density specific impulse是什么意思 density specific impulse在线中文翻译

density specific impulse

density specific impulse 双语例句

  1. Arcjet is one of the highlight of electric propulsion investigation and application because of its high thrust density, high ratio of thrust and power, preferable specific impulse, better system successiveness and reliability.
  2. At present, arcjet has been the highlight of investigation and application because of its high thrust density, high ratio of thrust and power, preferable specific impulse, better system successiveness and reliability.
  3. The optimized geometry with 〓 symmetry is concavecage structure in which one N atom of each pentagon is concave rather than theconvex sphere of 〓 cluster. This concave-inward change is caused by therepulsion between the lone pair electrons of each nitrogen atom in the 〓.Estimates are given of the density of condensed-phase 〓, along with predictedvalues of its detonation velocity, detonation pressure and specific impulse.
  4. Hydrogen peroxide/azido-amine combination is hypergolic bipropellant with high density specific impulse.
  5. The optimization design variables were the combustor pressure, mixture ratio, and the outlet pressure of pipe. The optimization objectives were engine specific impulse, payload, engine weight, engine density specific impulse, flight speed at shutting down and engine compositive density.
  6. However, its lower density specific impulse than liquid oxygen/kerosene engine, inferior safety than kerosene and lower performance than liquid oxygen/liquid hydrogen engine, altogether has limited the development and application of liquid oxygen/methane engine.
  7. Gradual engine can meet the needs of specific impulse and density specific impulse of single stage to orbit (SSTO) because the propulsion combination was changed gradually.
  8. The results present thrust, specific impulse and thrust efficiency of the thruster under various environmental pressures, as well as impulse density distribution on the exit plane.
  9. Hydrogen peroxide / azido-amine combination is hypergolic bipropellant with high density specific impulse.
  10. At the atmospheric environment, the coupling coefficient for PVC target containing 20% nano-zinc powder increases first and then decreases with the increase of laser power density, and the specific impulse is not even better than that for PVC targets doped with the higher melting-point metals, such as, Fe and Ni.

density specific impulse

density specific impulse


specific: 侧重指具体的细节,是与general(一般),vague(模糊)相对的具体。
concrete: 指通过感官能看到、听到、触到的具体东西。其反义词是abstract。

specific: 强调内容明确,毫不抽象、笼统。
explicit: 指清楚明白,毫不含糊其辞,因而无任何理解困难。
definite: 指对所提到的事的范围及其细节毫无疑问,含有明确和确定界限的意味。
express: 语气较强,较正式,指不但清楚明确,而且含有直截了当和有力等的意思。

peculiar: 强调指与众不同或独特的意思。
especial: 和special含义很接近,较正式,但侧重有特殊的意义或重要性。
specific: 着重指某种、某类事物具有的特殊或特定的属性,也可指专门提出作特别考虑的事物。
particular: 侧重不同于普遍性的个性或特殊性。
special: 普通用词,指不同于一般、与众不同,着重事物的专门性,突出与一般不同。
exceptional: 指不同于一般,本身是特别的或异常的事物。
extraordinary: 语气比exceptional强,指极大地超过一般或正常情况。