词的一些意思,可指朝各个方向拉,侧重一时或突然拉动的动作。
drag: 指沿斜坡而上或水平方向缓慢地拖或拉十分沉重的人或物。作借喻时可指把人硬拉扯过来。
haul: 指用力拖或拉,不涉及方向,多作航海用词。
tug: 多指一阵阵地用力拖或拉,但不一定使被拉的人或物移动。