dirichlet是什么意思 dirichlet在线中文翻译


Dirichlet 词典解释

形容词[计] 狄利克雷的

Dirichlet 双语例句

  1. The finite dimension approximating solution for initial-boundary value problem of coupling nonlinear system of hyperbolic equation is constructed by orthogonal basis of characteristic value sequence of the Laplace operator in the Dirichlet boundary conditions.
  2. Basing on the Dirichlet tessellation and Voronoi diagram theory, the Voronoi cells were defined by thier tessellated points and the peculiar arithmetic mapping particles to cells satisfied the statistical requirements of DSMC method.
  3. We will use the method provided by Cai to deal with it. Also, we will discuss the Lagrange multipliers method to conquer it. Based on the analysis for the combination of non-overlapping DDM and RBF meshless method, we find that the convergent rate of meshless Dirichlet-Neumann iteration dramatically depend on the density h, while the Robin iteration is lack of information about the convergent rate.
  4. In this paper, we study the convergences and the growth of bi-random Dirichlet series by the strong law of large number s for independent and non-equally distributed random variables, and obtain some new result.
  5. To this end, we generalize the results and get the sufficient and necessary conditions for the sum of two or countably many Dirichlet forms to be regular or quasi-regular.
  6. In the 19th century, Dirichlet is a German mathematician, Who built the number theory of rational number by Drawer principle firstly. then, his theory spread extensively in the corners of the world.
  7. The numerical results indicate that the generalized Dirichlet distribution should be a reasonable prior, and the computation in forecasting coproduct output is relatively straightforward with respect to the approximation approach.
  8. The linear sampling method for the inverse scattering problem of acoustic waves is based on the fact that: a linear integral equation of first kind-far field equation including a parameter has an unbounded solution as the parameter approaches the scattering boundary from inside.
  9. Within this context, four specific areas are addressed:(1) By means of finite integration technique, a new kind of the first order partial difference equation is derived from the original disperse transmission line equation of the uniform waveguide's. As it is the kind of one dimension Dirichlet's boundary problem, it is convenient for us to solve this equation from the leapfrog scheme. Because computation is carried out in one dimension, both high calculation efficiency and precision have been obtained in this method. Meanwhile, this method provide us a different selection to simulate the transient response of waveguide with non-simplical, for examples cylinder and elliptic waveguide, and avoid solving the second order equation, or using finite difference time domain to simulate a three dimension problem, sometimes the latter precision is not satisfied with the need, or low efficiency.
  10. This article discusses the analyzing nature of Dirichlet function and Riemann function.
  11. In this paper, firstly, by using the supersolution and subsolution principle. we prove the existence of the solutions of the equation, we also prove that the solutions have good smoothness, we prove that the solutions are radially symmetric mature by using the Gidas-Ni-Nirenberg theorem, that is to say, no matter which direction, the solutions will have the same value if they have the same distance from the center, in this way, we are able to invert PDE into Lane-Emden equation, we give a form of expression.
  12. In this paper we mainly utilize super and sub solution techniques, use comparision principle and construct appropriate supersolution and subsolution by eigenfunctions to discuss two kinds of nonlocal nolinear parabolic systems with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary condition.
  13. In part one, we dissuss the Galerkin method and error estimate for first-kind boundary integeral equation derived by forrowing exterior Dirichlet problems Then result in superconvergent results by Least-squares processing.
  14. In the view of pragmatic implement, the theoretical framework of our proposed condition for spatial boundaries indeed can be reduced to the hybrid formulation of nudging filter, radiation condition taking account of ambient forcing, together with Dirichlet kind of compatible boundary condition to the observations prescribed in data assimilation procedure.
  15. In this dissertation, we compute and visualize multiple solutions of the boundary valueproblem of the Henon equation on the disk of planewhereΩis a unit circle, ?
  16. By using the spatial finite sine and cosine transform, and the temporal Laplace transform, the existence of the analytic solutions of its initial-boundary problems in a boundedspace domain with Dirichlet and Neumann boundary conditions is derived.
  17. It is proved that transient and recurrent are invariant under h-trasformation of symmetric Dirichlet forms.
  18. This method allows for a more accurate processing of boundary condition on the semiconductor layer in XLPE cable of stator winding than the standard finite element, so that the interlaminated issue of boundary condition on interface can be avoided. A general algorithm is applied to deal with both the Dirichlet and the periodic boundary condition in 2D or 3D magnetic field problem.
  19. , for the Random Dirichlet series with order ρ(0 < ρ < ∞), there is at least a Borel line of order ρ without finite exceptional value in every horizontal strip of width $ πρ $ a. s..
  20. Linear Sampling Method for Reconstructing the Acoustic Scattering Region with Dirichlet Boundary


n. 狄利克雷(男子名);边界条件