drainage port是什么意思 drainage port在线中文翻译

drainage port

drainage port 双语例句

  1. For those non-competitive and non-exclusive sheer public utilities, such as air control, city illumination, city public security, etc., the direct investment of city finance is the only mode of provision; as to those infrastructure projects that have obvious crossed the border of the city, such as port, airport, drainage area control, etc. the government of one city or one location can hardly bear the financial burden independently. The main mode of provision for these projects is joint investment of central finance and city finance, directional subsidy of the central finance, the supporting fund provided by city finance or the issuance of city construction bond; for those naturally monopolized products represented by water, electricity, pipe gas, etc., due to its large scale of production, the more concentrated is the production, the lower is the cost of the production. Governmental direct investment or governmental control, such as price control and market-entrance control, can be adopted. For those public utilities that have the quality of redistribution, such as basic education, public sanitation, residence of people of low income, etc., the government can effectively increase the actual income of the people of low income by free education, sanitary improvement, allowance, etc.; for those that have the character of quasi-public utility, such as city road and traffic, their characters as common commodity make it possible to introduce market mechanism.
  2. Is specialized in chemical storage and transportation of oil equipment manufacturers of high-tech enterprises, the company leading port marine products are working arm; rail, road tanker loading and unloading of the crane, ladder activities; universal connector; Floating unloading device; Tank central drainage system and respiratory valves, Zuhuo-tank, and other accessories.
  3. The institute has now finished almost 1000 engineering projects both at home and abroad, including almost all the projects such as the docks, sliding way of building berth, and piers of domestic large scale shipyards, the maritime engineering projects of over 80% medium and small scale shipyards, and various overseas maritime projects; the maintenance projects of foundation pits of such renowned buildings in Shanghai as Oriental Pearl, Security Exchange Building, Bund Financial Center, Global Financial Center in Lujiazui in Pudong, Zhendan Building etc; more than 70% of major river dredging projects and near-port water sluice gate projects in recent two years; Yellow River pipeline of west-to-east gas project, various river-spanning large diameter pipeline projects, and the water supply and drainage projects of many power plants in Hebei and Guangxi provinces and areas along the Changjiang River.
  4. Research on the solution of seepage free surface to the port shores in Three Gorges reservoir Optimization of Port Bank Slope Drainage Technique in Three Gorges Area
  5. Influence of the distance of plastic drainage plate upon time and cost in TianJin Port Area improved by vacuum preloading
  6. Being the biggest or important river port city in the drainage basin; being the central city with significance of the whole basin.

drainage port

drainage port


port: 重心在陆地,包括其所在的城市,port city
harbor: 重心在水,指停泊船只、装卸货物的天然或人工港口,为避风港湾
dock: 码头

port: 多指人工港口,还可指有港口的市。
seaport: 指港埠。
harbour: 一般用词,指停泊船只、装卸货物的天然或人工港口。
pier: 专指与海岸成直角形而突出的码头,可供旅客,货物上下船或供人散步用。
wharf: 指船只停泊装卸货物的码头。