dichroic filter是什么意思 dichroic filter在线中文翻译

dichroic filter

dichroic filter 双语例句

  1. The performance of multiwavelength Yb-doped double-clad fiber lasers is analyzed based on a FabryPerot flter, and the wavelength dependence of reflectivity of dichroic mirror in the filter has been taken into account. It is found that the reflectivity of DCF facets and dirchroic mirror can obviously influence the performance, and there is an optimal value of the reflectivity of DCF facets.
  2. Multiple depositions of patterns to different filter types, including dichroic, can be aligned with remarkable micron-scale precision and repeatability.
  3. The camera design is implemented by the achromatic focal reducer well-designed for very wide wavelength band from optical to the near-infrared, and make some new attempts with wedged dichroic beam splitter non-refrigerated optical-filter wheels and refraction dithering system.

dichroic filter [daiˈkrəuik ˈfiltə]

dichroic filter